• ベストアンサー


As the Past Tense belongs to finite verb constructions only, the Perfect form does duty, in non-finite constructions , for both Past Tense and Perfect Aspect. の英訳がうまくできません。 特に、the perfect form does duty からわかりません。 このように訳すのでは?という情報や、このように訳すんだよという情報を、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 過去形は、主動詞構造に属するだけなので、不定詞構造の中では完了形は、過去時相と、完了態の役をする。  主動詞構造というのは、主文の主な動詞、すなわち不定詞ではない場合です、「本動詞」(main verb)ともいいます。  duty のところは、do duty for X and Y =「X と Y の両方の役目をする」と読めば楽です。下記の応用編と言ってよいでしょう. http://eow.alc.co.jp/do+duty+for/UTF-8/  僕の○○学の先生が、睡眠薬は使わない、文法の本を一冊枕元に置いておくだけで十分だ、といいましたが、本当ですね。



夜遅くに、わざわざありがとうございました! 本当に助かりました。 そして、dutyのところも、自分は、初めて見たので、わかりませんでした。 なので、本当にありがとうございました!


  • 定型動詞句?

    読んでいる文法書にIn the FINITE VERB PHRASE, the first word is always FINITE VERB FORM.とあったのですが、普通、動詞句ならどんなものでも最初の動詞はFINITE VERB FORMになるのではないのでしょうか?また、FINITE VERB PHRASEがあるならNON-FINITE VERB PHRASEもあると思うのですが、どのようなものがFINITE VERB PHRASEで、どのようなものがNON-FINITE VERB PHRASEなのでしょうか?教えてください!

  • Emphatic Tenses ???

    emphatic tense , present emphatic, past emphatic English plusよりhttp://www.englishplus.com/grammar/00000328.htm Emphatic Tenses The two emphatic tenses receive their name because they are used for emphasis. More commonly, however, they are used with the negative not and with questions when the normal order is inverted and part of the verb comes before the subject. The present emphatic tense is formed by adding the basic present form of the verb to the present tense of the verb to do (do or does). The past emphatic tense is formed by adding the basic present form of the verb to the past tense of the verb to do (did). Present emphatic: ③Does he run fast? ①He does run fast. ④He does not run slowly. Past emphatic: ①He did come to work today. ②Didn't he stay home? ③He did not stay home today. と解説にあり、①②は学校でも習ったし、強調使用と理解できますが、③は普通の疑問文④は普通の否定文ではないのですか?fast, slowlyやtodayがつくから、なんらかの強調が入ってるってこと? 普通の疑問文とこのemphatic tenseとの区別がつきません。他に例があればもっと頂けると助かります。宜しくお願い致します。

  • お願いします。英訳してください。

    大学に提出しなければいけないものなんですが、お父さんに書いてもらう書類なので誰か英訳お願いします!!Universities in the United State are required to have verification of adequate financial support before admitting an international student for study.Southwest Texas State University requires that this form be completed and submitted by the financail sponsor of the prospective student prior to enrollment.Additionally, documentary proof that the financial sponsor possesses sufficient financial resources for at least on year's total expenses must be attached to this form.Completion of this form does not imply admission or acceptance. INSTRUCTIONS:This form is to be completed in English by the prospective student's financial sponsor only.Please type or print clearly in ink.All requested information must be provided.Additional information may be provided on a separate paper. お願いします。

  • have の次の過去形と過去分詞

    アメリカの人が書いた文ですが、下に英訳が書いてあります。 1.高いおさけをのんだことがありません。    I have never drank expensive sake. 2.私の姉は結婚した事がある。    My syster has gotten married. 1はどうしてdrankなの?と聞くと Thats usually only used to say you are drunk from too much alcohol. It's just colloquial. ということでした。 では2はどうしてgottenなの?と聞くと Emphasizes past tense. ということでした。 どういう場合は過去形で言ってどういう場合は過去分詞になるのでしょうか? そしてこれらの言い方は人によって違うのでしょうか? それとも大概の人はこう言うのでしょうか?

  • 英文(一文)の訳を教えてください。

    お世話になります。よろしくお願いします。 分からないのは、次の一文です。 But many BE speakers, say it´s better to use the past perfect tense, as the class probably hasn´t finished completely and what you undeerstood is only a part of it. http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=275119 27th October 2006, 7:05 AM mirxさんの回答です。 仮定法の意味のような気もしますが、BEがわざわざ大文字にしてあることなども何か意味があるのでしょうか? 文構造なども含めて教えて頂けると助かります。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 「レベルアップ」を英語で

    「レベルアップ」って和製英語ですよね。さて、次の文を英訳してみました。 “英語を介してフランス語を勉強すると、フランス語よりも英語のレベルアップになるのではないかと思います。英語とフランス語を比べると 動詞の活用はフランス語の方がはるかに多いですが、時制に関しては英語の方が細かいです。例えば フランス語の複合過去は英語の過去と現在完了に対応していますが、フランス語の複合過去に両方の意味があるのではなく、区別がないだけなんです。” I think that if you study French through English, you'll improve your English rather than French. Compared English with French, though French has the much more complicated conjugation than English, It's English that possesses more detailed tense than French. For exemple, French compound past correponds both to English past and present perfect, but it is not that French compound past expresses two notion of time, but it just makes no ditinction between these two. 手持ちの和英辞典に「レベルアップ」という単語がなかったので、ここでは improveを用いましたが、それでいいんでしょうか? その他にも、英文でおかしな箇所がありましたら ご指摘くださいませ。

  • 日本語訳 お願いします!!!!

