• ベストアンサー


読売新聞の社説の1文なのですが The de facto “operation ban” to be ordered for the prototype fast-breeder reactor is extremely serious. to be orderedはどのような働きになるのでしょうか? 似た働きをする例文などありましたら、参考にのせて頂ければありがたいです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

実験高速増殖炉が事実上の運転停止が命じられることは、実験高速増殖炉にとって、大きな痛手だ。 to be orderedは、不定詞の受動態で、形容詞としてthe (de facto) operation banを修飾しています。 理解する上で、which isを補うと言う考え方でもいいと思います。 The de facto "operation ban" which is to be ordered for the prototype fast-breeder reactor is extremely serious. The plans to be made should be easy to understand. 作られる計画は理解しやすいものであるべきだ。 こんな感じでto be madeという不定詞の受動態がplansを修飾しています。 以上、ご参考になればと思います。



わかりやすい解説付きで、助かりました。 ありがとうございます。

その他の回答 (1)

  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

これは a work to do のような使い方だと思います。 a work to do は 「なすべき仕事」 と解されますが、「これからしなければならない仕事」 のことです。the operation ban to be ordered も、「発せられるはずの運転停止命令」 という意味合いになります。これからなされる動作を表します。


  • 文法の解釈について

    いつもお世話になっております。 読売の社説からの一文です。 According to the panel, the reason for the policy change is that the murals, if returned to the stone chamber, “could not be prevented, without question, from being subject again to damage from microorganisms like mold due to a lack of established technology.” 訳は、 有識者によると、政策を変更する理由は、もし石室に外に戻したら、壁画は既存の技術が不足しているので、再びカビのような微生物のダメージを防げない(妨げれない)、ということが理由である。 という風になるのはわかるのですが、 could not be prevented from being subject again to damage from microorganisms の部分は 1. prevent from のあとはing系が来る→being 2. be subject toの部分が→being subject to 3. その結果、prevent from being subject to damage from~で、~から損傷を受けやすいこと妨げられない、という解釈で正しいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文中の単語の働き及び和訳

    Okinawans were also found to be at an extremely low risk of hormone-dependent cancers, They suffer less than a quarter of the level of breast and prostate cancer as Westerners, and half the rate of colon cancer. This is believed to be mostly due to the low-calorie diet that is high in fruit and vegetables. 上記二番目の英文の、as Westernersのasはどんな役目(品詞と働き)をし、二番目の文の全体の訳を教えてください。

  • 空所に最も適当な語句を選択するという問題なのですが

    1.________, Dr. Smith's own findings were incompatible with the other chemist's interpretations of the test results. (A)Evidently (B)In evidence (C)Evidence (D)Evident 2._______, the total contribution to the hospital building fund has already met our expectations. (A)Extremely (B)Fortunately (C)Illegally (D)Necessarily 3.Please supply a telephone number at which a relative_______in case there is an emergency. (A)can be contacted (B)may contact (C)used to be contacted (D)have to be contacted 4.The chief engineer insists that the operation system________redesigned regardless of the high cost involved. (A)be (B)to be (C)has (D)are 答えは上から 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A で正しいですか?

  • ビジネスレターの訳について・・・

    以下の文章の意味は 「Requestの期限はもともと12/31だったが、2/1以降になった」という解釈でいいのでしょうか? ・・・ The second request is that reorganization is going very fast . First request was December 31st. It will be only over on February 1st, due to the annual closure in the beginning of January. 文中のonlyとoverがどういう働きをしているのかわかりません・・・

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    This was clearly a victory for the British and yet another defeat for the Ottoman government. The humiliation for the British due to the loss of Kut had been partially rectified. The Ottoman government was forced to end its military operations in Persia and try to build up a new army to prevent the British from moving on to capture Mosul. The capture of Baghdad, a provincial capital, also meant that the first[citation needed] Ottoman province had fallen under British control. Although this was good news, it caused a great deal of bureaucratic fighting between the British government in London and the British government in India. Once he captured Baghdad, Maude was the de facto Governor of Mesopotamia from Basra to Baghdad. Sir Percy Cox, the Tigris Corps Political Officer, attempted to issue a proclamation stating that the province was under joint British-Indian administration. But London ordered Cox not to issue his proclamation, and came out with its own proclamation asking Arab leaders to aid the British administration.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Admiral Keyes thought that the operation was doomed to fail and Admiral Jellicoe expected a great success. Despite the demands of the battles at Ypres, Haig had kept XV Corps on the coast throughout, ready to exploit a German general withdrawal. Haig resisted suggestions to launch the operation independently, wanting it to be synchronised with the advance on Roulers, which loomed in early October but did not occur until a year later. Prior and Wilson wrote that the amphibious part of the plan was extremely risky, given the slow speed of the monitors and un-armoured pontoons. A German mobile force was on hand as a precaution and the area could be flooded. In 2008, J. P. Harris wrote that the German spoiling attack demonstrated that the decline of the German armies in France has been exaggerated and that the War Cabinet had neglected to question Haig more rigorously, after he assured them that the reverse had been due to local factors. In 1997, A. Wiest called the plan an imaginative way to return to a war of movement, foreshadowing the amphibious warfare of World War II and a credit to Haig but his refusal to agree to a landing independent of events at Ypres, showed that he had overestimated the possibility of a German collapse. On 11 July Rawlinson ordered that lost ground be recovered by outflanking the new German line along the canal in the Dunes sector. The XV Corps commander, Lieutenant-General Du Cane noted that instant counter-attacks made by local initiative usually succeeded, while those ordered later by higher authority were too late to exploit disorganisation among the attackers and that adequate preparation and a methodical attack was necessary.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Laffert had expected that the two Eingreif divisions behind Messines Ridge, would reach the Höhen (second) line before the British. The divisions had reached assembly areas near Gheluvelt and Warneton by 7:00 a.m. and the 7th Division was ordered to move from Zandvoorde to Hollebeke, to attack across the Comines canal, towards Wijtschate into the British northern flank. The 1st Guard Reserve Division was to move to the Warneton line east of Messines, then advance around Messines to recapture the original front system. Both Eingreif divisions were plagued by delays, being new to the area and untrained for counter-attack operations. The 7th Division was shelled by British artillery all the way to the Comines canal, then part of the division was diverted to reinforce the remnants of the front divisions holding positions around Hollebeke. The rest of the division found that the British had already taken the Sehnen (Oosttaverne) line, by the time that they arrived at 4:00 p.m. The 1st Guard Reserve Division was also bombarded as it crossed the Warneton (third) line but reached the area east of Messines by 3:00 p.m., only to be devastated by the resumption of the British creeping barrage and forced back to the Sehnen (Oosttaverne) line, as the British began to advance to their next objective. Laffert contemplated a further withdrawal, then ordered the existing line to be held after the British advance stopped. Most of the losses inflicted on the British infantry by the German defence came from German artillery fire. In the days after the main attack, German shellfire on the new British lines was extremely accurate and well-timed, inflicting 90 percent of the casualties suffered by the 25th Division.

