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たぶんこれ以前にも文章があるのでしょうね。 そこではすでにNASAが出てきているはずです。 今回の文章ではNASAは2段目に出てきますが、これによりこの文章全体の主人公はNASAだということが分かります。 結果として、theyはNASA、the findingsは「NASAの調査結果」を著わしていることが分かります。





  • theがついたりつかなかったり全然分かりません

    The two major causes of global warming are deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels. (地球温暖化の2つの主要な原因は、森林の伐採と化石燃料の燃焼である) 質問 なぜtwoにtheがついているのですか?また、なぜglobal warmingにはtheがつかないのですか?それから、なぜburningにはtheがついて、deforestationにはtheがつかないのですか?何にtheをつけたりつけなかったりするのか全然分かりません。

  • 訳お願いしますm(._.)m

    和訳お願いします! (1)Biomass is a form of energy source, which can be made from any kind of vegetation-trees, grass, leaves, or ocean plants. (2)Of course, burning biomass emits carbon dioxide into the air. (3)However, when we use biomass fuel, we are burning carbon dioxide that was once in the air, but was taken in by the plants. (4)So the total amount of carbon dixide in air is not increased. (5)On the other hand, fossil fuels such as coal and oil are formed from decayed animals and plants that lived millions of years ago. (6)When we burn them, there is an increase in the amount of carbon dixide in the air, which causes the greenhouse effect.

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    ちょっと練習してきたので以前よりはよくなってると思います。また環境についての自由英作文です。 「今日の環境問題について100語程度の英語で書きなさい」 The disadvantage of technological advances is that they have caused various environmental problems. One of the greatest inventions is automobile, but now automobile exhaust provides one of the major causes of pollution. For example, it contributes to acid rain and this kills many trees in many areas of the world. And the burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas gives off too much carbon dioxide. This leads to the global warming. In reality, it seems to be the most serious problems we face. It is high time all countries in the world worked together to save our earth by reducing the greenhouse effect. 細かい部分も見ていただけると大変助かりますが、何せ長いのでまずは文章の論理展開がつながっているかを見ていただけたらと思います。あとは冠詞が自信ないのでそこも見ていただけると幸いです。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳お願いします

    1. they use energy from light to combine carbon dioxide and water to make food. 2. its energy causes water drawn from the soil to split into atoms of hydrogen and oxygen.

  • いきなり失礼します。

    いきなり失礼します。 今度、初めてプレゼンをするので英語でスクリプトを書いたのですが、 はずかしながら自信がありません。 申し訳ないのですが、どなたか 変なところを直していただけませんか? よろしくお願いします。 Do you know global warming? The global warming is the average temperature and water temperature of sea are rising phenomenon. It is a center of environmental problems in the world. It’s since 1980. Many countries are doing measure for global warming. Because the global warming has a big influence on the entire earth. It can be said that global warming is a cause of various environmental problems, and result. Big cause of global warming is carbon dioxide as know to us. Then , how will carbon dioxide makes the global warming. It is because carbon dioxide has the characteristic of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases is a gas with working that confines heat on an atmospheric inside in the atmosphere. As for the earth, the atmosphere and sea are warmed by light from the sun. Heat by this sunlight is naturally cooled. But, the greenhouse gases stops this heat. The abatement of emission of carbon dioxide is done all over the world, as measures for controlling global warming for this characteristic. So, it can be said that the earth today is in the state wrapped in greenhouse. The problem of the global warming is not only rising of the temperature. It is that, the balance of the climate collapses.

  • この英文を訳してください

     On August 19, 2000, the New York Times reported that an icebreaker cruise ship had reached the North Pole only to discover this famous frozen site was now open water. For a generation that grew up reading the harrowing accounts of explorers such as American Richard Byrd trying to reach the North Pole as they battled bitter cold, ice, and snow, this new view taxed the imagination.  In its many earlier trips to the North Pole, the cruise ship had allowed passengers to disembark in order to be photographed standing on the ice. This time, the ship had to move several miles away to find ice thick enough for the photo session. If the explorers of a century or so ago had been trekking to the North Pole in the summer of 2000, they would have had to swim the last few miles.  Media reports of melting ice typically focus on individual glaciers or ice caps, but the ice is melting almost everywhere. Given that the 14 warmest years since recordkeeping began in 1866 have all occurred since 1980, this does not come as a surprise.   Water shortages are also in the news. Some of the world's major rivers are being drained dry, failing to reach the sea. Among them is the Colorado, the major river in the southwestern United States. In China, the Yellow River, the northernmost of the country's two major rivers, no longer reaches the sea for part of each year. In Central Asia, the Amu Darya sometimes fails to reach the Aral Sea because it has been drained dry by upstream irrigation.  Wells are going dry on every continent. As population expands and incomes rise, the demand for water is simply outrunning the supply in many countries. Those with money drill deeper wells, chasing the water table downward. Those unable to deepen their wells are left in a difficult position. The situation promises to become far more precarious, since the 3.2 billion people being added to world population by 2050 will be born in countries already facing water scarcity. With 40 percent of the world food supply coming from irrigated land, water scarcity directly affects food security. If we are facing a future of water scarcity, we are also facing a future of food scarcity. Since agriculture began, the earth's climate has been remarkably stable. Now the earth's temperature is rising, apparently due to the greenhouse effect—the warming that results from the rising concentration of heat-trapping gases, principally carbon dioxide (CO2), in the atmosphere. This rise in CO2 concentration comes from two sources: the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Each year, more than 6 billion tons of carbon are released into the atmosphere as fossil fuels are burned. Estimates of the net release of carbon from deforestation vary widely, but they center on 1.5 billion tons per year. The release of CO2 from these two sources is simply overwhelming nature's capacity to fix carbon dioxide. When the Industrial Revolution began in 1760, carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels were negligible. But by 1950, they had reached 1.6 billion tons per year, a quantity that was already boosting the atmospheric CO2 level. In 2000, they totaled 6.3 billion tons. (See Figure 2-1.) This fourfold increase since 1950 is at the heart of the greenhouse effect that is warming the earth. The carbon emissions of individual fossil fuels vary. Coal burning releases more carbon per unit of energy produced than oil does, and oil more than natural gas. The global fleet of 532 million gasoline-burning automobiles, combined with thousands of coal-fired power plants, are literally the engines driving climate change. In addition, in recent years the world has been losing 9 million hectares of forest per year. Forests store easily 20 times as much carbon per hectare as does land in crops. If the net loss of forests can be eliminated, this source of carbon emissions will disappear. In the northern hemisphere, the forested area is actually increasing by 3.6 million hectares a year.

