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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳お願いします)


  • エジソンは、研究所で照明の開発に取り組んでいます。彼は特許を取得し、グラスブローイング部門で新しいバルブを製造しています。
  • 研究所では、炭素の馬蹄形をランプに取り付け、電力を供給するためにダイナモ機械を使用しています。エジソンは最新の写真リトグラフ技術も導入しています。
  • エジソンの技術者は、バーナーの点火や消灯を調節することができますが、中間点では調節できません。彼らの照明は800時間連続して燃えることができます。


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  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

それから彼は工房内で光をともし続けるランプを私に見せた。何をするより前に8カ月間灯りをともし続ける義務があるのだと彼は言った。 その後私たちはガラス吹き部門に入り、再び出てきた。 二人の男がそこで働いていた。エジソンはパーセントあたりランプのバルブを約33個に増やしていて、彼らはそれらの吹き付けと、こうした真空ポンプ部品の作業中だった。 エジソンはひたすら、ガラスの真空ポンプの作業をしている。彼らはランプの中に炭素でつくったU字型のフィラメントのいくつかを入れ続けた。炭素を入れる仕事を担当したのはたった一人の男だった(バチェラー)。 それから私はエジソンがちょうど組み立てた、フォトリソグラフイ(※1)の装置の中に入った。彼らは画像の作業中だった。約35人の職人以外に、この作業により取られた1枚のエジソンの写真があった。そして中には化学薬品などを用いて作業する一人の男がいた。時折私の指導者は「なんて素敵に輝き続けるんだろう!」などと言いながらランプを指差した。それから彼はライトを着けたり消したりする為に小さなネジを回した。彼はライトを中程度に調節することができなかった。全部がオフになるかオンになるかのどちらかだった。私は彼にどこか中間点に調節できないか尋ね、彼はそれはできないと言った。「このU字型はすごくよく燃えるんだよ。」と。 「いくつかは平均で約800時間連続して焼きつくのだ。」それから私の指導者はダイナモマシーンが動いているところに連れていき、「80馬力から150馬力」(※2)と彼が言うところのエンジンを見せた。私はそのサイズから判断して考えねばならないのだ。彼は100のランプをともし続けたと言ったが、たとえ工場の内外のいたるところで同じだけの数があったとしても、50は超えていなかったことは間違いない。そして光をともしつける為に彼はこのエンジンを使って3つのダイナモマシーンを動かした。こうしたエジソンの大きな直立盤は50灯(※3)分の容量を持っていたと私の指導者は述べた。 ※1:photo-lithographic photolithographiyの形容詞。写真現像技術を応用した電球の露光に関係する技術です。 ※2:HP 「horse power」の頭文字をとってHPという記号で表される、馬力のことです。 ※3:lightseach この部分のはっきりとした意味がわかりませんでした。ただ、searchlightの数え方として電灯として数える場合は、「一灯、二灯」(いっとう、にとう)と言いますし、この単語の前に数字がありますので、50灯(ごじゅっとう)と訳してみました。



いつも丁寧に、訳してもらい感謝しています。 ありがとうございます!



  • 和訳お願いします。

    You may see the 'corpse revier'in the Edison laboratory at Dearborn.Even Edison when visiting his friend Henry Ford in 1929 smiled at sight of it.'There is nothing missing here,'said he.When the 'corpse revier'is operated before ladies that visit the laboratory,occasionaly one inquires where such a machine could be obtained,while their husbands look sheepishly on Without blinking. Visitors were many at that period and they came from all parts of the world. Edison was often annoyed by by the constant interruptions to his work when he had to do the honors by showing personages round.The callers were rated by their consequence and accordingly either Edison,Upton,Batchelor,or one else wes assigned them.In mentioning these visitors I must explain that were the extra and special ones not included in the crowds that came every evening to see the exhibition.

  • 和訳お願いします。

      Nevertheless,disregarding the 'worry hunters'' the Pearl Strret Central Station was started on September 4,1882,and the Edison system and underground conductors service for decades.  Another somewhat similar incident of a different character happened at the corner of Nassau and Ann streets.As is known,Edison placed cast-iron junction boxes at the intersection of the streets,in connection with his underground conductors.Late one night when he was still at the station,a policeman came running in and in an excited voice said that the iron box at the above-mentioned corner had exploded.Edison and one of the 'boys' went there to see what had happened.He found that the cover on the manhole,which weighed about a couple of hundred pounds,had vanished,but everything inside the manhole was in good order.Edison concluded that gas from a gas main might have got into the manhole, or it might have been the acid used in picking the casting that gave off hydrogen that mixed with the air leaking in to make the explosive mixture.   The incident worried him;there were many such manhole boxes in the system,and if one should explode in a crowded street and life a few oersons into the air the company might be compelled to pay damages.Edison got his thinker in action and soon solved the problem.He placed a little bottle of chloroform with a small hole in the cork each box.The chroloform evaporated and, being heavy,settled in the box,displacing the air that may have got in.Edison said afterward that he had never heard of an explotion in a box that had a bottle of chloroform in it.

