
  • シーナ・アイエンガーの「The Art of Choosing」からの英文では、波の音や風の音の中で彼は死の宣告を聞くことはなかった。
  • 代わりに彼は質問を聞いた。「生きたいですか?」
  • その質問を聞き、肯定的に答えることができる能力は、彼が生き残ることを可能にしたかもしれない。
  • ベストアンサー


シーナ・アイエンガーの「The Art of Choosing」からの英文です。 However, in the lapping of the waves and the whistle of the wind, he did not hear a verdict of death. Instead, he heard a question: "Do you want to live?" 【The ability to hear that question and to answer it in the affirmative--to reclaim for himself the choice that the circumstances seemed to have taken away--may be what enabled him to survive.】 【】の中の英文なのですが、 The ability to hear that question and to answer it in the affirmative  肯定してその質問を聞いてそれに答える能力は to reclaim for himself the choice that the circumstances seemed to have taken away  状況が奪い去ってしまったと思われる選択を彼自身に取り戻すために may be what enabled him to survive.    (↑訳がわかりません) と訳せる範囲で訳してみたのですが、    in the affirmativeの訳し方がわからないのと  to reclaim for himself ~このto不定詞は「~のために」でしょうか?  may be what enabled him to survive.ここが全くわかりません。 教えてください、お願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

まず、挿入部分を取っ払って考えましょう。 The ability to hear that question and to answer it in the affirmative may be what enabled him to survive. その質問を聞き取って、それにyesと答えることができる能力が、彼が生き延びることを可能にしたものなのかもしれない。 挿入部は、ご質問者のように「~するために」と解釈しても良いのでしょうが、私としては、the abilityにつながっているものとして解釈しました。 (The ability ...)to reclaim for himself the choice that the circumstances seemed to have taken away 「状況が奪い去ったようにみえる選択を、自分のために取り戻す(能力)」 これが、直前の部分(to hear that question and to answer...)と同格で並列されていると読みました。 全部まとめると、 その質問を聞き取って、それにyesと答えることができる能力、 つまり、状況が奪い去ったようにみえる選択を自分のために取り戻す能力が、 彼が生き延びることを可能にしたものかもしれない。



回答ありがとうございました。 英文の構造の解説で、そんな風に(同格で並列されているように) 読めるように思いました!

その他の回答 (1)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

The ability to hear that question and to answer it in the affirmative その質問を聞いて、肯定的に答えることが出来る能力こそ、 --to reclaim for himself the choice that the circumstances seemed to have taken away 状況が奪い去ってしまったかに見える、その選択を彼自身が取り戻すためにも、 --may be what enabled him to survive. 彼が生き抜く可能性を与えるものかもしれない。



回答ありがとうございました。 意味をとてもよくとれる訳だと思います!


  • 訳を教えてくださいっ;

    訳を教えてくださいっ; They enable him to accomplish much which would otherwise be impossible. Their value lies in their enabling him to Adjust to present circumstances in the light of past events. お願いしますっ;

  • 訳がわかりません

    Where an operator makes sales with prizes attached in contravention of the provisions of Article 13 of this Law, the relevant supervising and inspecting authority shall order him to desist from the illegal act and may, according to circumstances, impose on him a fine of more than 10,000 yuan (RMB) and less than 100,000 yuan (RMB). ↑の文章を自分なりに訳したのですが、自信がないので、間違っているところを ご指摘ください。↓ 相場師が、この法律のうちの13個の項目の供給における違反に結びついた賞金を つけて商売したところで(??)、適切な監督と検察官は、彼に、違法行為をやめ ることを命じるだろう。そして、状況に応じて、1万yusan以上と10万yusan未満の 罰金を課すかもしれない(?)

  • 訳のヘルプお願いします!!

    The dream of the race is that it may make itself better and wiser than it is,and every great philosopher or artist who has ever appeared among us has turned his face away from what man is toward whatever seems to him most godlike that man may become. 「競争の夢は、本当の競争よりもよかったり、賢かったりすることがあるかもしれない。そしてかつて存在した偉大な哲学者や芸術家達はみな、人間がなれるかもしれない最も神に近いと(自分にとって)思われるどんなものからも顔を背けてきた。」 としてみたのですが、最初の部分の意味が訳してみても、よくわかりません。 またfrom what man is toward whatever seems to him most godlike that man may become.の部分の構造がはっきりとはわからないのですが、教えていただけないでしょうか。 whatever seems godlikeでひとくくりなのはわかりました。大学入試の問題だったらしいです。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • thatの先行詞の決定について

    It can help him accept the fact that there is much in the world that differs greatly from what he sees around him and to which he must learn to adapt himself. という文章があります。 that differs greatly from what he sees around him and to which he must learn to adapt himself の先行詞についての質問です。 英文の解説ではmuchが先行詞なのですが、自分はthe worldが先行詞でもいいんじゃないかと思ってしまいます。 なぜ、muchが先行詞になるか、納得できる説明が欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • Whatを含む名詞節の構造?