  • 次の英文を読んで質問に答えてください

    Fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are described an non-renewable, ( ) the reserves are finite and are not regenerated.Nuclear power also comes from a non=renewable fuel, uranium(although this is not a fossil fuel).Because of the harmful effects of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and other pollutant emissions produced when fossil fuels burn, these fuels have a significant and harmful environmental impact.Nuclear power raises the problematic issues of the disposal of radioactive waste and the devastation that would result from a nuclear accident, however unlikely this may seem to the advocates of nuclear power. 1,( )に入る最も適切な語句を選んでください。 rather,although,because,nonetheless 2,英文にもっとも合う見出しを選んでください。 How non-renewable fuels affect the environment Nuclear power and environment-friendly fuels Nuclear power and its superiority over fossil fuel The dwindling reserves of non-renewable fuels 3,5行目の真ん中あたりのraisesをほかの語に置き換えても意味が変わらないものを選んでください ingests transcends encourages involves 3,the devastation that would result from a nuclear accident, however unlikely this may seem to the advocates of nuclear power.の和訳として最も適切なものを選んでください。 実際に原子力事故が起こった時、結果的に推進派がいなくなるほどの惨状になる可能性。 いかに起こり得ないように推進派には思えても、実際に原子力事故が起こった場合には引き起こされてしまう参上。 推進派は一見すると原子力事故はどれも似てないをいうが、実際に起これば結果として大惨事になるという共通点。 原子力事故が起きた結果、大惨事がもたらされるかもしれないが、こういった事故は推進派にとっては類似性がないように見えるものだ。 この質問に補足する

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    THIRTY-FIVE years ago, Frances Moore Lappé's revolutionary cookbook "Diet for a Small Planet" warned of the dire consequences of a growing taste for meat. For example, it takes up to 16 times more farmland to sustain people on a diet of animal protein than on a diet of plant protein. As US, European, and Asian farmers run out of land for crop expansion, her warning rings prophetic. The emerging meat-eaters of the emerging economies -- especially China -- are driving industrial agriculture into the tropical forests of South America, sending greenhouse gases skyward in a dangerous new linkage between the palate and the warming of the planet. Tropical forests contain a wealth of plant and animal species. But they are also a giant, volatile reservoir of carbon that must remain largely intact in order to bring global warming under control. The wood of these magnificent ecosystems stores more than 400 billion tons of carbon, dwarfing the more than 7 billion tons of fossil fuel carbon burned each year. This reservoir is leaking carbon dioxide into the atmosphere at the rate of 1-2 billion tons of carbon per year through the cutting and burning of rainforest. When agricultural fires escape into neighboring tropical forests during particularly dry years, another billion tons or two can slip into the sky.

  • 長文の和訳を至急お願いいたします!

    Carbon trading has its roots in the Kyoto Protocol. This is the international agreement to reduce levels of industrial gases believed to cause climate change. Many scientiste link warmer temperatures to carbon dioxide and other pollutants. Carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere when oil and other carbon-based fuels are burned. Under the Kyoto Protocol, companies have an allowance. This is the amount of carbon dioxide they are permitted to release. Companise can go over their limit. But they must buy credits from companies that have more than they need. These are compaines that have not used all oh their allwance. Each credit permits the holder to release one ton of carbon dioxied into the atmosphere. Carbon credits have been traded unofficially since 2003. Since then, the price of a credit has risen by about 40 percent. The European Union will soon require factories and power stations in the twenty-five member countries to use the system. A program called the European Emissions Trading Scheme took effect on January 1st, 2005. Only companies in industries that produce large amounts of carbon dioxide must take part in the system. But anyone can buy carbon credits in financial markets. Other exchange in Europe have also started trading the credits. Experts say the market could grow to $1,900,000,000 by 2010. A group of companies created the Chicago Climate Exchange in 2003. But carbon trading in the United States is not based on legal limits, as in Europe. About one hundred thirty nations have signed the Kyoto Protocol. The United States has not approved it. This is largely because big developing countries like China and India are not required to make the same cuts as wealthier nations. But enough nations have approved the Kyoto Protocol for the teraty to take effect. It aims to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide produced in the world to levels below those recorded in 1990. This supposed to happen by 2012. エキサイト翻訳などは使わずにお願いします。 スペルミスがありましたら、お知らせください。 急ぎなのでわがままですがなるべく早く回答をくださると嬉しいです。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 Scientists and statisticians reject this sort of selective use of numbers, and when they calculate the long-term temperature trends for the earth, they conclude that it continues to warm through time. Despite the recent lull, it is an open question whether the pace of that warming has undergone any lasting shift. What to make of it all? We certainly cannot conclude, as some people want to, that carbon dioxide is not actually a greenhouse gas. More than a century of research thoroughly disproves that claim.