  • be / being の使い方が分かりません。

    現在理解しているのはこの4つです。 (1) [be + 形容詞] が命令形になる。 (Ex: be niceなど) (2) 名詞的用法 beingで存在 ・ 生き物という意味が有る。 (3) 先日質問させて頂いた際 be caught in a traffic jam.で交通渋滞につかまる(巻き込まれる)という意味で、主語は「He 彼」なので、受動態でなければならず、be動詞を抜かしてしまうと、受動態が成立せず、意味が通じなくなる為、この単語は抜かしてはいけないというご指摘を頂き、その法則については理解できました。 (4) beには、「~になる (Ex: to be continued)」という使い方がある しかし、あまり耳慣れしていない現在分詞や動名詞という言葉が出てきた時点で混乱してしまいます。 現在分詞と言うのは、現在の事を話す時に使うもの  I'm thinking about you. のthinkingの事で宜しかったでしょうか? ?(1) 動名詞に関しては、I'm going to school today. goingで宜しかったでしょうか?  だとしたら、何故goingが名詞的な働きをしていると言えるのかが分かりません。 イディオムとして覚えてしまったが為に、理解に苦しんでおります。 ?(2) 形容詞的用法で、現在の…、 現… などという言葉が出た途端 思考回路がストップしてしまいます。 ?(3) be, was, been, being は同じ部類のものなのでしょうか?  was以外の使い方が曖昧なままです。  基本的なところが分かっていないから応用が分からないのは当然なのですが、分かりやすく教えて頂けませんでしょうか。 混乱し過ぎて私の説明が上手く伝わっているか不安ですが。。 例文を数百パターン読みながら混乱中です。  宜しくお願い致します。

  • また・・質問です

    すみません、いくら例文を並べて考えても分からないことが2点ほどあります。 (1)結果のto不定詞について 結果のto不定詞には「結果」だと分かるように目印がついているものがほとんどだと思うのですが、 ex) only to V, grow up to V, V+to death etc... しかし、以下の例文の She scolded her son,and her voice rose to a shriek. 彼女は息子を叱った。そしてその声が高くなって<その結果>かなきり声になった。 Adult standards have been imposed upon him with too great an effect and to the detriment of his whole life. 大人の基準があまりに大きな効果を伴って<押し付けられて>その結果<子供の生活全体に>損害が生じた。 to + 名詞 では結果だというはっきりした目印がないように思うのですが、どうやって「結果」だと判断すれば良いのか分かりません。 (2)too...to 構文についてです。 この場合「程度」と「結果」に解釈できますが the news is too good to be true. その知らせは事実というにはあまりに良すぎる(程度) その知らせはあまりにも良いので事実とは思えない(結果) He ran too fast for me to keep up with him. 彼はあまりにもはやく走ったので私は彼に追いつくことができなかった。(結果) He is too ready to speak 彼は話すのにあまりに早すぎる(口数が多すぎる)(程度) このほかにもかなり例文を集めて自分で考えてみたんですが、too..to構文は文によって「結果」「程度」両方に解釈できる場合、結果にしか解釈できない場合、程度しか解釈できない場合があると思うんです。 そして程度の場合は(too)→形容詞 to Vという形で解釈。 結果と解釈した場合はtoo..toに否定の意味がでてきて訳に反映される。この考えは正しいですか?なおこの構文で述語動詞が一般動詞だと「結果」と解釈する。と断定してもいいですか?

  • 英作文を見て頂けませんか。問題と思われる点がありましたら、ご指摘いただ

    英作文を見て頂けませんか。問題と思われる点がありましたら、ご指摘いただけると幸いです。 Gambling should be banned. Yes, it should be illegalized. After that the world would be crime-free. Many families would be able to enjoy a happier life with non-gambling fathers. Many gamblers would not have to spend time and money for gambling and be able to lead a financially and medically healthier life. It is not easy to argue against this idea. It sounds too good! Still we have to look back what happened in the US in the time of the Prohibition. Illegal bars flourished and produced a lot of black money in the criminal world. Public health and security was at risk. The government had to fight with Al Capone. In many countries including Japan all over the world, gambling has been already illegalized. It is allowed partially only under certain restriction. The total ban might encourage increase of underground casinos and result in more crimes, which would surely risk public health and security. Governments would not just lose their present income from restricted gambling, but to spend a lot more money on protecting and recovering public health and security. Yes, we certainly have problems with gambling now. Still it would be extremely dangerous to jump to the conclusion that it should be totally banned.