• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の解説をお願いします。)

Being Dedicated to Fairness: a Fundamental Law

  • Dedication to fairness can be so ingrained in one's being that encountering someone who doesn't value it can result in unfair treatment.
  • Explaining the structure and meaning of the English sentence: There is such a thing as being so dedicated to fairness, as an elemental law, so rigidly a part of your being, that when you encounter someone who doesn't give it that much stock you are unfair to them.
  • Clarifying the phrase 'as an elemental law': It refers to fairness being seen as a fundamental principle or rule.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

1。訳  エレメンタルローのように、自分の存在の重要な一部として、余りにも公平になろうとすると、別にそれほど(公平であることが)大切だと思わない相手に遭うと不公平になることがある。 2。as an elemental law→基本的な法律ですか?  エレメンタルローには下記のような画像が出ました。日本製のマンガのキャラの名前かも知れませんね。  https://www.google.com/search?q=elemental+law&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=KWAQVfXGIdDioASQ34DgCA&ved=0CFQQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=888 3。→thatが二つ出てくるのですが、文法的にどのようになっているのでしょうか?  はじめの that は、so ~ that 「あまり~なので」の一部、二番目の that は、that much 「あれほど沢山」と言う意味の形容詞です。 4。→itはa thing as being so dedicated to fairnessのことですか?  はいそうです。  原語は日本語なのかも知れませんね。



as an elemental lawのところの意味を取るのが難しいですが 大体の意味が掴めました。ありがとうございます。 (エレメンタルローの画像にはびっくりです。) thatについてもありがとうございます。 (so~thatに途中カンマが入っていたのでちょっとわからなくなってしまっていました) that much 「あれほど沢山」という意味なのですね。 (これは全くわかりませんでした)



  • 英文の訳をお願いします。

    僕に海外の友人が英語について教えてくれているのですが、詳しく知りたいので力を貸して頂けると有り難いです。よろしくお願いします。 * If you say "it does not serve as a bed" that typically means that it is not able to be used as a bed.  In the next sentence you mention that sometimes you like to sleep in it, so a better way to describe what you're saying could be... "A kotatsu will serve as a table, but it's not intended to be used as a bed." This way you're saying that it's not supposed to be a bed, but you could use it that way if you really wanted to. * I wasn't sure if this is what you were trying to say so I guessed.

  • 英文の邦訳を願います。

    In fairness to Davis, Yoo and Baker, at the time of their study, the trends that were evident a decade later were not as clear. It is therefore understandable that one could have interpreted the network as being highly stable. 上記英文の邦訳をお願い致します。

  • 英文を解説してください

    英文を解説していただけませんでしょうか。 Stay single until someone actually compliments your life in a way that it makes it better to not be single. If not, it's not worth it. 以下は疑問点です。 ・in a way は「ある意味」という訳であっていますか?また本文では省略しても意味が通じるように思いますが、その通りでしょうか。 ・in a way 以降の that it makes it ~ の最初の it は Stay single~life を指しますか?また2番目の it は life のことでしょうか。 ・to not be single とありますが、not to be single の間違いではないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の構造を教えてください

    The most important thing for you to do as a student of literature is to advice yourself to be an honesty is definitely the best policy .If you prefer the poetry of a thirdrate poet to that of Shakespeare it is a most regrettable thing, but not so regrettable as your doing so and saying you do just the opposite . わからないところは、but not so regrettable as your doing so and saying you do just the opposite. のところで、訳は、実際はそうでありながら、口先ではそれと正反対のことを言うことほどには遺憾なことではありません。 but not so regrettable as your …これは not so much ~as~の構文のmuchがないやつではないですよね?your doing so のsoは代名詞ですか?saying の後ろにyou do just the opposite とつながるのはthatが省略されているのですか? 質問が多くて恐縮ですが、詳しい説明を教えていたただければうれしいです。

  • 英文の解説をお願いします

    It is precisely because it is such a difficult task that it is so important to collect data. この文の詳しい解説をお願いします。 becauseからtaskまでって副詞句ですか?

  • 英文意訳をおねがいします・・・急いでいます!

    A problem? Well, no, as long as people understand this. Use these shortcuts whenever you like, as long as you’re aware of the fact that you’re making a demand on the reader. When sending an e-mail to your boss though, you probably want to avoid writing “UR2CUTE2BTRU.” Technology presents some other language problems as well ――――― especially to the old-timers among us ―――― when it comes to etiquette. For example, in a chat room, THIS IS YELLING. So, next time you press the caps lock button on the keyboard, just stop and think how the reader of your message might feel about being yelled at. Also, you might want to take note that sentences without any punctuation such as, “I saw your mail yesterday it was good but I disagreed with some of it I checked the site it wasn’t there,” might not be too well-received by the reader. In other words, just because punctuation sometimes seems nonexistent on the Internet doesn’t mean that it’s out-of-date and you should never use it.

  • 今日の星占い英文です。翻訳をお願いします。

    Someone is getting under your skin in a big way -- so much so that you might need to do something! Try your best to just let it slide this time, but if it starts to get out of hand, you need to step up.

  • 英文について解説をお願いします。

    Some writers who do not think clearly are inclined to suppose that their thoughts have a significance greater than at first sight appears. It is flattering to believe that they are too profound to be expressed so clearly that all who run may read, and very naturally it does not occur to such writers that the fault is with their own minds which have not the faculty of precise reflection. (The Summing Up by W. S Maugham) It is flattering to~から始まる英文の中にある" so clearly that all who run may read"の個所について質問があります。 *ここはso that ~may構文なのでしょうか?(~が・・・できるように) so "clear" that~となっているのでよくわからないのですが。 * all who run(走るすべての人?)の表現が掴みにくいのですが。 解説いただけないでしょうか。

  • 英文の解説をお願いします

    You can give a child as much love as it can absorb and still make it an idiot unfit to face the world. 1、itはchildを指すことがあるのですか? 2、stillの意味・役割は? 3、make it an idiot unfit って構文的に問題ないのですか?

  • この英文を訳していただきたいです

    A: you bring new aspects to her. and with movie it's like... B: She doesn't bring nuances. it was perfect. Let me just say that we have had a lot of her love today. okey? So i'd glod to get some. A: And then we see her evolving into his leadership role. But we also see you evolving more and more as we see you onscreen... B: Well...Do we?

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