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STP's Acoustic Performance and the Story Behind

  • STP performed an acoustic version of their hit song 'Plush' on MTV's Unplugged, which led to Atlantic Records wanting the band to record an EP based on the acoustic version. However, the band declined as they didn't want to be known as the Plush band. Instead, they debuted 'Big Empty' during the Unplugged performance, which later appeared on The Crow film soundtrack and their album Purple.
  • STP had planned to contribute a new version of their 1990 demo 'Only Dying' to The Crow soundtrack, but the tragic death of lead star Brandon Lee on set made the band change their plans. Despite this, it is unclear if a new version of 'Only Dying' was actually recorded.
  • In 1993, STP performed on MTV's Unplugged, where they showcased an acoustic version of their hit song 'Plush'. Atlantic Records wanted them to record an EP centered around the acoustic version, but the band refused, not wanting to be known solely for that song. Instead, they premiered 'Big Empty', which went on to be featured on The Crow soundtrack and their album Purple.


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  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

Later in 1993 STP performed on MTV's Unplugged. The acoustic version of “Plush” was a hit, having already being performed earlier in 1993 on MTV. Atlantic Records wanted the band to record an EP based around an acoustic version of Plush, but the band shot this down, telling the label they didn't want to be known as the Plush band. STP debuted “Big Empty” during their Unplugged performance, which ended up appearing on The Crow film soundtrack and Purple. STP had originally planned on contributing a new version of their 1990 demo “Only Dying” to the soundtrack, but lead star Brandon Lee's death on set made the band decide to use another song. Steve Stewart recalls, “I don't recall a new version of Only Dyin' actually being recorded, but it might have been. その後1993年にSTPはMTVのアンプラグドに出演した。《プラッシュ》のアコースティックヴァージョンがヒットしたが、これはMTVで1993年の初頭に収録済みのテイクであった。アトランティックレコードはこの《プラッシュ》のアコースティックヴァージョンを元にしたEP制作を要望していたが、バンドはこれを一蹴した。バンドが言うには《プラッシュ》一曲だけのバンドだと認識されたくない、との理由からだった。STPのデビュー曲《ビッグエンプティ》もアンプラグドで披露され、これは映画《ザクロウ》のサウンドトラックと、アルバム《パープル》に収められている。STPには1990年のデモ《オンリーダイイング》の新ヴァージョンを、映画のサウンドトラックとして提供する計画があったのだが、主演俳優のブランドン・リーの事故死の為、他の曲に変更せざるを得なくなった。スティーヴ・ステュワートは回想する。 『《オンリーダイイング》のニューヴァージョンの記憶はないなあ。でもあるかもしれないね』