  • 和訳お願いします

    I have given all these details in order to show what privileges and protection an inventor enjoys when,like Edison,he conducts organized research for a strong company.He has everything at his disposal and can devote himself,without worry, his work.If he is successful,he gets his liberal share and has no expence.Edison had stuck to the stocks received from the Edison companies for his work he would, no doubt,have been the largest sharer in electric lighting interests in the country. But Edison wasn't after money solely.No! He considered it a means of exchange and in that spirit turned it into new activities,new endeavors and new lines of experiment.It was important that he should do so:otherwise history might have had a different course.He didn't wait in leisurely luxury until his electric light shares should grow fat with returns,but from the start took all the money he could raise to his place his great achievements upon a solid commercial foundation under his personal supervision.That was necessary considering the epoch.With him it was push,push,and push again,and with the help of loyal servants the gigantic results of his Menlo Park labors were soon safely set on a manufacturing foundation;in a few years they were fortitled to an impregnable strength.Then the time arrived for others to carry his work of expansion further-this,however,only after a decennium,In 1892 the General Electric Company took up his program of expansion and has been developing it ever since.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17, 2155, she wrote, 'Today Tommy found a real book." It was a very old book. Margie's grandfather had heard about books like it when he was a little boy. He once said his grandfather had told them that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. They turned the pages, which were yellow. It was very funny to read the words. They stood still, instead of moving the way they were supposed to - on a screen, you know. And then, when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it. It was just the same as it had been when they read it the first time.

  • 和訳お願いします!!

    自分でやったりアプリでやると日本語がおかしくなるのできれいな日本語に訳せる方よろしくお願いします!! On June 17, 1966, two black men entered a bar and grill in New Jersey, and started shooting . The bartender and one customer died instantly . Another customer died almost a month later, as a result of her wounds. A third customer survived, though he lost the use of one eye . Soon after the crime, the police stopped Rubin's car. Rubin and a friend of his were taken to the bar and grill and made to stand against the wall while their car was searched . The police then took them to the hospital and showed them to one of the victims, who said they had not been the shooters . Rubin and his friend were then taken to the police station, where they were questioned for sixteen hours. They both took lie detector tests, and were released. However, by october, the police had found witnesses who said they saw Rubin and his friend running away from the bar and grill just after the crime. One of the witnesses was Alfred Bello, an ex-convict, who had himself been questioned about the crime. The surviving customer, Willie Marins, had changed his story, and now seemed to think that Rubin and his friend were the criminals. When the case came to court, it soon became clear that everything depended on the testimony of these two witnesses. There was no fingerprint evidence, and no scientific proof that Rubin and his friend had recently fired weapons. Some ammunition was found in Rubin's car, which was similar to that used in the shooting. Marins' descriptions of the two men were vague, but Bello's testimony was damning. He said that he heard shots, and then saw Rubin and his friend leave the bar laughing, one carrying a shotgun and the other a handgun. Bello admitted that he himself went into the bar to take money out of the cash register. In spite of this, the all-white jury believed him - in less than two hours, they convicted Rubin and his friend of murder.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

