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Edison's Distinctive Method of Carbonization

  • Thomas Edison's unique approach to carbonization
  • The process of Edison's lamp-making and carbonization
  • The organization of Edison's team and routine process


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  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

ランプを作る中で、彼自身が個別の工程でいかに間違いを犯したか、また、いかにとことん、炭素方法に取り組んだかについてはすでに皆さん耳にしている。まず彼は原料からフィラメントをつくり、それから炭素化した。エジソン以前にこの問題に取り組んだ人達は、光をもたらす要素(※1)を仕上げる為のものから作られた炭素を使った。何人かはパリのアーク灯炭素メーカー、カレによって作られた炭素を用い、これらは棒状のものだった。 よってエジソンの炭素フィラメントの調達および作成における他のすべての事から違う道筋をたどることによって、彼とともに独特の作業方法がわかる。 ついに炭素作成の追及を終え、大量にランプを作り始めた時、彼は詳細をすべて教えながらその仕事をローソン、ヴァン・クレーブ他に割り振った。その時以降ランプ作成は、実験的な事よりもより、日常的な行為であった。同様に、新発見の灯りとメンロパーク(※2)に魅了された、クラーク、ハウエル、ハンマー、アチソン、ホルザーその他、新しく加わった者達が、この新規活動の場に割り降られた。そして「部門」と呼ばれたもののひとつひとつに、独自の工程が与えられた。 ※1:light giving elements 要素とは、「伝導体」ではないかと考えます。 ※2:Menlo Park メンロパーク・エジソン研究所のことです。






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    Then the celebrated elections attacks Edison's modified Sprengel air pump and belittles it.Then he goes on to explain the "necessity for some automatic means of regulating the current when sudden and great changes come up,and that at present Edison has a young man stationed in the vicinity of the apparantus with his eye on the Thomson galvanometer who regulates the changes by throwing in and out resistance".The young man that the celebrated election mentions happened to be my humble self. When Edison had finished reading the matter he said,'What do you think of that,Batch,I explained everything to him in pretended to approve of what I did. Let me tell you this,my light and system will survive long after his is forgotten.' Only a strong, indomitable and iron-clad character like Edison's could withstand such treatment , which today only enhances the glory of his memory. Amid these seeming oddities in the human nature of others, he kept calmly on developing the filament and the process of manufacture. The hunt for the best material continued.

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    Maxim,having thus studied Edison's ideas,announced in the Scientific American of October 23,1880,his new lamp,which in reality was but a bad imitation of the Edison paper lamp Instead of making a carbon in the shape of a horseshoe,Maxim made his at first in the form of a Maltese cross and later in the form of an M. His company,the United States Electric Light Company,made several installations during its struggling existence,and then passed away, as did also Maxim the electrician-through Maxim the gun maker survived in England where he found it more congenial to live than in America.The trouble with most of the early imitators of Edison's ideas was that they had no system,while Edison had worked out a fundamental one which embraced all the necessary accessories and of which the lamp was but one of principal parts. In those days spies were plentiful;it appeared that there existed a regular inaugurated system of espionage for years.Later we obtained conclusive evidence of the existence of printed confidential reports from private operators-of which I hope soon to tell you more.

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    Maxim,having thus studied Edison's ideas,announced in the Scientific American of October 23,1880,his new lamp,which in reality was but a bad imitation of the Edison paper lamp Instead of making a carbon in the shape of a horseshoe,Maxim made his at first in the form of a Maltese cross and later in the form of an M. His company,the United States Electric Light Company,made several installations during its struggling existence,and then passed away, as did also Maxim the electrician-through Maxim the gun maker survived in England where he found it more congenial to live than in America.The trouble with most of the early imitators of Edison's ideas was that they had no system,while Edison had worked out a fundamental one which embraced all the necessary accessories and of which the lamp was but one of principal parts. In those days spies were plentiful;it appeared that there existed a regular inaugurated system of espionage for years.Later we obtained conclusive evidence of the existence of printed confidential reports from private operators-of which I hope soon to tell you more.

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    I have given all these details in order to show what privileges and protection an inventor enjoys when,like Edison,he conducts organized research for a strong company.He has everything at his disposal and can devote himself,without worry, his work.If he is successful,he gets his liberal share and has no expence.Edison had stuck to the stocks received from the Edison companies for his work he would, no doubt,have been the largest sharer in electric lighting interests in the country. But Edison wasn't after money solely.No! He considered it a means of exchange and in that spirit turned it into new activities,new endeavors and new lines of experiment.It was important that he should do so:otherwise history might have had a different course.He didn't wait in leisurely luxury until his electric light shares should grow fat with returns,but from the start took all the money he could raise to his place his great achievements upon a solid commercial foundation under his personal supervision.That was necessary considering the epoch.With him it was push,push,and push again,and with the help of loyal servants the gigantic results of his Menlo Park labors were soon safely set on a manufacturing foundation;in a few years they were fortitled to an impregnable strength.Then the time arrived for others to carry his work of expansion further-this,however,only after a decennium,In 1892 the General Electric Company took up his program of expansion and has been developing it ever since.

