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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:錆止め塗料の英文 化学 aggressive?)

Zinc chromate paints: Effective in the presence of a mildly aggressive atmosphere?

  • Zinc chromate paints are effective when used on perfectly cleaned metal and in the presence of a mildly aggressive atmosphere. But what does 'mildly aggressive atmosphere' actually mean in this context? And does 'perfectly cleaned metal' refer to a completely clean metal or a metal without any impurities?
  • Are zinc chromate paints effective in a mildly aggressive atmosphere? What does 'mildly aggressive atmosphere' actually mean? And does 'perfectly cleaned metal' mean completely clean metal or metal without any impurities? Get the answers here!
  • Confused about the terms 'mildly aggressive atmosphere' and 'perfectly cleaned metal' in the context of zinc chromate paints? Find out what they actually mean and how they affect the effectiveness of the paint here!


  • ベストアンサー
  • akiko1er
  • ベストアンサー率47% (8/17)

mildly aggressive atomosphere は「弱腐食性雰囲気」と訳しましょう。 perfectly cleaned metal は「十分に清浄な金属(表面)」のことでしょう。



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