• 締切済み



  • ts0472
  • ベストアンサー率40% (4363/10775)

EC2という機能を初めて知りましたが メッセージから訳すとログインできていない状態の用に思えます もう少し操作法を調べてから って感じでしょうか? AWSアカウントが必要みたいですが取得済み? ログイン済み? 無料で使える部分はあるみたいですが、クレジットカードの登録が必須 少し見た感じでは表示されるものも英語表記に思えました(情報が少し古いかも知れない) 私には必要ではない機能なので参考程度に



  • We hope you all the best

    I have processed the full refund for your Amazon order:# ---. Please note that it can take 3-7 business days until the money is back into your account, which depends on your payment method. We hope you all the best and appreciate your patience. 上記の内容ですが、「 We hope you all the best and appreciate your patience.」を日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? 外国人です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 海外で買い物をした際に下記が返信されました

    こんにちは。海外で買い物をした際に下記が返信されました。なんとなくの意味はわかるのですが確証がもてないのでご質問させてください。お手数ですがなるべく詳細にご回答願います。よろしくお願いいたします。 Thank you for your recent order number *******. For your security, we ask that you confirm ownership of your credit card by obtaining the approval code received for this transaction. Please call the bank associated with the credit card used on this order for this information. Reply to this email with the approval code to verify ownership of the account. Upon verification, your order will be processed. If this information is not available, we can accept a copy of your credit card statement showing the cardholders name, billing address and account number. Also, we can accept a copy of the front and back of your signed credit card and a piece of photo ID such as a driver&#82**;s license or passport. You can send this either by fax or as a .jpg attachment in reply to this email. Our fax number is 001(253) 891-****. If you are unable to reach us via email, please contact us via telephone at 001 (253) 891-****.. To avoid delays in your order and possible cancellation, please reply by June 1, 2011. I apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to your response. Best regards,

  • 間違っている英文があったら、教えて下さい。

    間違っている英文や、こんな言い方はしない。という文があったら、教えて下さい。 突然で申し訳ありませんが、明日はとても忙しいので、レッスンを受けれなくなってしまいました。 次回いつ、レッスンを受けれるか、その日を調べてお知らせします。 Sorry to tell you this at the last minute though I will be too busy to take your lesson tomorrow. Right now, I can not tell you when I can take your lesson next time though I will let you know as soon as I can find a slot in my schedule. あなたは次の勉強会はいつが都合がいいですか? When is the study meeting good for you? When is the next study meeting convenient[又はgood] for you? あなたは次の勉強会は何曜日が都合がいいですか? What day (of the week) is convenient for you for the next study meeting? よろしくお願いします。

  • facebookにログインできません

    Suspicious activity is detected. Your account is locked. Your account was sending spam, and for this reason it is temporarily blocked. To unlock your account, you must confirm that you are a real person and not a robot, and to prove you are the owner of the account. To do this, go through a simple verification procedure and fill out the form and submit it below. Immediately after that, your account will be unlocked. Please note that the data required for verification is not stored on our servers and used only once to unlock your account.Thank you for your understanding. Please do not forget to change your password after you unlock your account という英語のメッセ-ジが出てログインできません またyahooの検索でfacebookと入力してもこの画面が出ます どうしたらいいのでしょうか

  • 英語の得意な方、教えてください。

    海外の通販サイトで商品を購入しようとしたら、以下のメールが来ました。 これの意味することは、要するに電話しろということなのでしょうか? Thank you for your recent online your order#352352073. Your order was randomly held by our system for verification. When this happens we need to speak with the cardholder. There is a time difference, but if you forward your phone number we can confirm the information with during the hours we are available which is Monday – Friday, 9am -6pm Eastern Standard Time.

