• ベストアンサー


論文の査読の回答について以下のような指摘を受けました。 Its better to modify the next points: 1-Written in the present form and not in the past tense form. 書き方が古くて堅苦しいということでしょうか。そうであれば最近の書き方とはどのようなものでしょうか?とはいえ、近年の論文には十分触れ合っているつもりです。研究分野による差もあるでしょうが、アドバイスを頂ければ助かります。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー

こんにちは。 「Its better to modify the next points: 1-Written in the present form and not in the past tense form.」 可能性1): 質問主が論文を現在形で書きましたが、「過去形を使ってね」というアドバイス。 可能性2): 質問主が論文を過去形で書きまして「Written in the present form and not in the past tense form」が「Should be written in the present form and not in the past tense form」の省略した形。この場合は、「現在形を使ってね」というアドバイスとなります。 つまり、present form = present tense (現在形)と考えて宜しいでしょう。 ご参考までに。




その他の回答 (1)

  • purunu
  • ベストアンサー率42% (518/1214)

いいえ、ちがいます。 文法的に「現在形」で記してあるが、「過去形」にしたほうがよい、ということです。 分野がわかりませんが、実験で結果が出たのであれば、It results in ... でなく、 It resulted in ... とする、というようなことです。





  • 英訳がわかりません。

    As the Past Tense belongs to finite verb constructions only, the Perfect form does duty, in non-finite constructions , for both Past Tense and Perfect Aspect. の英訳がうまくできません。 特に、the perfect form does duty からわかりません。 このように訳すのでは?という情報や、このように訳すんだよという情報を、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の訳と和訳の正誤

    訳と文章についての説明が欲しいです。 We have to consider it not, like the experts, in all its complicated detail but in its simpler outlines. And the picture I find emerging from these outlines is far from reassering. notが突然現れていて、こんな場所においていいのかなーと悩んでいます。 not~but~っていう構文なのかと思うんですが、でもnotの位置に釈然としません。 二行目のfind emerging もなんだかよく分かりません。感覚の動詞なら、find 感覚動詞で いいと覚えていたんですが、emergeは問題が表れる、で感覚動詞じゃないので、悩んでます。 I am speaking now not of the industrial revolution that has been with us for the past two hundred years, but more precisely of technological revolution that has taken place in little more than the past twenty years. これも突然notが入っていて混乱しています。 また、in little more than っていうのが、よく分かりません。 この辺りを教えてもらいたいです。 They found themselves cut off form the soil. 彼らは土からきりはなされたことがわかった。でいいんでしょうか? The progress of the past two centuries, and still more of the past two millannia, seems to have gone at a mere snail`s pace by comparison. milleniaはmilleniamsの誤植かなぁと思っています。 訳があっているか知りたいです。 「過去2世紀の進化は、まして過去2千年の進化と比較すれば、まったくのろのろとしているように見える」 どうでしょうか? Thus more people are assisting the city to send forth its greedy tentacles into the country. これは訳を教えてもらいたいです。 主語、動詞は分かるんですが、the city to send forth its greedy tentacles into the countryの部分が 難しくて分かりません。 おねがいします。

  • 英語の翻訳おねがいします。

    翻訳ソフトでは意味が不可能でした。 Not cancelling until I decide wether to send the item back in the next couple or days or so... Just deciding wether its worth it or not. Im not angry and know its an oversight just disappointed.. thats all.... よろしくお願いします

  • 過去を表す語句が「ない」のに、過去形にしてもいいのですか?

    過去を表す語句が「ない」のに、過去形にしてもいいのですか? Is it all right to use the past tense ,even though the sentences have no words to describe the past ? 時制についてお聞きしたいことがありますが、よろしいでしょうか? I'd like to ask you about the past tense of English. Could you look at this ? Here is the sentence written in Japanese. and this is the model answer in English. I read in the newspaper that more and more people living in cities are becoming interested in gerdening. 都会に暮らす人の間で、ガーデニングが趣味だという人の数が増えてきている、という記事を新聞で読みました。 質問ですが、読みました、と書いてあるのに過去形の語句、yesterday などがないのに、過去形を書いていいのでしょうか? I'd like to ask a question, but is it all right to use the past tense , even though the sentences have no words to describe the past such as yesterday ? 誤字、脱字、または英文の誤りがあれば、遠慮なくご指摘ください。よろしくお願いします。

  • Emphatic Tenses ???

    emphatic tense , present emphatic, past emphatic English plusよりhttp://www.englishplus.com/grammar/00000328.htm Emphatic Tenses The two emphatic tenses receive their name because they are used for emphasis. More commonly, however, they are used with the negative not and with questions when the normal order is inverted and part of the verb comes before the subject. The present emphatic tense is formed by adding the basic present form of the verb to the present tense of the verb to do (do or does). The past emphatic tense is formed by adding the basic present form of the verb to the past tense of the verb to do (did). Present emphatic: ③Does he run fast? ①He does run fast. ④He does not run slowly. Past emphatic: ①He did come to work today. ②Didn't he stay home? ③He did not stay home today. と解説にあり、①②は学校でも習ったし、強調使用と理解できますが、③は普通の疑問文④は普通の否定文ではないのですか?fast, slowlyやtodayがつくから、なんらかの強調が入ってるってこと? 普通の疑問文とこのemphatic tenseとの区別がつきません。他に例があればもっと頂けると助かります。宜しくお願い致します。

