• ベストアンサー

go along withの使い方が分かりません



ここのリンク先の3番目の意味を見てください。 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/go+along+with 「〈ものが〉〔…に〕付随する」とあります。これを使っているのではないかと思います。





  • thatの使い方や、過去の話の時 の疑問です

    お世話になっております。今回、thatなどの使い方や過去の話をはなすときについての疑問です。 たとえば、 「ぼくは、ぼくたちは結婚するとおもっていた。しかし彼女はちがった。」 という文章のとき、I thought we would marry. but~ ですが 、 おもっていた というのを had をつかって表現するのは間違えなのでしょうか? I had thining that we would marry.とかI had thinking about~のように。 この日本文からだと彼女とつきあっていた間に、ぼくは彼女と結婚する"ということを" "おもっていた"のですし。。 I thoughtだと ただ おもった というかをじになってしまうきがするのですが、、 それともネイティブのかたはこのようにいうのですか? 英語に対して理解できてない部分が多くて すみません。おしえてくださいおねがいします。

  • 訳をお願いします。

    One time I had this thought that when we have the money and he gets going with his music or whatever that I would search the world for top teachers, psychologists, and doctors,and I would be behind the scenes. 意味が取れません。訳をお願いします。宜しくお願いします。

  • with regard to の解釈の仕方について

    添付ファイル文章の He had not managed to prepare his face for the position he found himself in with regard to his wife now that his guilt had been revealed. の解釈に関する質問です。 He had not managed to prepare his face for the positionを 「彼はその状況に適した顔をつくることが できなかった。」 ここまではなんとか理解できるのですが、 以降の→ he found himself in (the position ) with regard to his wife 「彼が陥ったその立場に 妻に関わる」 ■with regard to his wife をどのように理解して読んでいけば良いのか分からないです。 now that his guilt had been revealed. 「彼の過ちが明らかにされた今、」 解説お願いします

  • 関係代名詞について

    関係代名詞について We collected everything we thought would burn. We collected everything (that) we thought would burn.     V              S     この文はthat以下がSになるのでしょうか? 文の後ろがS(主語)になるときって難しくなって どう訳していいのかわからなくなります。

  • 英文和訳(とにかく分からないです)

    以下の1文はAdam Smith-Theory and Politics-The four stages of Societyの481頁からの引用です。 From the system I have already explain'd, you will remember that I told you we may conceive an injury was done one when an impartial spectator would be of opinion he was injured, would join with him in his concern and go along with him when he defended the subject in his possession against any violent attack, or used force to recover what had been thus wrongfully wrested out of his hand. 質問は、この文は一体全体どうなっているのか、ということです。 you will remember that I....の「you」が全体の主語で、that節の主語はI、そしてI told you(that)we may....でまたthat節に入りyouが主語になる。(that)we may....はwe may conceive an injury was doneで終わる。 ここで「one」がくるのですが、when以下は挿入で one would join....という風に「one」は主語であると考える。すると、one would join with him in his concern and go along with him when....に続く。 あぁ、とにかくどこがどうなっているやら、そもそもoneは主語であっているのか、2つのwhenはどこにかかるのか、ということが分かりません。どなたか分かる方いらっしゃいますか? From the system I have already explain'd, の the systemは「占有することで財産権(所有権)が生まれる仕組み」を指します。

  • The air hung heavy with the silence

    The air hung heavy with the silence that followed the granting of the genie's wish. Aladin's eyes filled with tears. Had the genie felt so little for him that with his freedom, he had disappeared? With all that they had gone through together, and all that the genie meant to him -mentor,teacher,friend- Aladin had hoped that the genie would stay....even if he were free. 上記のアラジンとジニーの描写についての文の意味をご教示頂けないでしょうか? 特に"him that with"のthatが良く分かりません。

  • (私は)娘に一緒に水族館に行くと先週約束した

    英訳してみましたが、改善点などありますか? I had promised my daughter to go an aquarium together last week. またPromiseの目的語をthatで書くと、時制はどうなるのでしょうか? I had promised my daughter that we would go an aquarium together last week. で間違いありませんか?

  • 英文の解説をお願いします。

    英文の解説をお願いします。 I looked into this and found that when renovations were being done at our office from mid-January to early February, we had several problems with our server, and e-mails that we thought were being sent were actually being lost. この文で使われているwe thoughtは挿入でしょうか。 宜しくお願いします。

  • このwithってどう訳せばいいのでしょうか?

    こんにちは。 Michael Peet is a retail analyst with the stockbrokers UBS. という文章がニュースの中であったのですが、 with以下が訳せません。 Michel=小売業のアナリストだということはわかるのですが。。 前後の文章は以下になります。 GERRY HARVEY: They're buying everything that we sell, but the things that are really hot is digital cameras, plasma, LCD, notebooks, like it's hot, hot, hot. ASHLEY HALL: Michael Peet is a retail analyst with the stockbrokers UBS: MICHAEL PEET: We've seen good results from Woolworths, JB Hi-Fi's been a standout, Pacific Brands I think have had a pretty good start to the year as well. So, yeah, broadly everyone's started the year pretty well. よろしくお願いします。

  • Go wild.

     'We've got the local paper on microfiche,' said the woman. She was large, and had silver hoops in her ears. Scarlett could feel her heart pounding in her chest; she was certain she looked guilty or suspicious, but the woman led her into a room with boxes that looked like computer screens, and showed her how to use them, to project a page of the newspaper at a time on to the screen. 'One day we'll have it all digitised,' said the woman. 'Now, what dates are you after?'  'About thirteen or fourteen years ago,' said Scarlett, 'I can't be more specific than that. I'll know it when I see it.'  The woman gave Scarlett a small box with five years' worth of newspapers on microfilm in it. 'Go wild,' she said.  上の文中のGo wild.を翻訳してください.