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2001年9月11日、青く晴れ渡ったニューヨーク。 答えは直ぐに明らかになると思う。 となりますが…



ご回答、ありがとうございます!! そういう意味だったのですね! この一文だけを抜粋したので、訳が不自然になってしまいますね。 でも、本文に当てはめたら意味が通りました! 助かります! 本当にありがとうございました_(._.)_


  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    翻訳をお願いします! My dream of being in a band that everyone in the world believed in had come to life いったいこれは何と言ってるんでしょうか? 散々調べたけど、分かりませんでした。 どなたかぜひぜひお願いします!m(_ _)m

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします!

    下記の文章を日本語へ翻訳して下さい! 英語力がなく困っています・・・。 宜しくお願いします! *************************************** I have cc'd Alyssa Traube on this email, for days that Pema is not in the shop. To answer your questions, the red price is the new standard price for those garments. This means you will get an ADDITIONAL 40 percent OFF that price. I will have Alyssa contact you regarding the SNOW items you've asked about. Is it possible to schedule a day for you to come into our shop to personally walk the warehouse?

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    SCOTT WEILAND CHALLENGES FAN TO A FIGHT AT SHOW IN NEW YORK Possible Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland challenged a fan to a fight at his show last night in New York at Irving Plaza. The fan had been heckling Weiland. Weiland called out the fan to come on stage, “So you're fuckin’ pulling that fuckin' like gun shit off on me? Then come up and meet me one on one man. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Sorry I have not gotten to your order yet and this message is to let you know I am leaving on vacation in two days and plan on being back on or about September 1st. Your up when I return though so that is good news Have a good summer

  • 翻訳して下さい!

    トマトの栽培についての文章なのですがネットの翻訳だと訳がわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。 Marginal leaf scorch Marginal leaf scorch was observed in the crop during in late spring / early summer (Picture 1). The concern is that it could develop into Botrytis towards the end of the crop as light levels decrease in the autumn. Andrew Lee explains. “We think that this may have been caused by running such a low pre-night temperature set point. We have to remember this also cools the root zone, so in the morning, with minimal pipe (temperature) input, it too will stay cool. However, at this time of year the sun comes quickly. This will warm the leaf surface and open the stomata, however, due to the cold root zone, the plant is unable to transpire quickly enough, which leads to the scorching.” “We shall find out in autumn if we made a mistake or not”, says Piet Hein, before remarking: “I’m not too worried.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Scott Weiland's Purple At The Core Tour Is Over Former Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland's Purple at the Core tour has finally come to an end. The tour was also called The Purple to the Core tour. Weiland and his backing band the Wildabouts kicked off the tour on February 28th in Detroit, a day after he had been fired from STP. The final date of the tour came on September 14th in Utica, New York. Weiland has two upcoming tour dates: November 30th in Mount Pocono, PA and December 3rd in New York City at the City Winery. Neither show is being advertised as a Purple at the Core show, and guitarist Doug Grean has reportedly told a fan on BelowEmpty.com that the tour is over. The description for the Mount Pocono show reads, “Join us for an evening with Rock Superstar and lead singer of Stone Temple Pilots, Scott Weiland.” Take a look back at The Purple At The Core tour below.

  • うまく翻訳できません( ; ; )

    細かい所がうまく翻訳できません( ; ; ) どなたか力になって頂けたら嬉しいです、、、お願いします。 Cooking is my hobby too, but often I’m too lazy after work. So I prefer to eat in a restaurant.   Next week I will ask my boss for another training in Japan. Our dream will come true one day Risa. It’s just a  question of time….    

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    On 5 September 1914, U-21 commanded by Lieutenant Otto Hersing made history when he torpedoed the Royal Navy light cruiser HMS Pathfinder. The cruiser's magazine exploded, and the ship sank in four minutes, taking 259 of her crew with her. It was the first combat victory of the modern submarine. The German U-boats were to get even luckier on 22 September. Early in the morning of that day, a lookout on the bridge of U-9, commanded by Lieutenant Otto Weddigen, spotted a vessel on the horizon. Weddigen ordered the U-boat to submerge immediately, and the submarine went forward to investigate.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    Simultaneously with the Serbian attack against Gornichevo the French and Russians began their own advance and quickly overran the first Bulgarian line forcing the forces their to retreat to the main defensive line on the Malareka Ridge. On 13 September the Allied artillery continued its barrage and the Serbians used their time only to get even closer to the Bulgarian positions. By the end of the day the Bulgarian soldiers had retired to their main defensive line on the Malka Nidzhe.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Scott Weiland Hits the Road With New Band It seems like you never know what's going to happen at a New York-area Scott Weiland solo show. Cases in point: a 1998 gig being canceled due to a drug bust and a show in 2008 beginning well past the expected start time. So when the singer took the stage last night at the Emporium in Patchogue, New York, fans couldn't have helped but wonder what lay ahead. ※ 『Scott Weiland』は人物名です。