  • 小説と時制

    参考書ふうの和訳をお願いします。対象は◎から下の英文です。 It is only superficially paradoxical that most novels about the future are narrated in the past tense. Michael Frayn's A Very Private Life (1968) starts in the future tense ("Once upon a time there will be a little girl called Uncumber") but he can't keep it up for long, and soon shifts into the present tense. ◎To enter into the imagined world of a novel we have to orientate ourselves in space and time with the characters, and the future tense makes that impossible. The past tense is "natural" for narrative; even the use of the present tense is somewhat paradoxical, since anything that has been written down has by inference already happened.  * David Lodge, The Art of Fiction

  • 考古学用語について

    石器の素材名らしいんですが、chrysacollaってわかる人教えてください。あと、論文出でてくる「curate]という単語ですが、the points curated in the room may have been reworked by its occupants.で、尖頭器が再利用さてたというのはわかるんですが、その単語のところだけわかりません。よろしくです。

  • 英語

    整序問題です。 1I (can't,choose,decide,to,which university). 2Children are (easy,in,not,nowadays as,so,they,to please,were) the past. 3Things don't (go,we,the way,always,to,want,them). 4You (bad tooth,better,have,had,pulled,that) out. 5(to,help,because,warming,rain forests,global,control) they absorb carbon dioxide. 6A (to,of,number,are,Americans,surprising,willing) pay higher taxes to make schools better. 7There is (learning,better way,do,no,to,of,a job) than by doing it, even if you may make mistakes at times. 8Now that most families in Japan have only one or two children, (with,to,have,play,fewer children,brother or sisters). 9University education in England generally lasts three years. However, in Scottish universities (for four years,it,instead,is,to attend,usual) of three. 10 When hunting, a snake is very careful (movement,of,so as not,to advance,to attract,with a minimum) the attention nf its victim. 特に8からの訳がよく掴めず、並び替えるのに苦労しました。 4のhaveとhadで、haveは~してもらうの使役で、「その虫歯を抜いてもらいなさい」でいいのでしょうか。

  • 英語論文の読み方

    この論文、どの順番で読めばいいのでしょう...内容から読み取れと思われるかもしれないのですが全く興味のない分野(和訳して来いということで課されました)なので分脈判断ができません.. 直前に続く文章は RELICT GEL The shiny slickenside layer on the Corona Heights fault is composed of amorphous silica, hydrous crystalline silica grains locally containing cellular structures, quartz, and nanoparticles of Fe oxide. The textural relationships between these grains suggest progressive transformation of primary amorphous patches to more-ordered silica phases that have grown at the expense of the amorphous hydrous silica (Fig. 3). Two features record the presence of colloidal silica particles within the layer when it formed (Fig. 3). The cells in the hydrous silica grains refl ect nucleation of crystalline material onto となっており、直後には fault, the gel could have formed during creep without resulting in dramatic weakening. Further experimental and microstructural work is required to establish if the textures we describe formed during a paleo-earthquake. We conclude that the presence of a relict silica gel over the surface of the Corona Heights fault shows that silica gel does form and can dynamically weaken natural faults during slip. と続きます 和訳してくれ!とはさすがに言えませんので文章の読む順番を教えていただけるとありがたいです。よろしくお願いします

  • 英語論文の添削をお願いしたいのですが・・・

    以下の文がアカデミックライティングに即して正しいかどなたか添削してください。つたない英文すみません。  The past sports labor migration studies put the cases of international movements of the athletes of various sports aiming at wealth like salaries or scholarships (Bale and Maguire ed., 1994). Expansion of sports from the advanced countries as “core” to the developing countries as “periphery” related to capital and the movement of athletes to the opposite direction comes to the surface here (Magee and Sugden, 2002). In this context, the key factor of sport labor migration often assumed to be the economical one (Maguire and Stead, 1998; Chiba, 2004).  In the Migration Studies, however, it is already said that it isn’t enough understanding that international movements of labors arise from simple factor such as acquisition of wealth. The reasons of international flow of people are mixed factors which economic, historic and cultural ties and transformations of social structures of both sending countries and accepting countries were cross-wired (Sassen,1988; Castles and Miller,1993). Sport Labor Migration is transforming its figure in accelerated progress of globalization. The past studies of sport labor migration about soccer (Maguire and Pearton, 2000), rugby football (Chiba and Jackson, 2006) or baseball (Takahashi and Horne, 2006) points out their various factors. Maguire (1996) analyzes movement of ice hockey players and categorizes the sport labor migration into four types; “Pioneers” whose main purpose is the mission of the sport, “Mercenaries” who assume to get money, “Settlers” who settle down in the destination country after retirement, “Nomadic Cosmopolitans” who cross the border with their sport skills, and “Returnees” who identifies their born places as the results of their movements.