
  • 日本語への翻訳をお願いできますか?
  • 明るい色で目を引くグラフィックなデザインを希望しています。
  • コメントを歓迎しますが、レイアウトに影響を与えない程度にコピーはわずかに変更される可能性があります。
  • ベストアンサー


We wanted something graphic, with a bright colour to make people stop. Something that was bold and recognisable and the lines not to thin so there would be no issues in repro. The copy on this may change slightly but not enough to affect the layout. Hope you like it as much as we do but welcome comments. ご教授お願い致します

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 我々は、派手な色を使って、何か人の足を止めるような物が欲しい、と考えた。大胆で目立ち、しかも簡単に複製できるよう余り線の細くない物である。  このコピーは少々変わるかもしれないが、レイアウトを変えるほどでは無い。  我々が気に入っていると同じ程度に、あなた方の気に入ることを望んでいます。がどうぞコメントして下さい。





  • 英文メールを日本語に訳していただきたいです。

    届いた英文メールを通訳サイトで変換した時に、何を言っているのかいまいち分からなかったので 日本語の文章への通訳をお願いしたいです。>< 訳してくださる方、どうか宜しくお願い致します。 以下が文章です。 There is a few things our manufacturer suggested, and hope we can adjust with the bottle design. 1) we would like to eliminate the Japanese (Katakana) on the bottle. 2) the english letter needs to be solid colour, can not be an outline. Because our manufacturer said the lines too thin can not be printed. 3) we would like to change the letters to gold colour. Because our manufacterer said if all the same colour, then it can be one print and easier to control. Can you please make these adjustment for us? Can you please let us know the font name you used on the logo? Because my colleague wants to add something to the logo. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語を日本語に訳して下さい。

    以下の内容を訳して頂けますか。 I am waiting for the authority here to issue us the export permit so we can send you a copy please be a bite patient why we puch the authority here to issue us the export permit hope you understand us as my English is not too good yes we have contact our authority but the cites is not yet ready once it is ready I will mail a copy to you so that you can apply for your import permit hope you understand my write up as my English is not too good 以上です。宜しくお願いします。

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    顔の特徴が書いてあるみたいなのですが、どなたか訳していただけませんか? 宜しくお願いします。 The mouth is a large one. long, and thin lipped, and slightly smiling or upturned at the outer corner. His lips are pink with a purple or lavender tinge, like pink heather, a cold pink. He has cold breath. As he gets older there will be small pucker lines round the lip edges. His teeth are good, small square, white pegs of teeth. He has a generous smile that spreads across his face. The mouth is slightly one sided, or stiffer on one side but not so much as you'd notice. The chin is narrow, long a rounded off point shaped like an egg cup, it has a fleshiness around the jaw line, not quite a double chin, but when he pupils the chin in there is a slackness of the flesh and more so as he gets older. The cheeks are neither fat nor thin, the features are good, but soft and shapeless rather than sharp or angular. The face is well rounded and smoothed and the complexion fair and bland. There is nothing objectionable or ugly in it, and he retains a youthful quality as he gets older, not many facial lines or furrows tell the time on his flesh. He actually improves with age for the features become just a fraction thinner and the face more expressive. A man who’s handsome face looks intelligent quiescent and idle but a man of depth.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    We are actually three so we need trio singers it is supposed to be as happy and as naughty of this one ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQdE3w3T_4g but it must not be as fast and as "thin" of it. You know, if you get what I mean.. Their voices were kind of "thin". 翻訳機を使用しても意味がイマイチわからなかったので、わかりやすく回答いただけると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳をチェックしてもらえないでしょうか?(4)

    Gender roles have been changing throughout history, and they will continue to change until, as many hope, men and women are treated as equals. 「男女の役割は歴史を通じて変化しつづけています。そして男女の役割は男女が平等に扱われるようになるまで変化を続けるでしょう。」 と訳しました。 「,as many hope,」をどのように訳せばいいのかわかりません。(many hopeを無視して訳しました) お手数ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 長文を日本語に訳してください!(1)

    わからないとこが多いので全文日本語にお願いします。 Human beings crave intimacy, to love and be loved. Why then do people feel isolated in their intimate relationships? Four researchers and clinicians, Ayala Malach Pines, Shirley Glass, Lisa Firestone and Joyce Catlett, discuss the alienation that affects so many people and how to overcome it. We need to be close to other people as surely as we need food and water. But while it's relatively easy to get ourselves a good meal, it is difficult for many of us to create and maintain intimacy with others, particularly with a romantic partner. There are many variables that affect the quality of our relationships with others; it's difficult to pin it on one thing or another. But in this article, based on a symposium held at the 2000 American Psychological Association convention in Washington, D.C., four mental health professionals discuss their ideas about how we sabotage our intimate relationships--and what we can do to fix them.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    大事なメールが届いたのですが、英語のため理解できませんでした。 よろしければどなたか日本語訳をお願い致します。 We found that your app only provides a very limited set of features. It does not provide e-Book functionality such as bookmark and other appropriate features. While we value simplicity, we consider simplicity to be uncomplicated - not limited in features and functionality. We understand that there are no hard and fast rules to define useful or entertaining, but Apple and Apple customers expect apps to provide a really great user experience. Apps should provide valuable utility or entertainment, draw people in with by offering compelling capabilities or content, or enable people to do something they couldn't do before or in a way they couldn't do it before. We encourage you to review your app concept and evaluate whether you can incorporate additional content and features to be in compliance with the Guidelines. For information on the basics of creating great apps, watch the video The Ingredients of Great Apps.If you feel we didn't understand the features of your app, or that we missed key functionality, and your app was incorrectly rejected, you may appeal to the App Review Board.

  • 英語を日本語に訳してください

    この英語を和訳にしてください。 よろしくお願いします。 This makes me smile! Working on new music as we speak! Dope new shit! Hope to share soon!

  • 日本語に訳してください

    航空会社の予約をキャンセルしました。 以下のような返事をもらい、エキサイト翻訳で訳してみました。 「お金を返してはあげないけれど、次にうちの航空会社を使う時に550ユーロ割り引きますよ。」みたいなことが書いてあると思うのですが、合っていますか? どうすれば割引してもらえるのかなど、細かいところが読み取れず、困っています。 どうぞお知恵をお貸しください。 よろしくお願いいたします。 As a gesture of goodwill we have decided to cancel your booking XXXX and YYYY without refund but grant you the price (550 EUR) as discount on your next reservation with us for a flight with airAAAA and BBBB. As soon as you submit the new confirmation/invoice number by phone , fax or e-mail together with our reference VZZZZ we will credit your booking account accordingly. This credit can be honoured until 31.03.2013. Any form of secondary sale, or sale by auction is not allowed and does not entitle the buyer to claim the discount.

  • 全体文と指示語がわかりません

    There is little to which each of us tends to cling so stubbornly as a view-point which we have adopted as our own.It does not seem to matter how we have come by it.Once it is ours we treat it as a personal attribute,something which has become a part of ourselves,and which must be defended as certainly as we defend ourselves against attack. 1文目のto whichの先行詞はlittleでしょうか?so~asから比較級が使われてるとおもうのですが上手く訳せません・・なので次の文のItとcome by itがわかりません・・そして最後の文のoursはsomethingにかかるのでしょうか?だとしたらtreat itはours somethingでしょうか? 長文、質問ばかりですみません なにとぞよろしくお願いします。