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Scott's Solo Tour: A Controversy in the STP Brand



それは明らかにスコットだ(この文章だけでは解釈不可能)。 ともかく、その後スコットは概ねこう言った。 「いいよもう、お前らとは絶好だ。自分で勝手にソロツアーして、告知して、COREを称えた歌を歌ってやる。」 他メンバーはもしスコットが彼らの功績で勝手に儲け、COREのプロモーションとなるツアーをするのであれば、それは我々から盗むのと同じ行為だ、と言った。もちろん、盗みと同等行為であることや、STPのプロモーション目的でツアーをしていたバンドが、平気である訳はなかった。





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    Scott was basically in denial thinking it sounding great and the rest of the band basically said there's no way we can do Piece of Pie, Sin, Where the River Goes etc… So they said we’ll stick with the hits and the songs you can do. To their credit, they never went in the media and bashed Scott or said he couldn't sing stuff publicly, but I do remember at one point Kretz saying one guy in the band couldn't take criticism at all.

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    Weiland also said that he wanted his new solo record out by Christmas but he had to tour this year for money, “Rock and roll records don't sell any more, touring is the only way to make money.”

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    They also didn't like the idea of Scott making money on his own off Core/Purple without them, basically milking his status as the singer and leaving them out to dry. Their position is/was that if you're going to perform using STP to sell your tour, then it needs to be with us as your band.

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    So that's the gist of it. That's also the reason why the “firing” happened right as Weiland left on tour for this run. So when Slash said he “heard Weiland was fired”, that threat had been made if he went through with this tour. The band put the ball in Scott's court and he said whatever I'm doing it. I don't think Scott was fired when Slash said he was, but the threat had definitely been made, and Scott decided to call the Deleo's bluff. Well, now he's fired and it's up to their lawyers to sort through the mess.

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    This just in: Looks like there's going to be some Tommy Solo Band touring in Nov and Dec. East coast and South America. Hope to see you all out there.

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    The band may play some spot shows, but the rumor is it stems from lower tickets sales on tour and for their self-titled 2010 comeback album, along with problems the band are having with frontman Scott.

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    Scott Weiland's Purple At The Core Tour Is Over Former Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland's Purple at the Core tour has finally come to an end. The tour was also called The Purple to the Core tour. Weiland and his backing band the Wildabouts kicked off the tour on February 28th in Detroit, a day after he had been fired from STP. The final date of the tour came on September 14th in Utica, New York. Weiland has two upcoming tour dates: November 30th in Mount Pocono, PA and December 3rd in New York City at the City Winery. Neither show is being advertised as a Purple at the Core show, and guitarist Doug Grean has reportedly told a fan on BelowEmpty.com that the tour is over. The description for the Mount Pocono show reads, “Join us for an evening with Rock Superstar and lead singer of Stone Temple Pilots, Scott Weiland.” Take a look back at The Purple At The Core tour below.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Former STP frontman Scott Weiland just recently embarked on the second leg of his “Purple at the Core” tour with his solo band, The Wildabouts. He recently had the chance to chat with Alan Sculley of HamptonRoads to reminiscence on STP's early days and provide a hint at what's to come for his solo career. When inquired about the band's disparate recording of their 2010 reunion album, Weiland said “No, we weren't hanging out much.” He noted that life in the band changed after the release of “Purple” in 1994. “That's kind of when it stopped. We were all chummy and all that up until then.”

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    The guitarist said he is in a good frame of mind these days and he had no intention of bringing a begative influence like Weiland back into his life. "It's been great," Slash said. "It's basically since I got my shit together and stopped touring with Scott. Even if I didn't have my solo thing going on, I still wouldn't work with him." ※ 『Scott Weiland』や『Slash』は人物名です。

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    Then Scott lobbied and pushed really hard to do Core, and the band said “fine let's try them”. So they did. And Scott just couldn't pull it off. He just doesn't have that range anymore. So the band is saying “dude we can't do it, you can't sing it” and Scott was really defensive about it.