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私は前者であると解します。なぜなら、後者であるならば、the young foreign とするのではないかと思うからです。



ありがとうございます。二つの解答があったので、アメリカのYahoo answers に質問した所、the young and (the) foreign とthe が省略されているとのことで、解答者様の通りでした。ありがとうございました。


  • 英文和訳、教えてください

    Along the eastern bank are lined the back ends of mostly abandoned factories ,painted with graffiti and faded words like "Conklin Brass." この文のmostly ですが、「ほとんど放棄された工場群」なのか、多数の工場があって、そのうち大部分は放棄されている、なのか、判断の根拠も含め、どなたか教えていただけませんか。出典はThe Best American Essays (2010) のBlooklin the Unknowable というエッセイです。

  • 英文和訳の質問です

    乗馬が、相手と戦わなくてもできることを述べたくだりですが、separate とか、implies を含むあたりとかが、よくわかりません。よろしくお願いします。 出典は THE BEST AMERICAN ESSAYS(2008年版)のLauren Slater さんのTripp lake です。 Riding is largely a singular sport 途中省略  You cannot really play lacrosse or soccer unless you are playing against someone, and this againstness requires that you see yourself as separate, with all that that implies. But horseback riding is something you can do alone in the woods, 以下省略

  • 英文和訳の質問 thank you の意味

    出典 The best American essays(2010年版、p124) 「Brooklyn the Unknowable」 というエッセイで、作者が、ブルックリンのとある一角の、やたら葬儀関係業者が密集している地域を散歩し、とある柩業者の倉庫を観察している場面です。 ...so I headed around the corner, knowing that sometimes more can be leaened from the back of a building than the front . I peered into its windows, seeing stacks of caskets polished and shiny like new sedans , champagne-colored , taupe , all the season's popular colors. I would not like to be burried in such a metalick-looking sheath. A plain pine box, thank you. (以下は、直接、この文に関係ないので省略します。) 最後のthank you の 意味ですが、 (1)白木の松の箱なら、いいけど。 (2)白木の松の箱、ごめんだね。 それとも・・・ よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文を和訳して欲しいです。

    Gerontology is defined as the science of aging. Actually it is made up of the knowledge about aging derived from many sciences, including biology, psychology, and sociology. Gerontologists are the scientists who study aging. Gerontologists have been accused of focusing only on the declines of aging, and of assuming that the characteristics of the aged are the primary causes of the problems of elders. Such a focus on declines is a subtle form of ageism because it ignores the possibilities of growth and improvement with age. The assumption that the characteristics of elders are the cause of the problems of elders is another subtle from of ageism, because it ignores the extent to which the ageism embedded in our social structure and culture contribute to the problems of elders. The extent to which various theories in gerontology may contribute to ageism is discussed in Chapter 6. Geriatrics is the study of the medical aspects of old age, and the application of gerontology to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illness among older persons. Thus, while gerontology deals with all aspects of aging, geriatrics is limited to the medical aspects. Physicians may be subject to several kinds of ageism. Because they focus on illness and disability, they may forget that health and ability is normal among elders. They may be tempted to blame any difficult or obscure illness on old age and assume that nothing can be done about it. Geriatricians and other providers of service to elders may exaggerate age differences and needs of elders in order to promote their own service roles. Several gerontologists charge that gerontology is becoming increasingly "biomedicalized" and that this produces a negative view of aging. Kalish suggested that there is a "new ageism" found especially among advocates and service providers for the aged. It stereotypes the "elderly" in terms of the characteristics of the least capable, least healthy, and least alert of the elderly. It perceives the older person as, in effect, a relatively helpless and dependent individual who requires the support services of agencies and other organizations. It encourages the development of services without adequate concern as to whether the outcome of these services contributes to reduction of freedom for the participants to make decisions controlling their own lives. It produces an unrelenting stream of criticism against society in general and certain individuals in society for the mistreatment of the elderly, emphasizing the unpleasant existence faced by the elderly.

  • 英文和訳お願いします

    一番下の行の和訳です。 出典は、Best American Essays2010の "The murder of Leo Tolstoy" の文です。 文脈から、次のように訳できそうですが、主語が the death でなく a death なので、そこがよくわからない所です。引用文の、この先の文は、関係のない文脈になるので省略しました。 「その死は、実際、一層厳密に調査する価値があるのは当然と受け取られた。」 ではないですよね。 “Tolstoy died in November 1910 at the provincial train station of Astapovo, under what can only described as strange circumstances,” I typed. “ But the strangeness of these circumstances was immediately assimilated into the broad context of Tolstoy’s life and work. After all , had anyone really expected the author of The death of Ivan Ilyich to drop dead quietly, in some dark corner? And so a death was taken for granded that in fact merited closer examination.”