    George Orwellの短い文で、意味は分かるのですが、英文構造がよく分からず困っています。教えて下さい。 It seemed to him that he knew instinctively who would survive and who would perish: though just what it was that made for survival, it was not easy to say. この、what it was :それはなんであるか?(疑問詞を使った名詞節) で、thatは関係代名詞でその主語となり、先行詞はWhat?あるいはIt なのか迷っています。ただ、what 以下がsayの目的語とはわかります。よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    以下の英文の日本語訳がわかりません。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)What is something that people may not want to admit? (2)That we have the same body parts as animals. (3)That we need animals to survive. (4)That animals are smarter than us. (5)That we can be trained like animals.

  • cease to hear の訳し方

    That Beethoven, who was so passionately fond of music, should cease to hear, seemed too cruel to be true. この英文において、cease to hear を”聞くことを止める”と訳しました。 もちろん訳としてはおかしいことはわかりますし、英文全体の言いたいことは わかるので、”耳が聞こえなくなる”と、自分の訳し方を無視してそれらしい 訳を作ることはできます。でも、この主語がベートーベンじゃなくて、 Tomだったら cease to hear を上手に訳せる自信がありません。 更に、ceaseを調べるとこうありました”cease は文語的。普通は stop を使う” つまり、cease to hear は”聞くために止まる”と訳すのが普通では ないでしょうか? Question.どのような思考過程によってこの英文を綺麗に訳せるのでしょうか?

  • 訳お願いします!

    夢についての話だと思います。 訳お願いしますm(._.)m お願いします! Flying If you dream about flying and looking down on the people below, you may have an inferiority complex. Your dream may express your desire to be looked up to by others. Or, if you find yourself flying so high that you can't see anything below and feel no fear of falling, it may mean that you want to escape from your burdens. Climbing You may think that a dream about climbing mountains means you are trying to overcome difficulties. Whether or not this is true may depend on what kind of mountain you are climbing. If you are climbing a mountain with heavy snow and cold winds in winter, it may mean that you are in a bad situation. However, if you are climbing a mountain in warm weather in spring, it may mean that your life is going well. Being Chased If you dream about a person following you, it may mean that you have thoughts you wish to escape from. For example, you may be thinking you did something wrong. Or, if you are being chased by wild animals, it may mean you have strong characteristics in yourself that you want to escape from.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    The best way of approaching philosophy is to ask a few philosophical question: How was the world created?Is there any will or meaning behind what happens? Is there a life after death?How can we answer these questions?And most important,how ought we to live?People have been asking questions throughout the ages.We know of no culture which has not concerned itself with what man is and where the world came from. Basically there are not many philosophical questions to ask.We have already asked some of the most important ones.But history presents us with many different answers to each question.So it is easier to ask philosophical questions than to answer them. Today as well each individual has to discover his own answer to these same questions.You cannot find out whether there is a God or whether there is life after death by looking in an encyclopedia.Nor does the encyclopedia tell us how we ought to live.However,reading what other people have believed can help us formulate our own view of life. Philosopheres’ search for the truth resembles a detective story.Some think Andersen was the murderer,others think it was Nielsen or Jensen.The police are sometimes able to solve a real crime.But it is equally possible that they never get to the bottom of it,although there is a solution somewhere.So even if it is difficult to answer a question,there may be one―and only one―right answer.Either there is a kind of existence after death―or there is not. A lot of age-old enigmas have now been explained by science.What the dark side of the moon looks like was once shrouded in mystery.It was not the kind of thing that could be solved by discussion;it was left to the imagination of the individual.But today we know exactly what the dark side of the moon looks like,and no one can `believe` any longer in the Man in the Moon,or that the moon is made of green cheese. A Greek philosopher who lived more than two thousand years ago believed that philosophy had its origin in man’s sense of wonder.Man thought it was so astonishing to be alive that philosophical questions arose of their own accord.

  • 訳を教えてください

    My mother abused my dying father, withholding medicine and food, as well as verbally, such that he didn’t say when he soiled himself in order to avoid her abuse as others changed him. such that以下の訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします