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  • 婚姻受理証明書の英文

    婚姻受理証明書の英文について教えてください。 このIssue #は何を記入すればよいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。 TRANSLATION OF EXTRACT: JAPANESE CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF MARRIAGE DATE OF REPORT : HUSBAND NAME : DATE OF BIRTH : PERMANENT DOMICILE (HONSEKI) : WIFE NAME : DATE OF BIRTH : PERMANENT DOMICILE (HONSEKI) : Issue # : This is to certify the foregoing report was accepted on Issue Date : Title : Name : Seal I certify that the foregoing is a correct translation. Translator's signature : Translator's Name : Date : あとTitle :は○○市○○区長でいいのでしょうか? その場合区長はどう書けばいいですか?

  • 翻訳お願いします。翻訳サイトのコピペはご遠慮ください。

    翻訳お願いします。翻訳サイトのコピペはご遠慮ください。 We can represent information in either analog or digital form. Traditional representations are usually analog. For example, an invoice printed on a sheet of paper represents the information content of the invoice in analog (paper) form. Similarly, we can use celluloid film to create an analog representation of the information content of a motion picture. Digitization is the conversion of an analog representation to digital format using zeroes and ones, or bits. For example, optically scanning an invoice creates a digital bitmap that has almost exactly the same information content as the printed original(excepting quantization errors). Similarly , scanning each frame of a motion picture results in a digital representation of the information content of the film. Another way to view this dichotomy is to say that information stored in analog form uses atoms, but information stored in digital form uses bits [Negroponte 95].

  • application formの一部が、日本語訳できません!!

    留学する予定の語学学校の申し込み書に 以下のことに同意でてください。と書いてあったのですが 私自身、意味を正確に理解できていなくて もし何か問題があっては…と思って質問させてもらいます! 1.I understand that acceptance of this application in no way guarantees admission to a program or course. 「この申し込みをしたからと、入学が許可されるわけではない。」 ということなのでしょうか? 2.I understand that my admission is subject to the availability of a place for me in the program for which I have applied. 全く分かりません。。。 3.I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of Malaspina University-College and of the department and program in which I shall be registered, and any changes which may be made while I am a student at Malaspina. 校則?みたいなルールが変わっても残ることを誓います。といった感じでしょうか? 4.I certify that all statements on this appplication are true and complete. I understand that misrepresentation of this information in any material way may result in cancellation of my admission or registration status. 上記(住所など書いてある)に記した事柄が真実であると保証します。 かなーと思ってます。 5.I understand that this information is provided without my personal signature, and I agree to it being used for registration purposes. 私のサインなしで登録目的のために利用されることを許可します。 こんな感じに思えたのですが・・・ どなたか回答おねがいします!!!!

  • 【認定書作成】英文を教えてください!

    現在認定書を作成しています。 This is to certify that NAME is a member of ○○. といった文を記入したのですが、 名前を省いて短くしてほしいと言われました。 その場合の文はどの様にしたらいいのか、 教えてください。 よろしくお願いします!

  • eBayよりアカウント停止の連絡が届きました。

    翻訳ソフトを使ったところ、もう取引出来ない…みたいな事が書いていますが、復活は難しいのでしょうか。 satou, based on the risk involved in your eBay business, we have determined that it is in our mutual best interest to part ways. We regret any frustration or inconvenience this matter may cause you. Because your actions have not reflected the spirit of eBay, we have decided that you will no longer be able to participate on the site. Regrettably, your account will not be reinstated based on the risk your account has posed to the community Some of the factors may have to do with the item being listed or the information provided when registering the account. We look at several different aspects of an account to determine risk. Unfortunately we can not discuss all of the factors we take into consideration. Some of them may have to do with the item being listed or the information provided when registering the account.

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。相手のアカウントがどうのこうのと言っているかと思われます。

    英語の翻訳お願いします。相手のアカウントがどうのこうのと言っているかと思われます。 would you pls relist this pochette I have a buyer that filed a dispute against my paypal account and now I have negative amount on my account. I am sorry for this inconvenience.

  • 区切りの使い方 何故ofなのか?

    I don't mean to say that I know, of my own knowledge, what there is particularly dead about a door-nail. 上記、, of my own knowledge, のofの使い方?と”, ,の使い方が分からないので教えてください よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳をお願いしたいです。

    翻訳をお願いしたいです。 The success of the revolution, however depends critically on the construction of computer network that can move enormous quantities of bits reliably, and with the quality of service need by each type of information. This then, is the topic of this book: how to engineer a computer network that can carry the information needs of the digital future, the network that some call the Information Superhighway.

  • This is, in fact, the aim

    This is, in fact, the aim of education : not just to give information about this or that, but to relate bits and piece of knowledge to each other in a unified vision or understanding of life. 日本語訳をお願いします! できるだけ意訳ではなく直訳でお願いします。

  • 外国の公文書の日本語訳をお願いできますか?

    state of Utah department of commerce division of corporationn and commercial code i hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of certificate of fact for aaaaaaaa LLc and the endorsements thereon , as the same is taken from and compared with the original filed in the office of this division on the 20 day of Aug A.D 2009 and now remaining on file and of record therein. subscribed and sworn to before me the 20 day of Aug ,2009 Notary public Jack Bauer