• ベストアンサー


よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m Yeah don't worry I know tour busy and can't email quickly. I'm also the same. I am busy with my work sometimes but I will think if you even if I can't email right away. I will send you some of the pictures. Hope you like them. It was a fun night !! I want to do again.


  • ベストアンサー

>Yeah don't worry I know tour busy and can't email quickly.I'm also the same. 大丈夫、心配しないで、あなたが忙しくて早く返信できないの分かってるよ。私も同じだから。 >I am busy with my work sometimes but I will think if you even if I can't email right away. 時々仕事で忙しくなるときもあるけど、すぐにメールできない時でも君のこと思ってるよ。 >I will send you some of the pictures. Hope you like them. 写真をいくつか送るね。気に入ってくれるとうれしいな。 >It was a fun night !! I want to do again. 楽しい夜だった!またやりたいね。(?) 最初の"tour"はおそらく"your"のタイプミス。でもそもそもyourではなく文法的にはyou'reになるべきです。同じく"I will think if you"も本来は"I will think of you"になるべきですね。見た感じ相手もネイティブじゃないか、くだけた感じの英語使っているんで、そちらが返事するときも完璧な英語じゃなくて良いかと思います。



早々のご回答、 有難うございます。とても助かりました。最後の(?)に笑ってしまいました。笑 ネイティブの方なんですけど...笑 英語勉強中ですが、まだまだ分かっていないので、こちらのサイトに頼ってしまっています..本当に有難うございました。



  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします‼

    翻訳機を使うと意味不明な文になりました。所々は分かるのですが、??な部分があるので、英語が得意な方、翻訳をお願い致しますm(_ _)m Hey how are you? im good. Im at work now. Do you like animals? My friends say I'm an animal. Maybe you will like me?? Yeah when can you come to hawaii again?? I hope to meet you!! In not sure if I can go to japan but we will see!!

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします!

    I didnt know you would send payment so quick, i had wanted to tell you i will not be able to ship these until next week. so if you want to put on hold until then that would be fine. I am away on business and will return on tuesday march 6th back to my home. but i'm available to answer questions and take any orders while away. so i just wanted to let you know that so there will be no problems and i will mail the day i get back..

  • 英語の訳....(?o?)

    外国の方からのメールで→『If you can not reply quickly, then please do not worry! I will be very busy for about a little over a month now, it will be difficult.I hope I can do it!』と来たんですが,私なりの訳だと↓ 『もしあなたが返事を早く返せなくても心配しないでください!私は1ヶ月くらいとても忙しいでしょう。難しいけど,できればいいな!』になるんですが,訳の意味は合っているんでしょうか?? どなたかよろしくお願いします(^^)

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    the cd is stopped at the border line in italy...with no reason!!! because everything has been made by law...so the responsable of our distribution is trying to understand this problem...but i think that our label will send you the cd directly by mail...because you can't wait an year!!! we are sorry about it...really... if you want ear the new song we can send you by mail...send me your mail address..to make you forgive us for every problem you have had you will be the first that listen this new song!!! I hope you're happy about it... and the next week i'll make you send all the cd's songs by mail or in another way on line!!! hoping that someday the cd will arrive...sorry, italy is special for this things!!!

  • 英文の意味が解りませんので翻訳をお願いします!

    英文が目茶苦茶みたいで読めません。誰か翻訳をお願いします! Priority mail is 38 6 to 10 labor days to arrive you are getting over 100 discs 2 $ a disc if you send therhe money to my papal account I can ship it right away just send 25.00 I got the rest my papal account is the same one that you make the payment chueco300@yahoo.com

  • 英文の意味が解りません。翻訳をお願いします!

    英文が目茶苦茶みたいで読めません。誰か翻訳をお願いします! Priority mail is 38 6 to 10 labor days to arrive you are getting over 100 discs 2 $ a disc if you send therhe money to my papal account I can ship it right away just send 25.00 I got the rest my papal account is the same one that you make the payment xxxxx@xxx.xxx ※相手のメールアドレスはxxxxx@xxx.xxxにしてあります。

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    海外オークションの出品者からのメール文です I sent it to the address that Ioffer gave me. They have the wrong address for you. I will send again although it will cost me another $10.00 to shipm it a second time. Is it possible to send me $5.00 so I don't have to pay the entire shipping since ioffer has the wrong address for you. I will add some extra fights if you sned me $5.00. If you cannot do that I will still resend the item to you. 翻訳サイトでは、正確に翻訳できないので、どなたかよろしくお願いします。

  • 至急。英語について。

    don't worry no matter if you do that or not I love you. I will always I love you. It is just hard to show that sometimes because we are so far away.←この離れてるからそれを示すのが難しいって 愛してるってことをちゃんと伝えれないのがってことですよね?

  • 英文の意味が解りません。翻訳をお願いします!

    no i will send you the info of how much it cost or the weight of the package when you know how much it cost you can send me the money and then will shipped if not i can pay for first class mail and send it myself without any xtra charge

  • 下記の英文の意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。

    I will try. If not Olga will meet you And send me your email so I can have a checkin instructions sent to you just in case

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