• 締切済み


Only renewable energy sources(such as solar energy and wind energy)offer a real,long-term solution. と言う地球温暖化に関する文章なんですが 文頭のonlyの訳し方が良く分からないのですが、ここでのonlyはどう訳せばよいでしょうか? (太陽エネルギーや風力エネルギーのような)回復可能なエネルギー源だけでは本当のことを述べると長期的な解決策ではない。  みたいな感じでいいのでしょうか?あと、offer a realは『本当のことを述べると』と訳してOKでしょうか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • Reffy
  • ベストアンサー率32% (1317/4014)

xx(only以下~風力まで)だけが長い目で見た本当の解決策をofferすることができる、でしょう。 offer a realで切るのではなく、realでlong-termなsolutionをofferするで切ってみましょう。 …ってこれ、高1くらいの教科書テキスト?と思うのでヒントだけv


onlyは~しかない という意味です。 例文 Only Jane was able to solve the problem. ジェーンしかその問題を解けなかった。 a real, long-term solution はカンマでは切れていません。realもlong-termも solutionにかかっています。 名詞を二つ以上の形容詞(この場合は厳密に言うとlong-termは名詞ですが)が名詞を修飾するときに カンマできることがあります。   本当の、長期的な解決策 というような意味です。 全体の訳は次のようになるのでは 太陽エネルギーや風力エネルギーのような 回復可能なエネルギー源しか、 本当の長期的な解決策を提供しない。


  • 和訳。早めに回答いただけると助かります。

    Masdar is a very special project because it will be the first 100 percent sustainable city in the world. It will get power from solar energy and from other renewable energy sources such as wind power. It will reuse 80 percent of it water and use the rest for growing crops. It will also attempt to recycle all of it waste. Biological waste will become fertilizer, and industrial waste such as plastics and metals will be recycled for other purposes. Even the wood used in the building materials comes from sustainable sources. ※Masdar = マスダール(都市名)

  • 和訳をお願いいします!

    この文を訳していただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします! Scientists believe that companies should work to cut greenhouse gas emissions by using other energy sources, such as wind, solar or waterpower. These types of fuel are less damaging to the environment.  You might have heard about the measures that we all can take to save energy and cut carbon dioxide in the air. But national and international energy laws are also key. As we have seen, millions of plant and animal species may have already been affected by global warming. The time to act is now.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 Because of the steep up-front investments that they have so far required and the high cost per unit of power generated, renewable energy technologies have not been a popular option for producing potable water, in the Gulf or anywhere else. But advances in the technology and a steady decline in manufacturing costs for solar generating plants may be about to change that picture.

  • 訳お願いしますm(._.)m

    和訳お願いしますm(._.)m (1)People on Samso saw the island's future in the use of biomass. (2)Biomass is not harmful to our health or to the environment and can produce energy repeatedly. (3)Today the people have begun to say, “This renewable energy project is our project.” (4)Samso's main energy sources-wind and solar-are also renewable. (5)They have been successful in setting a model for countries that are poor in natural resources, and for the people in the world who worry about the day when fossil fuels run out. (6)No wonder this small island of about 4,000 people is visited by as many as 1,000 people every year.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Abstract The linkage between multi-decadal climate variability and activity of the sun has been long debated based upon observational evidence from a large number of instrumental and proxy records. It is difficult to evaluate the exact role of each of solar parameters on climate change since instrumentally measured solar related parameters such as Total Solar irradiance (TSI), Ultra Violet (UV), solar wind and Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) fluxes are more or less synchronized and only extend back for several decades. Here we report tree-ring carbon-14 based record of 11-year/22-year solar cycles during the Maunder Minimum (17th century) and the early Medieval Maximum Period (9–10th century) to reconstruct the state of the sun and the flux of incoming GCRs. The result strongly indicates that the influence of solar cycles on climate is persistent beyond the period after instrumental observations were initiated. We find that the actual lengths of solar cycles vary depending on the status of long-term solar activity, and that periodicity of the surface air temperatures are also changing synchronously. Temperature variations over the 22-year cycles seem, in general, to be more significant than those associated with the 11-year cycles and in particular around the grand solar minima such as the Maunder Minimum (1645–1715 AD). The polarity dependence of cooling events found in this study suggests that the GCRs can not be excluded from the possible drivers of decadal to multi-decadal climate change.

  • 以下の文章の和訳をお願いします。

    1. Introduction The role and exact extent of natural and anthropogenic forcing for the climate evolution has been under much debate and one of the major sources of external forcing can be through solar variability. As is well summarized by Hoyt and Schatten (1997), several meteorological phenomena, such as temperature variations, cloud coverage, frequency of lightning strikes, and droughts, seem to be responding to solar variables over a wide range of time scales such as the 27-day solar rotation period, 11-year activity cycle, 22-year polarity reversal cycle and the other longer quasi-cyclic periods. Although the most straightforward mechanism of the sun–climate connection is the direct heating of the earth by solar radiation, it is unlikely that the entire solar influence on climate can be attributed simply to the variation of TSI (Foukal et al., 2004 and Foukal et al., 2006).

