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Mahmut Kamil Forced to Order Retreat: The Battle for the City
- On February 16, Mahmut Kamil was forced to order the retreat of the 3rd Army from the city.
- Yudenich had a numerical advantage over the Ottomans, leading Mahmut Kamil to make the difficult decision to retreat.
- With diversionary attacks near Deve-Boyun ridge, Russian forces were able to break through at Forts Kara-gobek and Tafet, breaching both rings of the city's defenses.
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以下のとおりお答えします。 ロシア軍による、オスマントルコ軍防御線への攻撃を述べています。 >On February 16, Mahmut Kamil forced to order the 3rd Army to retreat from the city, as Yudenich had an advantage in numbers against the Ottomans. The difference was not big enough to be decisive, so Yudenich's plan was to attack the center of the Ottoman defenses, with the key attack falling in a weakly held sector. While diversionary attacks held the attention of Mahmut Kamil near Deve-Boyun ridge, Russian forces broke through at Forts Kara-gobek and Tafet. The result was that both rings of the cities' defenses had been penetrated. ⇒オスマントルコ軍に対して、ユデニチには数の優勢という利点があったので、2月16日、マフムト・カーミルは第3方面軍に対して、都市から退却するようにとの命令を余儀なくされた。その違いは、決定的というほど十分に大きくはなかったので、したがってユデニチの計画は、防衛力保持の低下した地区に要点攻撃を注ぐべく、オスマントルコ軍防御線の中央部を攻撃することであった。デヴェ-ボユン尾根の近くでの陽動攻撃にマフムト・カーミルの注意を引きつけている間に、ロシア軍はカーラ-ゴベック要塞とタフェット要塞を突破した。その結果、都市防御用の両環状線への侵入が果たされたのであった。