• ベストアンサー


(1)I must eat all of my meals.(食事はすべて食べなければならない。) (2)We took our own dishes to the kitchen.(自分のお皿をキッチンへ持って行った。(運んだ)) (3)I spoke English at my home.(家で英語を話した。) <home> or <house>? <at> or <in>? (4)My family help each other.(私の家族は互いに助け合う。) (5)思ったことがその通りになってほしい。   (6)自分で起きなければいけない。 (7)かっこいいふくを着こなしたい。 (8)野球の試合にライトで出た。 たくさんありますがよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • stucko
  • ベストアンサー率59% (26/44)

1) I have to eat all of my food. 2) good. 3) good. 4) My family helps each other. 5) I hope it turns out like I thought it would. 6) I have to wake up by myself. 7) I want to wear clothes that look stylish. (I want to wear cool clothes) 8) I played right-field in the baseball game. (以上の日本語のニュアンスはちょっと。。僕には難しいかなぁ。でもだいたいあっていると思います。 がんばってください!



参考になります。 ありがとうございます!


  • これを英訳するとどちらが自然ですか。

    わたしは今、お家(私の)にいます。を訳すとI am in  my house now.      または I am now at my hous. このどちらが正しいですか、または自然ですか。 あるいはこれ以外の訳がよければ、教えて下さい。  また、houseより、homeの方が良いのかなども含め、お願いします。  

  • 次の各文を命令文に直してください お願いします

    1.You must wash your hands before meals. 2.You must not open your eyes. 3.You are kind to old people. 4.You must not eat all the cake. 5.You are not afraid of your own shadow.

  • 添削希望

    I'm sorry to always keep you waiting for my massage, I have poor ability to make sentences in English, If I were good at English, I would type every single day.

  • 英訳

    英訳をみていただけないでしょうか? 『私はそのパーティーではアイスクリームケーキとスパゲティと海老のリゾットを作りました。こんなメニューになったのは私の体質のせいなんです。私は普通のケーキにのっかってる生クリームがダメなんです、あれを食べると気持ち悪くなるんです。肉も鶏肉なら平気ですがそれ以外の肉を食べると気持ち悪くなります。とにかく油に弱いんです。』 ↓こんな訳で大丈夫でしょうか? I made an ice-cream cake, spaghetti and shrimp risotto for the party. I chose these dishes because of my allergies. I cannot eat any fresh cream on regular cakes. I get sick if I eat it. I can eat chicken, but I feel sick when I eat other kinds of meat. I'm weak when it comes to oil. どの文も不完全な気がしますが、特に自信がないのは最後の文です。 あと.. ice-cream cakeの前にanは必要でしょうか? 普通のケーキはregular cakeでいいんでしょうか?

  • 【英語】添削お願いします テーマ:一人暮らし

    将来社会人になったら一人暮らししたいですか? それとも親と一緒に暮らしていたいですか? I want to live independently from my parents I think I must do so. One reason is that I have two brothers and one sister who are younger than me. If I lived with them after I get into the world, they couldn't be given their own rooms. Moreover,I couldn't concentrate on my work if there are three children around me. Leaving from my house would benefit both of me and my brothers or sister. Another reason is that I have to learn to live by myself because my parents won't take care of me by the tame I die. I have to also make my parents relieved. For these reasons I want to live on my own in the future. 文章の構成に自信がありませんん。 文法だけでなく文章構成や矛盾が生じていないかなどもみていただけると嬉しいです。

  • 英訳をお願いします

    英語が苦手だから、そっけない返事でごめんね。 ・・・の、英訳をお願いします。 自分の英文が怪しい時の言い訳には、いつも I'm BAD at English, I hope you understand my message. というフレーズを使っているのですが、これに「そっけない 返事でごめんね」というのを付け足せれば良いなと思って います。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語が合っているか見てください。

    Narrative の文書です 間違っていたら、訂正お願いいたします。 On Fridays, I get up at 9:00 am. My mother leaves for work at 8:00 and my brother goes to school early in the morning so I get up by myself. I only have third class on Friday so I don’t have to get up early but I get up two hours before I have to leave. As soon as get up, I go downstairs and get dressed, prepare breakfast myself and eat in front of the TV, checking my email on my smart phone. After breakfast I wash my face, brush my teeth, make up my face and tie up my hair. The third-period class is an English class and we always have a test at the beginning so when I am ready to go to college, I study for the test for an hour and I leave the house at 10:45 am . I walk to the station 15 minutes and get on the train 11:05am.When I arrive at Nagoya station at 12:03 pm, I change train and get on Higashiyama line subway to go to college. It takes 20 minutes to arrive at Hoshigaoka station from Nagoya station. I have to walk about 15 minutes to college after get off the subway. When I arrive at class, I eat chocolate for between meals. After between meals, I study for the test for about 45 minutes and sometimes I talking with my college friend who takes the same English class until 1:30 pm. I always meet my friend at college’s one floor near the elevator after finish the class at3:00 pm to go to part time job with my college friend by subway. We work at Nagoya station’s underground McDonald near silver clock . We get off the subway, buy eat between meals at Ministop near our office and talking with her over eating it at office. Change clothes and go our shop. I work as register or making drink or preparing food. After finish job, we change clothes and eat dinner at MacDonald’s because we work at there , we can buy 30 percent discount the day. I talk about school or friends or who we interested in over eating dinner with my friend about 30 minutes. After finish eating dinner We walk to Nagoya station for 15 minutes and say good-bye then. I take train and sleep on the train, my mother picks me up when I arrive at my local station about 11:15 pm. I wash my hands and take a bath as soon as I arrive at my house. After take a bath I brash my teeth and blow my hair. I up stairs to go to bed and say good night to my mother. Before fall asleep I always check my cell phone whether I get email from my friend or not. After that I prepare clothes for tomorrow’s part time job and set alarm for 8:30am. I see twitter and tweet or just check my friend’s tweet. I fall asleep after check my shift and what time I have to get up.

  • 英語 日本語訳お願いします。

    英語 日本語訳お願いします。 Each night as I eat my little bowl of plain rice,I can smell the delicious odor of the wonderful food this restaurant serves, and I can imagine myself eating those tasty dishes down here instead of eating my rice alone up in my room . よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削をお願いいたします

    どなたか英文を添削してください。よろしくお願いいたします。 ・「英語のライティングはたぶんスピーキングよりはましだと思う。」 I guess my English writing is probably better than my speaking. ・「そのチケットは遅くても今月中には届くと思う。私は今週じゃないかな~とまだ思ってるんだけど、はっきりはわかりません」 (なかなか届かないチケットについてです) I suppose the ticket will arrive within this month at the latest. I still kind of believe it will be this week, but I'm not sure...

  • 和訳お願いします。。。

    和訳お願いします。。。 In my house, we eat in the kitchen, but we have a dining room too (when we have guests). In the kitchen, it's a round table in wood, with a table cloth. I seat between my father and my sister ^-^ We watch TV during the meals too. For midday, we watch news, and the evening we watch movies or other TV programs. Generally, we eat a salad first (cucumber, tomatoes or salad), then the main dish (fish, chicken, and some other things with vegetables, rice or pasta). Then, cheese, yogurt and fruits. Now, you know all about French meals ! :) Yes, I sleep sometimes during classes ! But not a lot, I don't want to be seen by the teachers ^-^. The day I sleep the most is tuesday, because it's the day I have lots of classes. My sister, in University, is very lucky, because she doesn't works on monday, and she has not a lot of classes. University in France is quite relaxing ^-^ By the way, what do you mean by "Do you have the subject studying besides Russian" ?