• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:【若者英語に英訳】音楽についての会話文)


  • アメリカの若者が友達同士で話すような言葉で、会話文を英訳してください!意味が通れば意訳で構いません!
  • 最近の日本の歌手やバンドは、演奏や歌のレベルが下がっていると感じている若者が増えているようです。
  • 特にアイドル歌手は、汚い手を使ってCDの売り上げを伸ばそうとしているという意見もあります。


  • ベストアンサー

A. They(a band C) have been active as pro-musicians for more than 20 years. Performance skills and live performance are both awesome. I think the level of performance and songs of Japan's singers and bands is decreasing recently. What do you think? B. Ahh, I think so, too. Especially those idol singers recently who are using dirty hands to try to increase the sales of their CDs. I feel that those singers and bands that use the quality of their songs and performance to compete with others have become less. A. That's true. What do you think of those idols who sell "shake-hand coupons" with their CDs? B. Those who want "shake-hand coupons" could buy many copies of the same CD, so lots of the CD could be sold, but I think the sales is not justified. However, if band C is selling "shake-hand coupons" with their CD, I might buy about 10 of them. (Ha ha...) A. I would definitely buy 20 of them. (Ha ha ha...)



早速の回答非常に助かりました! ありがとうございました^^

