• ベストアンサー


どなたか、英語が得意な方、和訳をお願いします。 Marketing firms will likely be the first to adopt this technology, as in this domain even a small predictive edge can translate into large value. 特に、asの用法、それが何を指しているのか詳しくご教示いただけると助かります。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9719/12087)

この(学術)分野では、小さな予言の片鱗でさえ大きな価値に形を変えることがあり得るので、おそらく市場調査会社が最初にこの技術を採用することになるだろう。 >特に、asの用法、それが何を指しているのか詳しくご教示いただけると助かります。 ⇒このasは「…なので」と理由を表わす接続詞。as以下の全体を引き連れて副詞節(小さな予言の片鱗でさえ大きな価値に形を変えることがあり得るので)を構成し、will beを修飾しています。





  • 和訳お願いします。

    But as giant planets such as Jupiter came into existence, the gravitational fields they generated stirred up the smaller bodies. This energy increase made them move likely, if they collided, to break apart than glow, with the result that only the largest protoplanets survived to from planets while the rest were ground down to small fragments.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    下の2文の和訳をお願いします。 1. As we moved through the crowd, we bumped into some people and their things. 2. As I drive to work, all I hear on the radio is music and people talking. 特に分からない部分は、 1と2のそれぞれのAsはどのような用法でどのように訳すのがよいのでしょうか? 1の their things をどう訳すのがよいのでしょうか?また、このtheirはsome peopleを指しているのでしょうか? 2の I drive to work はどういう意味でしょうか? よろしくお願い致します。

  • どうか和訳をお願いします

    大半は和訳できたのですが一部わからなかったので、和訳して欲しいです。 Through this experience,I came to believe in our common humanity as citizens of the earth. You can even identify Japan by its shape. We often talked with each other until we came to an agreement. この三文だけお願いします。

  • 一部訳せない部分が・・・(not only A but also B)

    The famous Latin American "Manana" means not only "tomorrow" but just as likely "someday" or even "never." (その有名なラテンアメリカの言葉「Manana」は「明日」だけでなくjust as likely「いつか」または「決してない」さえも意味する。) という文なのですが、just as likely はどう訳したらよいのでしょうか。likelyは「おそらく」という意味の副詞で動詞meansにかかっているのだと思いますが、asの用法がよくわかりません。また、not only A but also B の構文や等位接続詞( A and/or/but B )ではAとBが文法的に等しいものでなければならないと聞きましたが、ここではきちんとその形になっていない(just as likely が対応する部分がない、さらにはorに関してevenも?)ように見えます。一方だけに副詞などがはさまれるくらいは許容されるということでしょうか。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    海外の友人が英語について教えてくれているのですが、何と書いてくれているのでしょう? **When you start a sentence with "so," it's like it connects it to the previous sentence. For example. The man was hungry. So, he decided to go buy a burrito. In this case it's like it's filling in for "because of this." "Let me see what I can do," and "I translated my message into Japanese" don't seem to connect in quite the same way. If you wanted to use "so", you could say- I'd like to help you as well. So, I'll translate my message into Japanese. Another way you could think of it is if the two sentences COULD connect naturally with only a comma you can use "so." You can write- I'd like to help you as well, so I will translate my message into Japanese. You can't write- Let me see what I can do, so I will translate my message into Japanese. Hope this helps, let me know if I'm writing too many notes here!

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    経済英語の和訳を冷やかし無しでお願いします・・。 Before developing these propositions, the term industrial enterprise needs to be defined. Used in a broad sense, it means bere a large private, profit-oriented business firm involved in the handling of goods in some or all of the successive industrial processes from the procurement of the raw material to the sale to the ultimate customer. Transportation enterprises, utilities, or purely financial companies are not then included in this study, while those firms concerned with marketing and with the extraction of raw materials as well as those dealing with processing or manufacturing do fall within this definition. An industrilal enterprise is thus a subspecies of what Werner Sombart has described as the capitalistic enterprise, which as "an independent economic organism is created over and above the individuals who constitute it. This entity appears then as the agent in each of these transactions and leads, as it were, a life of its own, which often exceeds in length that of its human members."

  • 和訳をお願いします!!!

    effective schools are indeed more likely to have supportive parents, though the differences are not always as large as might be expected. The smallest differences are in direct parent involvement, In effective and ineffective schools , parents are about equally likely to attend parent-teacher conferences, visit classes. and phone the school about problems. Parents do attend more PTA meetings at effective schools than at ineffective ones, but at both types of schools only a small minority of parents attend. The differences between schools are greater when we look at parent involvement from the other direction.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 長文の一部を抜粋しているので、意味がちぐはぐしているかもしれないのですが、和訳をお願いいたします。 Oh I heard from my colleagues that there is a story about a small boy and dog (そうだ、同僚から小さな男の子と犬についてのお話があるって聞いた)... I think Nello and Patrasche ... (ネロとパトリシェだと思う)that this is very famous in Japan.(この物語は日本で凄い有名) Actually I didn't know this story even when it's located in Belgium (Antwerp). But now that I see the images of the cartoon maybe I have seen it. Do you know this story?(あなたはこの物語知ってる?) Hope you enjoy the rest of your free day,

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    The article mentions that the 50 research subjects were divided into three groups. Thus, each group likely had 16 or 17 members. With such a small sample size, the findings can only be described as preliminary. Even so, the results are very interesting because earlier studies with animals suggested that reduced-calorie diets may improve memory. This study, with its admittedly small sample, backs up the original research and makes it clear that the research should be continued. To be sure, a study done with a larger sample would seem to be the next step. Surprisingly, samples do not have to be very large in order to make accurate predictions about a population. In fact, using a sample is actually more accurate than if data on every member of a large group were collected. For one thing, with a large population, the time required to get data on each member would mean that conditions might change between the beginning of the data collection and the final analysis of the data. Another problem would be that more mistakes in entering the data would occur if too many members were surveyed. Thus, if a proper sample size is selected, and data are collected properly, an accurate prediction about a population can be made even with a relatively small sample.

  • 和訳の質問です。

    和訳の質問です。 2つの英文について質問させて下さい。 ・The problems are your constant nagging companions, for you are unable to realize that other people do not as spend as much time. という文についてなのですが、直訳すると、その問題はあなたにとって絶えず付きまとう友人で・・・という意味なのでしょうか? あと後半の部分は簡単に言うと時間をかけてもほかの人々のすることを理解できないということなのでしょうか?どのように訳していけば良いのでしょう ・You may even be a genius, or eventually trun into one. あなたは天才でさえあり、最終的に1人になってしまうだろうということでしょうか?