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エイドリアン・アドニスが、インスピレーションについて、また、ミュージカル版 「三文オペラ」 のことや、自分を持するということについて、語ります。



ありがとうございました! m(_ _)m


  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    I think [the inspiration for the lyrics] was all about being in my early twenties, young and politically self-righteous. Basically being young and full of angst and being angry at everything around me, including the government and my old beat-up pick-up truck that wouldn't start every other day.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    “I’m such a huge fan of being her street team in terms of her being one of the best writers ever,” she said. “No one talks about it! They always talk about the songbird and I’m like, ‘Great, vocals for days, obviously.’ But, guys, name another artist that’s that successful that wrote it all." 翻訳サイトを使っても意味がわかりません。 Kelly Clarksonが彼女の大ファンであるMariah Careyの作曲能力について語っています。 ここでの私は”Kelly Clarkson”です。 ここでの彼女は”Mariah Carey”です。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳がうまくできません。

    翻訳の手助けをお願いします。 Like any theory of importance, that of social or cultural anthropology was the work of many minds and took on many forms. まず、ここなんですけど、はじめのLike any theory of importanceあたりがうまく訳せません。 「いくつかの大切さの理論のように社会または文化人類学の重要性は 多くの心の働きであり多くの形をとる」 というような文を考えましたが、おかしいでしょうか? Some, the best known of its proponents, worked on broad areas and attempted to describe and account for the development of human civilization in its totality. 特にbest known of its proponen」がうまく訳せません。 ある者(よく知られているのは提案者)は幅広いエリアで働き 人類文明の発展のために説明したり描写したりする。 Others restricted their efforts to specific aspects of the culture, taking up the evolution of art, or the state, or religion また、ある者は自分達の努力を特別な文化の側面や芸術、主張、宗教の革命を始めることに 制限する というような訳に自分なりになったんですが、結局この文章が何をいいたいのか よくわかりません。 翻訳がそもそも誤っていますか?

  • こちらの英文を翻訳して頂きたいです。

    自分で翻訳したのですが、翻訳の解答がないので困っています…。 お願い致します。 1.The population of Canada is made up of about one third of British origion, one third French origin and the other third made up of more recent immigrants and American Indians. 2.The Inuit Indians live in the Northern areas of Canada and now have their own homeland within the Canadian federation called Nunavut. 3.Canada is popular for immigrants from every race and religion from around the world. 4.British Columbia is separated from the rest of Canada by the Rocky Mountains, and therefore has a rather independent mentality from the rest of Canada. 5.Though nearby Vancouver is a much bigger city, Victoria has the reputation of being less wet and more pleasant because of its smaller size and better weather. よろしくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    下記の内容を翻訳していただけないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。 There is the possibility that your soulmate will be a man above your social cast or class. Or wealth that comes after marriage, popularity and an uplift in circumstance. You will marry a man of distinction and maturity who is worthy, ambitious and dignified, someone people look up to and admire. The wedding will be in a month close to the month of your birth. You have the need to shine in any relationship and you will invest a lot of work and effort in it and will make the marriage a focal point of your life. You’ll see yourself primarily as a wife, and will place tremendous importance on marriage. Until you find your true soul mate your life may feel incomplete, even if you have many relationships, or a steady boyfriend to fill up your time, something will be lacking and you’ll be keenly aware of it. You are subconsciously searching for someone who is like yourself. You’ll disregard other peoples views, advice or criticism about the marriage partner, and will seek also a strong capable partner.

  • この文章を翻訳して意味を教えて欲しいです。

    この文章を翻訳して意味を教えて欲しいです。 “The skin felt cool and dry to his lips, and so soft that it seemed to sink beneath the pressure of the kiss and lie there, indented.” なんとなく言っていることは分かるのですが、この文章にどんな意味がこもっているのか理解できません。 翻訳と説明が出来る方お願いいたします。

  • この英文の翻訳をお願いします。長い英文ですがどうか翻訳をお願いします。

    この英文の翻訳をお願いします。長い英文ですがどうか翻訳をお願いします。    The retention of policies which prohibit the employment of hijyukuren rodosha(non skilled) foreign labor, inadequate enforcement, and a legal framework which criminalizes undocumented foreign workers have all contributed to the perpetuation of a system which both discriminates against, and assists in the exploitation of, foreign labor.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Troops in the first French invasion of the war had experienced the extent of German fire power and some of the flaws in the French army, which had an excess of elderly commanders, a shortage of regimental officers and deficient supplies of maps and intelligence. Despite tactical instructions stressing combined-arms operations and the importance of fire power, cavalry and infantry were poorly trained and attacked swiftly, with little tactical finesse. The German XIV and XV corps had been diverted from their concentration areas and by 13 August, had been exhausted by battle and disorganised. The citizens of Alsace who unwisely celebrated the appearance of the French army, were left to face German reprisals. The Army of Alsace was dissolved on 26 August and many of its units distributed among the remaining French armies.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします^^;

    英文の翻訳をお願いします^^; Then, in the middle of the fourteenth century, the Tartar dynastry fell and China's new rulers turned their backs to the West as Islam spread its conquests all over Central Asia. A new wall of darkness, more impregnable than China's great wall of stone, stood between the Far East and Occident. Marco's millions were memory now. But the book of arco's travels was being read in Latin by a young Genoese sea captain. How to reach these marvels of Cathay now? On over seventy pages of The Book of Marco Polo he made notes; and he decided to sail west. And so, with three small ships, a crew mostly of convicts, and the inspiration of the Venetian traveler, Columbus discovered America. With the new land came Europe's new chance, in which "the calamity of our time" gave way to a revival of the human spirit, where the concept of the golden age lay note in the pagan past, but in wat was ahead. So long as the main trade routes to the East were overland, Venice and Genoa had held their keys. But now, ahead, lay drama and daring and the quickpulse of a new race.

  • 至急翻訳宜しくお願いします!

    The area of england known as the lake district is in the northwestern corner of the country,just below the border with scotland. It is an area of outstanding natural beauty. With its wild hills dotted with small farmhouses and sheep,and its crystal clear lakes,it attracts thousands of tourists every year,both from britain and abroad. But the spectacular scenery is not only attraction. The lake district is associated with two of britain's best-loved writers:William Wordsworth, the nature poet,and Beatrix Potter,the creator of Peter Rabbit. Both these writers drew their inspiration from the natural beauty of the lake district.