    [3] One particularly disturbing aspect of society’s crime problem is the psychopath. a person who appears to lack any conscience and does indeed seem to be “evil incarnate" (though new studies show that such seemingly innate badness is usually due to abuse and neglect at a very early age). Spotting psychopaths is difficult because they can be cleverly manipulative and skilled liars. But a new Cornell University study says that psychopathic criminals‘ speech patterns frequently give them away. For example, they use the past tense more often than “normal” criminals, as if trying to separate themselves from their crimes. They also use more filler syllables like “uh” and “um” to make themselves sound normal. And they use more subordinate conjunctions like "because" and “so that.” which. suggests one researcher, “that psychopaths are more likely to view the crime as a logical outcome something that had to be done.” The results of the study, the researchers say, should prove useful in both crime investigation and crime prevention  helping to “spot” potential wrongdoers before they act.

  • 教えて下さい!

    この文を読んで21~25の選択問題を選んだのですが、あってるか確認していただけませんか?よろしくお願いいたします。 私の解答↓ 21.D 22.D 23.B 24.A 25.C 21 Why does Ms. Laurence write to Mr. French? (A) To inform him that she is leaving the company (B) To notify him of an upcoming event (C) To request additional time to complete a project (D) To announce a successful business deal 22. According to the letter, what will Mr. French be working on from July? (A) Preparations for an event (B) A fishing trip (C) Interviewing applicants (D) A public building 23. Who gave Mr. French a painting? (A) An engineer (B) An architect (C) An important client (D) A company president 24. In the e-mail, the word, "arrange" in paragraph 1 line 3, is closest in meaning to (A) organize   (B) align (C) consider (D) form 25. What is implied about Castle Constructions? Monroe (A) It is located (B) It holds regular social events. (C) It has a vegetarian on its staff (D) It has used Dino's Grille in the past.

  • 英語が得意な方おられますか?日本語訳お願いします!

    英語が得意な方おられますか?至急日本語訳にして頂きたい英文があります。長文ですみません。宜しくお願いします。 In New Zealand there has been considerable discussion about whether a Maori dialect of English exists.Many people assert firmly that there is such a variety,but there is little evidence so far of linguistic features which occur only in the speech of Maori people.The alternation between [d] and [ð] at the beginning of words like the and then,which is indicated in example 7,for instance,is by no means confined to the speech of Maori people.Greeting like kia ora,and vocabulary items like tangi('funeral') ,illustrated in example 2,are used by Pakeha(New Zealanders of European origin)as well as Maori in New Zealand.However,in general,Maori people use Maori words more frequently in their speech than Pakeha people do.The word kuia in example 7 illustrates this.Kuia is a Maori word meaning 'old woman',which is widely known in New Zealand.Nevertheless,its occurrence in the child's story suggests the speaker is more likely to be Maori than Pakeha. There are also grammatical features which occur more frequently in Maori people's speech.In a study of 8-year- old children's speech,vernacular verb forms(such as walk for walked)occurred more often in the speech of the Maori children than the Pakeha.There were also some distinctive uses of verbs,such as went and,which seemed to be used as a narrative past tense marker by the Maori children,as illustrated in example 7.A comparison of the speech of a small group of New Zealand women also found that the Maori women were more likely to use vernacular past tense forms of some verbs,as illustrated in sentences (a) and (b) in example 8.Moreover,Maori women were more likely than Pakeha to use present tense forms with s as in (c) and (d),and much more likely to omit have,as in (e) and (f).

  • 翻訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    長文で、御手数ですが、どうか分かり易く翻訳お願い出来ないでしょうか? But if asked to get to the heart of her greatness as an interpreter and draw out what distinguishes her from other great pianists, it is not this "feminie" aspect we would evoke, but rather the powerful virllity of her playnig. "Does she play like a man? No, she plays like an Argerich!" is a phrase one often hears. This is what comes across from her performances of music by those 20th-century composers who moved away from the romanticism of the past and established themselves as the embodiment of modernity. To appreciate this, we need only go back to her performances of the Prokofiev concertos, whose machine-like energy certainly derives from the virtuosity acquired from playing Liszt but also stands out for a tomado-like tangibility of sound in tune with the "technical", urban dimension of 20th-century music. In tha same way, while her liszt shows that she possesses the necessary resources to give romantic music its full evocative power, she nevertheless does so in a controlled way bound up with the modern sense of how to shape the sound, with no disgressions into the facile or mannered. This is the basis of her Mozart and early Beethoven in particular: both are interpreted with a bright, limpid sound in which logic prevails over sentiment. 音楽評論の一部です。非常に長いですが、どうかお力添えお願い致しますm(_ _)m