• ベストアンサー



  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

後半のnegativeの後のtheyは、何を指しているんですか? <someone> told me to go away but <their hands were open and <they showed <their palms < の行き着く先は someone ですから、someone を指しています。


  • 英語を訳してください。

    (1)As a young boy I was always aware that what people said was not always what ther meant or were feeling and that it was possible to get others to do what I wanted if I read their real feelings and responded appropriately to their needs At the age of eleven,I began my sales career selling rubber songes door to door after school to make pocket monyy and quickly worked out how to tell if someone was likely to buy from me or not . When I knocked on a door,if someone told me to go away but their hands were open and they showed their palms,I knew it was safe to persist with my presentation because,despite how negative they may have sounded,they weren`t aggressive. If someone told me to go away in a soft voice but used a pointed finger or closed hand,Iknew it was time to leave.Iloved being a salesperson and was excellent at it. As a teenager,Ibecame aptts and pans salesperson,selling at night,and my ability to read people earned me enough money to buy my first piece of property (2)Selling gamve me the opportunity to meet people and study them from nearby and to evaluate whther they would buy or not,simply by watching their body language. this skill also proved a bonazafor(※幸運の鍵) meeting girls in discos. Icould nearly always predict who would say yes to a dance with me and who wouldn`t. I joinde the life insureance business at the age of twenty and went on to break several sales records for the firm I worked for,becoming the youngest person to sell over a million dollars`worth of business in my first year. this achievement qualified mefor the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table(保険営業成績トップクラスの人々からなる相互研鑽と社会貢献を趣旨とした組織) in the USA. (3)As a young man A was fortunate that the techniques I@d learned as a boy in reading body language while selling pots and pans could be transferred to this new area,and was directly related to the success I could have in any venture involving people (1)(2)(3)のところの英語を訳してください。

  • offer A to do の用法について

    They ( ) me to play cards. 1.invited 2.offered 3.showed 4.suggested 正解は1でしたが、alcでofferを検索したところ、 〔ほかの人のために~しようと〕提案する、言う ・They offered me to stay at their house. : 彼らは私に家に泊まるように言ってくれました。 という例文がありました。2が正解になり得ない理由を教えてください。

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    You imply that if they would hang my impersonator, what would they do to me if they could lay their hands upon me? あなたがほのめかしているのは、彼らが私の真似をしている人間を吊るすつもりなら、私を捕らえることができたら私に何をしようとするだろうかということか? 自分なりに訳してみましたが日本語としてわかりにくいですね。解釈が間違っていると思います。 大変お手数掛けますが、どのように解釈したらよいかご教授いただけないでしょうか。 何卒よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 次の英文を翻訳お願いします。

    I've noticed that, too. Many people are eating miso soup and sushi... I notice it is mostly white people who do it though. They seem to "discover" things many cultures already knew. Just like with coconut oil, my family has cooked with it for generations, but after they got their hands on it, it became too expensive and I had to buy canola oil instead. よろしくお願いします。

  • 長文ですがどなたか翻訳をお願いします。

    日本語に訳してください 宜しくお願いします。 His hands are strong broad, square palms, harsh hard hands, and the lines on the palm deeply cut The finger tapering and having spatula shaped tips. Trimmed nails. The nails are poor, yellowish and curved like peanuts and inclined to split, and get felons or tears in the cuticle. The finger nails have hard skin around them, like a hallo at the edges of the fingers, and on the finger tips, that sometimes crack or get cut like marks. Cracks at the ends of the fingers and on the backs of the hands sometimes, occasionally looking purple or bleeding cracks. The skin is rough ragged, exfoliates, gets abrasions and bleeds. Like hard worked hands, the tissues are hardened about the palms and nails here and there. These hands have seen hard work,. His hands are not handsome they are Skilled, useful interesting looking hands, that tell their own story of where they have been and what they have been doing. Occasionally they get a little swollen from work. And the veins become visible in them in the warmth of a hot day. He tends to scratch the hands, and picks flaky or hard skin off the palms or fingers when it occurs.

  • 英文で意味の分からない所があります

    “No. I go to school in Boston.” I disliked her for the answer. Whenever anyone has asked me where I went to school I come right out with it: Newark Colleges of Rutgers University. I may say it a bit too ringingly, too fast, too up-in-the-air, but I say it. For an instant Brenda reminded me of the pug-nosed little bastards from Montclair who come down to the library during vacations. While I stamp out their books, they stand around tugging their elephantine scarves until they hang to their ankles, hinting all the while at “Boston” and “New Haven.” 上記のWhile I stamp out their books, they stand around tugging their elephantine scarves until they hang to their anklesの意味する所が分かりません。 分かる方宜しくお願いします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    I'm a teenager living with parents who I would hesitate to describe as abusive, but they are difficult, often angry, and they can be really mean. I swear I try not to be a brat. I am going to the college they told me to. I am majoring in the major they told me to. I am going into the career they told me to. A lot of my life is spent trying not to upset them and trying not to show that I am upset. They don't like my expressing negative emotions. I have one thing I want that requires their assistance. It is a hobby. They don't like to say no, but they like to indicate in other ways that this is a burden and I am burdensome for wanting it. At this point, it's the only thing I am doing that isn't specifically a thing they told me to do. I try just to ask them, but they say yes and then sigh and mutter and eye-roll me into retracting my request because I feel guilty. I disagree with this whole martyr routine designed to trick me into feeling bad because if they don't want to do it, all they have to do is say no. ここでのbratは「わがままなガキ」といったところでしょうか? eye-roll me into retracting my request の意味を教えてください。 martyr routineの意味を教えてください。 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • 私の和訳、どうですか?駄目だししてください

    And there were many things and many people, some that still seem to stand out clearly and some that are vaguer; but all these people were beautiful and kind. In some way - I don't know how- it was conveyed to me that they all were kind to me, glad to have me there,andfilling me with gladness by their gestures ,by the touch of their hands,by the welcome ane love in their eyes. いろいろなことがあって、多くの人がいた。今でもはっきりと目立っているように思われるものもいれば、もっと漠然としているものもあるが。でも、すべてその人たちは美しくて親切だった。 ある方法でー私は知らないがーそれは私に伝えられた。彼らはみな私に親切だった、 私がそこにいるのを喜んでいた、そして彼らの振る舞いから、かれらの手の感触から、彼らの 歓迎と愛のまなざしは私を喜びで満たした。   ※一見意味がわかりそうですが、読み返すとなんだか わけのわからない和訳になっていますよね? この和訳にどなたか駄目だししてください!

  • 速単の一部です

    One common idea among psychologists has been that people could deal with suffering more effectively if they were able to understand and accept it. (has been )は<されている>と訳すのですか? あまりしっくりこない気がしますが。

  • 速単の一部です。

    The country with largest number of "dissatisfied"respondents was Germany. Close to 30% of young people there shared this opinion. Combined with the "somewhat dissatisfied "group,they accounted for more than 65% groupの後のtheyは何を指すんですか?