  • 英文を和訳してください。

    和訳をお願いします。 Often,the hardest job for a writer is simply to get started. Some day there seems to be nothing to write about. But don`t worry if this "writer`s block" happens to you. The following ideas may help you begin your writing. First, try a timed free-writing. That`s, sit down and write anything that comes into your mind for 15 minutes. Don`t stop before the time is up. Much of what you write will not be good and you will throw it away. But you will also find some ideas on the paper that you like. You can keep these good ideas and rewrite them in a better way. Second,you can use the five questions of a newspaper reporter: who, what,when,where,and how. Just writing down the answers will help you begin to organize the facts for your essay. Third,you may find a short outline useful. Make a simple list of the major points you wish to make. Seeing the points on paper will help you decide in what order you should put them in the essay. Remember that usually you should put the most important point at the beginning of your essay. Just remember that every day we can find good ideas for writing topics. Many writers keep a small notebook handy to write down ideas from talking with friends,listening to television, or reading a magazine. These notes often become the source of good essays.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    My father walks from street of trees, lawns and houses, once in a while coming to an avenue on which a street-car skates and gnaws, progressing slowly. The motorman, who has a handle-bar mustache, helps a young lady wearing a hat like a feathered bowl onto the car. He leisurely makes change and rings his bell as the passengers mount the car. It is obvi- ously Sunday, for everyone is wearing Sunday clothes and the street-car's noises emphasize the quiet of the holiday (Brooklyn is said to be the city of churches). The shops are closed and their shades drawn but for an occa- sional stationery store or drugstore with great green balls in the window. My father has chosen to take this long walk because he likes to walk and think. He thinks about himself in the future and so arrives at the place he is to visit in a mild state of exaltation. He pays no attention to the houses he is passing, in which the Sunday dinner is being eaten, nor to the many trees which line each street, now coming to their full green and the time when they will enclose the whole street in leafy shadow. An occasional car- riage passes, the horses' hooves falling like stones in the quiet afternoon, and once in a while an automobile, looking like an enormous upholstered sofa,puffs and passes.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    Are e-cigarettes the lesser of two evils, or just another method of nicotine exposure? It’s a question public health experts are debating. Some question the benefits of steering smokers towards less harmful products on the nicotine product spectrum. And a new study published in JAMA Pediatrics suggests what medical experts dread: that people who use e-cigarettes are also likely to be regular cigarette users. Adolescents who use e-cigarettes are more likely to smoke other tobacco products and regular cigarettes. The researchers surveyed 17,353 middle and high school students in 2011, and 22,529 young people in 2012 as part of the National Youth Tobacco Survey. Youth who reported ever using e-cigarettes or currently using them had a greater likelihood of experimenting with regular cigarettes, smoking on a regular basis, or being a current cigarette smoker. Among young people who had used tobacco cigarettes, trying an e-cigarette was linked to being an established smoker. The researchers also found that teens who used e-cigarettes were more likely to want to quit smoking the next year, but they were also less likely to abstain from cigarettes all together. The study didn’t look at whether young people are initiating smoking with regular cigarettes and then switching to e-cigarettes, or the other way around. However, e-cigarettes aren’t “discouraging use of conventional cigarettes,” the researchers say. In September, numbers from the CDC showed that the percentage of middle school and high school students who have tried e-cigarettes doubled from 3.3% in 2011 to 6.8% in 2012. “While much remains to be learned about the public health benefits and /or consequences of [electronic nicotine delivery systems] use, their exponential growth in recent years, including their rapid uptake among youths, makes it clear that policy makers need to act quickly,” Frank J. Chaloupka of the University of Illinois at Chicago wrote in a corresponding editorial. Most recently, Los Angeles extended its city-wide smoking ban to include e-cigarettes.

  • 【至急】英文の和訳です。よろしくお願いします

    Individuals differ greatly in the degree to which culture shock affects them. Although not common, there are individuals who cannot live in foreign countries. However, those who have seen people go through culture shock and on to a satisfactory adjustment usually agree that the process develops in stages. During the first few weeks most individuals are fascinated by the new. They stay in hotels and associate with local people who speak their language and are polite and considerate to foreigners. This honeymoon stage may last from a few days or weeks to six months, depending on circumstances. If one is important, he or she will be treated as an honored guest, will be escorted, entertained and given every comfort, and in a press interview will speak warmly about goodwill and international friendship.

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis(Anaphylactic shock) is a severe allergic reaction. It is a life-threatening problem. Symptoms often develop very rapidly within several seconds or minutes, and the reaction leads to difficulty in breathing, and a shock that maycause death. Anaphylaxis is the systemic(whole body) allergic reaction to an allergen,a foreign substance taken into your body,and a later exposure to that allergen may cause anaphulactic shock. Recently, food-dependent anaphylaxis in Japanese primary school students is a big issue. Animal bites and stings can trigger anaphylaxis. Yellow jacket bees cause over 95% of the allergic insect stings in the United States. 50% of deaths occur within 30 minutes of the sting. The sting involves injecting venom (poisonous fluid) into the human body from the bee's stinger. Anaphylaxis is an extreme reaction of the immune system. It is the most serious response to the insect sting,and it causes airway obstruction and severe hypertension that may lead to death. The first time you are stung by yellow jackets,you will not have an anaphylactic shock. You must be stung at least once in the past in order for your immune system to produce a kind of antibody that triggers the serious allergic reaction on subsequent stings.