     Joe was not a good student. He tried hard, but he was not clever enough to understand everything that he was supposed to learn. In fact, whenever Joe had examinations in the past, he had become so nervous that he could not even remember the little he had learned in class. He would sit there, holding his pen tight and scratching his head while other students were busily writing their answers.  Then the time came for the final examination, and Joe spent sleepless nights trying to remember everything he had been taught that year, so that when he went into the examination hall, he was tired and unhappy.  The examination papers were handed out, and Joe looked quickly at his copy. The first question was as difficult as he had feared. He read it through several times, and then slowly began to write, but nothing seemed to come easily. Soon he began to sweat, and the drops fell on the paper.  To try to gain the teacher's sympathy, he drew rings round the drops with his pen and wrote 'MY SWEAT' under them.  The examination finished, and Joe met his friends in the entrance to the hall. They had found the examination easy, they said. "Of course they would!" Joe thought bitterly.  A few weeks later the students' examination papers were returned to them with their grades. Joe's friends had all passed, but Joe's grade was 'E', which meant that he had failed.  Then, when he looked at his paper more carefully, he saw that there were some more marks of water on it, and under them the teacher had written 'MY TEARS.' 長いですが、よろしくお願い致します。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    翻訳機はなしで^^; Margie even wrote about it that night in her diary. On the page headed May 17, 2155, she wrote, 'Today Tommy found a real book." It was a very old book. Margie's grandfather had heard about books like it when he was a little boy. He once said his grandfather had told them that there was a time when all stories were printed on paper. They turned the pages, which were yellow. It was very funny to read the words. They stood still, instead of moving the way they were supposed to - on a screen, you know. And then, when they turned back to the page before, it had the same words on it. It was just the same as it had been when they read it the first time. "Oh," said Tommy. "What a waste! When you're through with the book, you just throw it away, I guess. Our television screen must have had a million books on it, and it's good for many more. I wouldn't throw it away." "Same with mine," said Margie. She was 11 and hadn't seen as many telebooks as Tommy had. He was 13. She said, 'Where did you find it?' "In my house." He pointed without looking, because he was busy reading. "In the attic." "What's it about?" "School."

  • [至急]和訳と文法的に大事なところを教えてください

    After the execution, arguments about the men’s guilt continued. Some said they were guilty, some said they were innocent. However, there was no absolute proof either way. In the end, these men were executed with no real proof that they had committed a crime. The United States has changed since then. The State of Massachusetts has not admitted that there was a mistake, but I heard that they are thinking of naming the anniversary of their deaths “Vanzetti and Sacco Memorial Day.” Judging from this, I think even they believe that the two men should not have been executed. I wonder if we will ever know the truth.

  • 和訳お願いします

    The operative then sums up by saying that Edison seemed dissatisfied and looked as if he had been sick.He thought Edison was all right but was a tool for his bankers,who wanted to make money out of the company. That there was great excitement and speculation in the district about Wall Street at the time,the following clipping(one out of many)proves:THE EDISON BOOM.HOW LONG,HOWLONG!!(under the above heading,The New York World in one of its early issues of January,1880,runs the following comment): Kirkland&Milliken,of 47 Williams Street,reported yesterday that speculators are anxious to trade in Edison Electric Light Company stock,and that investors are picking up five and ten share lots.Mr.Laportas,of the firm,said to a World reporter that two shares were sold vesterdav at $3,500 each,but that lots of ten shares, which are more desirable,are in strong demand and are worth $5,000to $5,000 a share.Our of the largest shareholders,who was offered $700,000 last week for 200 shares,was bid $800,000 cash last night,and says that he won't sell under $1,000,000.

  • 和訳おねがいします

    翻訳機は使わないでください^^; So she said to Tammy, "Why would anyone write about school?" Tommy looked at her. "Because it's not our kind of school, stupid. This is the old kind of school that they had hundreds of years ago." He added, saying the word carefully, " Centuries ago." Margie was hurt. "Well, I don't know what kind of school they had all that time ago." She read the book over his shoulder for a while. Then she said, "Anyway, they had a teacher." "Sure they had a teacher, but it wasn't a regular teacher. It was a man." "A man? How could a man be a teacher?" "Well, he just told the boys and girls things. He gave them homework and asked them questions." "A man isn't smart enough." "Sure he is. My father knows as much as my teacher." "He can't. A man can't know as much as a teacher." "He knows almost as much, I'm sure." Margie wasn't prepared to argue. She said, "I wouldn't want a strange man in my house to teach me." Tommy laughed. 'You don't know much, Margie. The teachers didn't live in the house. They had a special building, and all the kids went there." "And all the kids learned the same thing?' "Sure, if they were the same age." "But my mother says a teacher has to be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches. Each kid has to be taught in different ways." "Just the same, they didn't do it that way then. If you don't like it, you don't have to read the book." "I didn't say I didn't like it," Margie said quickly. She wanted to read about those funny schools. They weren't even half finished when Margie's mother called, "Margie! School!" Margie looked up. "Not yet, Mama." "Now," said Mrs. Jones. "And it's probably time for Tommy, too." Margie said to Tommy, "Can I read the book some more with you after school?' "Maybe," he said. He walked away whistling, the book under his arm.

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