• 締切済み



  • sean9
  • ベストアンサー率86% (26/30)

こんにちは。 Aginst → Against ster player → star player ですか? そうだと仮定しての翻訳です。a good perimeter gameについてはよくわかりません。 Objective 目的 To get a guard open by weaving the posts,causing her defender to chase 追ってくるディフェンダー(orディフェンスプレイヤー)から、ポストを回ってマークをはずす事 ※ポストにはハイ・ポスト、ミドル・ポスト、ロー・ポストとあり、ゴールからフリースローサークルあたりを意味します  今後の文章次第で具体的にどの部分か判明するかもしれません When to use 用途 Aginst a heavy-pressure man-to-man defense. きついマンツーマンデフェンスに対抗する When a guard is unable to get free from a tight defense. ガードがタイトなデフェンスを振りきれないとき When a ster player needs a good look. スター選手がよく見えないとき Key Personnel キーパーソン、主要メンバー The point guard should have a good perimeter game,including the ability to knock down an open three. ゲームコントロールができ、3ポイントシュートが打てるポイントガード The 2player should be able to drive and pull up in the lane as needed. 必要に応じてライン際でのドライブ(ドリブルでせめること)やプルアップジャンパー(ドライブから急に止まって打つジャンプシュート)ができるシューティングガード The 3 and 5 players are used more as role players,but the 3 should be able to knock down the three-shot or a jumper from the baseline. ロールプレイヤーとしてのスモールフォワードとセンタープレイヤー。スモールフォワードは3ポイントシュートもしくはベースライン(ゴールの裏側にあるコートを仕切る線)際でのジャンプシュートが打てる The 4 should be proficient at the pick-and-roll. ピックアンドロールに熟達したパワーフォワード


  • 翻訳お願いします

    電子部品関係の話です。 The 8 Pin Chip does get hot witch is to be expected just like any Driver. So a a little heatsink is all thats needed and you should be good to go. Edit: For driver Above: DX Has Change the schottky diode to an SS14 it is only rated to 1A and should not exceed that in risk of damaging the driver and possibly killing your diode. My original board where with the SS34 schottky diode witch are rated to 3A. So make sure you know this... If it has a SS34 Diode your good. but SS14 Not good. I hate when they do this.

  • 英語和訳お願いします

    1.Plants and animals must be able to get along with very little water to exist in the dresert. 2.She must have missed her train. 3.It is strange that you should make such a mistake.

  • 英語和訳お願いします

    Plants and animals must be able to get along with very little water to exist in the dresert. She must have missed her train. It is strange that you should make such a mistake.

  • 英語翻訳(;_;)

    There is a 2-year-old child. After spending three nights, three nights are due to vacate for one day and to be spent there again. Would you check a luggage? これを日本語翻訳するとなんて書いてあるかわかりますか? お願いします(T_T)

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    “But the thing is, what do you do when your lead actor is sick for the play, you get the understudy and the understudy gets a shot. And plus, what signal does that send to Scott? Because hopefully Scott will see this, and go ‘they're moving on without me, maybe I should clean up, maybe I should get a handle on this stuff, maybe I should look at myself for a minute and think to myself, do I really want to be this difficult to work with?’”

  • ****出来る様になるを、英語で

    こんにちは、よろしくお願いします。 「(将来?)****出来る様になる」を、 英訳したいのですが、 will be able to do become to be able to do どちらが正しいでしょうか。 具体的には、 「私は、英語が上手に話せる様になりたい」 と言いたいのですが、 (I want to become a good english speaker. でもいいのでしょうけど、今回はbe able toを使って) I want to become to be able to speak english well. I hope I will be able to speak english well. これらは、文法的にはあってるのでしょうか?

  • わかりやすく翻訳してください。

    It's always good to check I haven't been able to get to my lathe in 3 days because of PM's I am answering, hope to be spinning metal tomorrow. sometimes I need a secretary

  • 至急、翻訳お願いします。

    至急、翻訳お願いします。 どなたか至急翻訳して頂けませんか? 長文で申し訳ありませんが、自分では訳せず困っています。。 よろしくお願いします。 Meat, game and poultry Following the healdlscares of recent years, your best bet is to choose organic beef approved by Soil Assodation farmers who maintain organic standards, use natural food with which to feed their cattle and no giowth-promoting drugs, and who are ultimately concerned with animal we1fare.The best beef comes from animals that are about eighteen months old,but this must be matured,or‘hung',for ten to twenty days at low temperatures in 'order to tenderise it and improve its flavour and keeping qualities. The lean meat on Properly hung beef should be a deep-plum-red colour and slightly moist. lt should have a good outer covering of fat, creamy to pale yellow in colour and of firm texture.       The tastiest and healthiest pork comes from pigs that have been kept outside and allowed the freedom to live as natural a life as possible.The best pork should be pink, smooth and firm to the touch;freshly cut surfaces should look sligtly moist and there should be no excessive fat.The fat should be firm and a clear, milky white in colour; avoid cuts with soft, grey and oily fat. The skin, or rind, should be thin, pliable, smooth and free of hairs.  Choosing good lamb is relatively simple. Lambs cannot be factory farmed and their Pasture is not normally sprayed, so most lamb is free from chemical residues.The time of year when slaughtering takes place affects the appearance of the meat: good-quality, winter lamb is dark red, with creamy;marbled fat, while spring lamb is slightly lighter (dark pink), with white fat.  Although many types of game are commercially frozen and therefore available all year round, the flavour is at its best in freshly killed and well-hung game,which is available in autumn and winter. It is best to purchase game from a reputable butcher who knows the origins and hanging times of the meat that he is selling.

  • 翻訳を教えて下さい

    The observation period should be individualized based on the severity of the initial and access to care.

  • 翻訳して欲しい文章があります。

    ・Players and owners agree to expand the number of postseason qualifiers from 4 to 8 teams,and split the AL and NL into three divisions. ・American League rule requiring players to wear protective headgear in implemented. 以上の二文です。 どなたかよろしくお願いします。