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    While Edison was activety engaged on the different kinds of carbon filaments and fillings his first commercial order for the installation of his system on the S.S.Columbia,he was still able to find time to go into the problem of electrical transportation.The idea of an electric railway wasn't a new one;for experimenters had worked on it ever since the wet cell and the simple electromagnet became known. In fact from the start men had dreamed of employing electricity to supply power, but the time wasn't yet ripe-the practical generator and motor didn't yet exist. As we know today,an electric motor is usually operated by current received from a generator-yet in electrical history the motor came first.

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    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 変な箇所があればご指摘いただけるとありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 In the period before you meet he may have suffered some ill health. and conditions in his life have been uncertain and subject to frequent change and indecision on his part. He will have put emotional barriers up between himself and others in this period. Or else will feel he was imprisoned without walls, that circumstance have imprison him, he has a life that he seeks escape from. He is sensitive to atmospheres, unspoken hostilities His outer confidence will hide a feeling of weakness and helplessness. and falling in love with you may be a form of escape from the things in his life he is unhappy with. Love will provide him with a kind of liberty, freedom, while he is tied to the limitations and responsibilities of his former existence.

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    While the new lamp and its system were being exhibited at Menlo Park(and that continued for months),Edison made a final exhaustive search for a raw material that would be more dense and homogeneous.He said,'In God's almighty warehouse there must certainly be such a material -we have only to hunt for it.' Books on botany and catalogs were studied;Hughes,our purchasing agent,was sent to New York with a list of materials to purchase.Day by day he brought back packages of samples.He called on whosesale drug companies,agents of foreign firms,museums,colleges,and consuls of foreign nations in effort to get almost everything in the vegetable kingdom.He also brought samples from the animal world,such as hoofs,hides,horns,and hair.Botany professors sent in contributions when it leaked out that Edison was making a last search for a better raw material. It would be tedious to name the differnt kinds of woods,grasses,plants,and hair,human and animal,that were tried.Yes,we even plucked the red whiskers of a Scottish guest at Menlo Park and the black ones of a Swiss and made bets on which would prove the better filament.As the thousands of samples came to Menlo Park,Edison examined each under his old verdigris-covered microscope.Those found acceptable for further trials were laid aside,while others that didn't possess the qualities he desired were consigned to the stve.Carbonizing blowing the glass parts,exhausting the air,and,testing continued day and night.

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    'Then he showed me the lamps burning in the shop.He said they were obliged to keep them burning eight months before they could do anything. 'We then went into the glss-blowing department,a separate building,out back. Two men were at work there.Edison had enlarged the bulb of his lamp about 33 per cent and they were at work blowing them,and parts of these vacuum pumps. Edison is working a vacumm pump of glass entirely .They were putting some of the carbon horseshoe into the lamps.There was only one man at work putting the carbon in(Batchelor). 'From there I went into a photo-lithographic concern that Edison has just got up,and they were at work pictures.There was one picture of Edison surrounded bu about thirty-five of his workmen taken by this process;and they had a man at work with chemicals,etc.Every now and then my conductor would point out a lamp with remark,''How nice that is burning!''ect.Then he would turn a little screw to turn the light off or on.He couldn't regurate it intermediately.It was eighter all off or all on.I asked him if they could regurate to any intermediate point and he said they couldn't.''These horseshoe burn very well,''he said. '''Some of them burn on an average about 800 hours continuously.''My conductor then took me where the dynamo machines were working and showed me the engine which he said was 80HP-150,I should think,judging from the size of it.He said they had a hundred lamps burning,but I am positive there weren't over 50,even if as many as that,everywhere,in the shop and out of it;and to run them he had 3 dynamo machines worked by this engine,those big upright machines of Edison's,that my conductor said had a capacity of 50 lightseach

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    One day while making such a test, I made a very interesting discovery,described as follows in the words of Wilson S.Howell: 'Mr,Edison's judgement and prevision were generally so excellent,so accurate,that a miss was rather disturbing to him. After he had carefully thought out a plan,he wasn't always meekly patient if the test or demonstration upset his calcurations. He wouldn't hesitate to question a test and request its repitation,carefully going over the methods and conditions of the tests to find a flaw or error which would upset the conclusions. 'Mr.Jehl was asked one day to make a test for Mr.Edison, the results of which were very disappointing.The test was repeated but still the figures were nor pleasing.Each step in the test was questioned and carefully gone over by the great inventor, but its accuracy couldn't be shaken.As a last resort, Mr.Edison asked Mr,Jehl if he had made any allowance for the friction against the air of the light beam from the mirror of the Thomson Reflecting Galvanometer used in the tests. Jehl acknowledged he hadn't but would calculate it at once if Mr.Edison would give him the constant.' In such cases,when Edison joked he gave a broad smile, put his left hand behind his neck,scratched his right ear and marched away.

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    You may see the 'corpse revier'in the Edison laboratory at Dearborn.Even Edison when visiting his friend Henry Ford in 1929 smiled at sight of it.'There is nothing missing here,'said he.When the 'corpse revier'is operated before ladies that visit the laboratory,occasionaly one inquires where such a machine could be obtained,while their husbands look sheepishly on Without blinking. Visitors were many at that period and they came from all parts of the world. Edison was often annoyed by by the constant interruptions to his work when he had to do the honors by showing personages round.The callers were rated by their consequence and accordingly either Edison,Upton,Batchelor,or one else wes assigned them.In mentioning these visitors I must explain that were the extra and special ones not included in the crowds that came every evening to see the exhibition.

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