  • 長文で形容詞句などについてわからない部分が・・

    it is a very personal choice you are making and only you can take responsibility for yourself and for realizing your ambition. これの、for your self and for realizing your ambitionがresponsibilityに形容詞句としてかかっているのはどうしてですか?responsibilityを見た時点で次が形容詞句とわかるんでしょうか? i have frequently been asked to explain this magical thing called talent,which everyyone is looking for. これはwhichがthis magical thingをwhich everyone is looking forが修飾しているようです。 どうしてto explain this magical thingを修飾ではなくthis magical thingだけを修飾しているんでしょうか?また、which everyone is looking forも形容詞句になるのは非制限用法でlooking forのあとの名詞が抜けているからでしょうか? どの部分が形容詞になっているかというのがわかりません。前置詞+形容詞で形容詞というのはわかっていて、長くなれば名詞の後ろが形容詞がくるというのもわかっています。読んでいてfor yourself・・ときたら副詞だとおもいどこも修飾しないと思ってしまって意味がぐちゃぐちゃになってしまいます。また、どこを勉強すればこういった部分がわかるのでしょうか?

  • chase bankからのメール?

    突然こんなメールが送られてきました。どうすればいいのでしょうか? Chase Bank Online Notification Security check ! You have received this email because you or someone had used your account from different locations. For security purpose, we are required to open an investigation into this matter. In order to safeguard your account, we require that you confirm your banking details. To help speed up this process, please access the following link so we can complete the verification of your Chase Online Banking Account: Alert code: 1577590437 - Click on: https://www.chase.com/asp/services/update.php?account67241 Please Note: If we do no receive the appropriate account verification within 48 hours, then we will assume this Chase Bank account is fraudulent and will be suspended.The purpose of this verification is to ensure that your bank account has not been fraudulently used and to combat the fraud from our community. We appreciate your support and understanding and thank you for your prompt attention to this problem. Regards, Chase Bank - Chase Online Banking Department 私はchase bankなど利用したことがないので、アカウントなど持っていないのですが、気になっています。 迷惑メールなのでしょうか??

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。発送と値引きの事でメールが来ました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 I have created a code for you, you can use the code “AAAA” and it’s valid for anytime you spend over $20, you can use it anytime, this is a special pricing for you. If you want you can purchase it and we can start the order, as for the shipping, we can refund it back if you decide to use your own shipping company, we can also see if we can find a cheaper rate than our retail site and if we can I can refund you back the difference. Please let me know if this works and also if there is anything else I can do for you, thank you for your order

  • 翻訳してください

    前回からの続きです。 海外サイトでの買い物の商品が届かなくやり取りをしております 翻訳してください 結局クレジットで切った金額を戻すということ? Hello Rui, Thanks for getting in touch, and I’m sorry to hear you’ve not received your order. After checking your order and confirming that you’ve not received it, I have processed an immediate refund for you. Depending on your card issuer, the money can take up to 10 working days to reflect in your account. I hope this helps, but please get back in touch if you have any further questions. All the best, Shauna

  • 米国サイトで購入後のメール内容を教えて下さい。

    米国のB&Hという通算サイトから商品を購入するためにクレジット決済をしました。 日本への発送先情報(氏名や住所、携帯、メールアドレスなど)も入力しました。 その後、私が登録したメールアドレス宛へ、以下の内容でメールが届きましたが、英語がわからないため困っております。 以下のメール内容は、なにを尋ねてきているのでしょうか? この場合、どのような内容で返信をすれば良いのでしょうか? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear SHOTA FUJINO, We thank you for your recent order. However, due to the fact that this order was paid with a credit card issued outside the USA, we are missing some important security information, such as address verification and so we have to take additional steps to protect the credit card holder, thus your order is on hold. Therefore, we ask respectfully that you provide us with some additional information such as a link to your online profile at Facebook or LinkedIn or a similar page; Additionally, if you have a work email address with a valid domain and can respond from it that can be used as well. Please understand that we want to expedite the verification process, so the faster we get a response the faster we can process this order. Please write your order number on all correspondence. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks in advance for your understanding in this matter. Thank you, Geoffrey B&H Verification Department -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------