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Stone Temple Pilots to Replace Scott Weiland as the Singer

  • Stone Temple Pilots have confirmed that they have fired Scott Weiland and are searching for a famous replacement singer.
  • The band is looking for someone who can help sell the tours and is not interested in forming a supergroup.
  • Josh Homme was considered as a replacement, but he is currently busy with a QOTSA tour/album project.


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  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

まずはっきりさせなければならないのは、 連中はウェイランドを『クビにした』ってこと。 彼はもう終わったと判断したんだ。 ストーン・テンプル・パイロッツのヴォーカルの代わりに、 名の知れた人間を加入させて、ツアーチケットのセールスを上げようと目論んだって訳だ。 連中はデイヴ・カウツ症候群には関わりあいたくなかったし、 (ala AOAみたいな)スーパーグループを結成して、またポシャる気も無かった。 ジョシ・ホームこそが、連中の求めていたスコットの代用に最適だったが、 ジョシはQOTSAのツアーとアルバム制作に膝まで浸かっている状態なのであった。






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    Sarah sanders is complaining that the medias biased against this administration. They are hostile to him because he's a dangerous asshole. Not because of anything else. Sanders says it's not fair. She been called a liar - She has lied - If the people are hostile to you then there's probably a reason. They wouldn't act this way towards a real president. They never have. This guy is a dangerous malignant senile racist women hating narcissist - And the press is treating him that way. If they weren't we'd be in big trouble. They want to be able to lie and be racist horrible people. And they don't want anyone quoting their lies back to them. That's unfair!!

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    Dean explained that they wanted to be able to fulfill their commitment through the band too. He said: "Robert, Eric [Kretz, drums] and I, we want to be able to come to town and give you everything we've got and it was getting to a point where we were unable to do that." STP will release the new EP through their own label. It will contain five songs, including the previously released "Out Of Time". STP fired Weiland in February after reuniting with him in 2010 for a series of tours and one self-titled album. The band had previously been on hiatus since 2002, primarily due to the singer's struggles with drugs and alcohol.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Dean explained that they wanted to be able to fulfill their commitment through the band too. He said: "Robert, Eric [Kretz, drums] and I, we want to be able to come to town and give you everything we've got and it was getting to a point where we were unable to do that." STP will release the new EP through their own label. It will contain five songs, including "Out Of Time". STP fired Weiland in February after reuniting with him in 2010 for a series of tours and one self-titled album. The band had previously been on hiatus since 2002, primarily due to the singer's struggles with drugs and alcohol.

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    Chester also commented on what it was like playing with STP for the first time: Bennington: When we got together, right away it was three songs from Dean, three songs from Robert, three songs from me — overnight! All this adrenaline was injected right into our hearts. If we got together and it was weird, it wouldn't have happened. But we got together and it was amazing. The new music needed to feel like it was us. It was still STP but it's me and I don't want to be doing a caricature of Scott. Live, I'm singing Scott's melodies and Scott's songs so I want to stay honest to that and present it in a way that people feel they're getting an STP show. … It's been an interesting and very rewarding experience so far.

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    The band was not cool with that at all, but Scott decided to do it anyway because he said “hey if you guys don't want to play these songs, I'll do them myself”. So the band views Scott as promoting something that could alienate fans from STP, but they felt they couldn't perform those songs themselves without their legacy taking a hit based on how they sounded in rehearsal.

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    Despite DeLeo's hesitance to work with Weiland again in the future, the decision to fire him wasn't an easy one. “It was a very difficult decision to terminate your singer, man, it wasn't an easy decision to do that,” DeLeo said. “Look at the past 10 years of what STP has done and it hasn't been much. I don't want to spend the next 10 years doing, or not doing, the same thing. I feel we have a lot to offer the face of music and some valid things to write and do and that's the way I want to spend my career.” Weiland has taken time apart from STP twice in the past. From mid 1997 to late 1998 the band were on hiatus, and from 2003 to 2008 they were broken up. STP fired Weiland in February, and replaced him with Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington in May.

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    STP fired Weiland in February after reuniting with him in 2010 for a series of tours and one self-titled album. The band had previously been on hiatus since 2002, primarily due to the singer's struggles with drugs and alcohol. In an open letter on the band's web site, STP told fans that the purpose of their lawsuit was "not to hurt Scott. We want to move forward productively, and Scott's choices and actions have prevented us from doing that." ※ 『STONE TEMPLE PILOTS(STP)』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

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    But at this phase of my life, I want to write and not have to think about whether a song is going to be a hit. I want to explore the music that inspires me, and I don't want to ape myself.

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    He continued: "Chester was really the only person we thought of having come in. He was a fan of STP and when we talked to him his full idea was 'If we're going to do this, I want to do this honoring the past but moving forward in a direction with contributing something valid to music.' That's where we really agreed in the utmost — having that sentiment of moving forward. "There's a lot of songs that I'm really anxious to play, especially with someone who can sing those songs and perform those songs the way they were written.

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    So my guess is that some scenario similar to the one I depicted above played out recently for the boys from STP. They were dealt a crappy hand and were forced to fold and move to another table. Why they held out so long I can only assume was rooted in their loyalty to a band mate who chose alcohol over them. It's unfortunate. It sucks. But what Scott Weiland was doing to Robert, Dean, Eric and their families was unforgivable. I say good luck to them. Chester is every bit as talented as his predecessor and from what I can tell of my brief encounter with him he will never become a threat to their future. Good luck guys. Thanks for having us the other night.

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