  • 銅の再考

    10. Apr. 2014 の this weekです。 (1)A bizarre 2009 promotional film from the European Copper Institute in Brussels asks viewers to imagine life without its favourite metal, without actually showing how such a life would be any different. ブリュッセルで2009年に銅協会から奇妙な映像が提供された。その映像ではこの好ましい銅がない我々の生活があなたには想像できますか?ということを視聴者に問うようなものだった。実際にはこの銅がない生活がいかなる差が生じるかを垣間見ることはできない。 とwithout以降の訳がどういう風に訳せばいいかわかりませんでした。 (2)Imagine life with such a better copper catalyst. Intermittent renewable energy such as wind and solar sources could be used to drive the reaction, and would address two major energy and environmental problems at a stroke— what to do with all the carbon dioxide we generate, and how to store and transport renewable energy. の文章の at a stroke は直面する問題 と訳していいのでしょうか。ここの訳だけわかりませんでした。 (3)They suggest that the difference might be down to tiny cracks introduced to the metal, which give the catalyst more space to work. ある研究グループがエタノールの産生方法で従来の銅の触媒方法よりも酸化銅を用いて行う触媒作用の方が効率が良いという研究結果を示した実験系について話しています。 彼らはこの研究と従来の方法の違いが金属を誘導する際のごくわずかな間隙の形成がこれを可能にしている。この空間を利用できることがさらに触媒作用を強力にするものなのだ。 と訳して意味合いはわかるのですが might be down to の意味がわかりませんでした。 ご指導お願い申し上げます。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 The program aims to bridge the gap between promising technologies which are being developed in universities and research centers, and large-scale industrial applications powered by renewable energy. The long-term goal of the initiative is to have a facility operating at commercial scale by 2020. Middle Eastern and North African countries are home to 6.3 percent of the world’s population, but the region contains only 1.4 percent of the world’s fresh water. The Gulf region in particular has the highest water scarcity levels in the world, according to the World Bank.

  • 翻訳おねがいします

    Future Energy where will we get our energy? It's a bright sunny day. I put the last solar panel on my roof, I switch it on , and I have electricity. I'm free! Now, I won't have to worry about electric bills or oil prices, and I won't feel guilty about pollution. But what's this? A cloud passes in front of the aun and my lights go out! I'm going to have to start my generator and burn some more gasoline. This isn't going to be easy after all. We are going to have a big energy problem in the future. Today, the world uses 320 billion kilowatt-hours of energy a day. That's equal to about 22 light bulbs burning nonstop for every person on the planet. By 2100 we will use three times as much energy. How will we get the energy? At the moment, we get most of our energy from fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas. But fossil fuels are dirty and they will not last forever. It the long term, we will have to find alternatives. We will need renewable energy. SOLAR POWER On a cloudy day near the city of Leipzig in the former East Germany, I walked across a field with 33,500 solar panels. It produces enough energy for 1800 homes. One problem with solar power is that it is expensive, but the cost of solar will fall as technology improves. "Thirty years ago it was cost- effective on satellites," says Daniel Shugar, president of Powerlight Corporation. "Today it can be cost-effective for powering houses and businesses." He tells us that in the future most houses will have solar panels. There are other problems with solar power. It needs a lot of space and, of course, it doesn't work at night. WIND POWER One afternoon I stood in a field in Denmark under a dark, cloudy sky. And My solar panels Produce very little energy in this weather. But above me a wind turbine was producing clean, renewable electricity. At the moment, wind power is the best of all the alternative energy sources. But again, there are problems. First, they are ugly; people don't like to see wind turbines in fields. And of course the wind doesn't blow all the time. so, will our grandchildren get their energy from the sun, wind, or some other source? "We're going to need everything we can get from solar, everything we can get from wind," says Michael Pacheco, director or the National Bioenergy Center, part of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. "And still the question is-can we get enough?" 自分で調べながらやっていたのですが、へんな文章になったりします。 どうか皆さんの力をおかしください

  • こんな英文Webページさがしてください!

    太陽光発電か風力発電関係(solar energy,wind power)のどちらかを選んで下さい! そして、それに関して肯定的な記述のしてある英文Webページと否定的な記述のしてある英文Webページをさがしてください! 分量はどちらかのWebページが1000words越えているようにしてほしいです。(MS-Wordなどのワープロソフトにコピー&ペーストして文字カウントのツールを使うと簡単に字数のカウントができます) それぞれのURLアドレスをおしえてほしいです!