• ベストアンサー


The level column is the low end of your range, rounded down to an integer and clamped to the range [0, 50]. If we ignore the clamping, it is a conservative skill estimate in the sense that we are 99.9% confident that you are at least that skillful. 以上です。 特に、If we ignore-のあとがわかりません・・

  • k2kc
  • お礼率9% (15/159)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • sporespore
  • ベストアンサー率30% (430/1408)

水平器は測定する最低の範囲で整数になるように切り捨てられ、[0, 50]の範囲に固定されています。 もし、その固定された範囲を無視すれば、消極的な技能技術の予測であり、ある意味で99.9%の精度であなたの技能レベルが少なくともその近くにあることが判る。 Level Columnを水平器としたのですが・・・

その他の回答 (1)

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

車を留め金で動けなくすることを無視するならば、それは、我々が、あなたが少なくてもそれほどの熟練者であることには9.9%間違いないという意味での控えめな技術評価である。 という意味だと思います。 it is a skill estimate in the sense that you are that skillful. という文が骨格です。 これに we are 99.9% confident が挿入されているわけです。 in the sense that .... that 以下の意味での、意味においての that skillful that + 形容詞  あれほど~の 例  I didn't know it was that big. それがあれほど大きいとは知らなかった。 以上、ご参考になればと思います。


  • has it together that well

    I think we should start by acknowledging that we all have insecurities, especially when it comes to sex. We can all say we’re perfectly well-rounded and confident, but no one has it together that well. ここでのwell-roundedと has it together that wellの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 中学生レベルの問題、数問教えてください(問題文は英語です)

    以下の問題について、答えは分かっているのですが、過程がよく理解できませんでした。 分かるものだけでも結構ですので、できれば問題文の日本語訳つきで解説をお願いします。 1. What is the least possible integer for which 20 percent of that integer is greater than 1.2? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 6 (E) 7 (正解) 2. If y = 1 + (1 / x) and x > 1, then y could equal (A) 1 / 7 (B) 5 / 7 (C) 9 / 7 (正解) (D) 15 / 7 (E) 19 / 7 3. If the ratio of q to r is 4 to 5, which of the following could be true? (A) q = 0, r = 4/5 (B) q = 2, r = 5/2 (正解) (C) q = 5, r = 6 (D) q = 15, r = 12 (E) q = 16, r = 25

  • この英語、翻訳してください!

    この文章の「+/-」っていうどう意味になるんでしょうか? 文脈としてはタロットカード占いで数秘術を使う方法です。 If both Tarot cards are numbered +/- of each other, then the cycle stage is important. If both cards are within the range of 1 to 3, it reflects the beginning of a cycle. If the cards are within the range of 4-6, it is the middle of a cycle, and if they are within the range of 7-10, it is the end of a cycle.

  • 下線部の和訳について。

    It is not only the lessons that history has to teach, valuable though they are, that this claim lies. It is rather because history, by making us aware how we arrived where we are today, gives us our bearings so that, like any traveller, we may venture into the unknown confident at least of our direction. 『歴史が教えてくれるのはその教訓だけではない。その教訓は最も価値のあるものだが、この主張はうそをつく。私たちがどのように今日に至ったか私たちに気づかせてくれることで、歴史は旅行者のように私たちをそのように方向づけて、少なくとも、私たちはわからない自身のある方向に足を踏み入れるかもしれない。』 うまく訳せませんでした。 この英文の熟語・構文等の解説(できれば文の構造、〔S〕〔V〕など)をお願いします。

  • 【英語】添削お願いします 無人島

    テーマは無人島に着いたらどうするかです。 設定としては自分以外にも何人か漂流者がいるそうです。 If I were flushed out to an inhabitable island, I would firstly suggest the other survivors that we search for foods which enable us to live at least three days. If it were not for foods, we can do nothing. Also, if not, it would be a matter of time to die. Only with foods, we could have margin to think what to do next. Second, I would suggest that we examine whether it is safe around us. If it were proved to be dangerous, for example, there are violent animals, we would try to protect us. By contrast, if it were proved to be safe around us, we could wait for help with relieved. 文法、時制、構成などについてチェックお願いしますm(__)m

  • 至急。英語について。

    don't worry no matter if you do that or not I love you. I will always I love you. It is just hard to show that sometimes because we are so far away.←この離れてるからそれを示すのが難しいって 愛してるってことをちゃんと伝えれないのがってことですよね?

  • 英語が堪能な方

    自然な訳をお願いできますか? I do think it's creepy, and because thereis a connection to these characters that are fallible, and i think that is the main draw over and above the horror. I think the great connectedness is that they contradict themselves, they're full of contradictions. As we discussed earlier, no one is who they seem to be and that is kind of who we are.

  • 英語の質問です!

    (1)Last week our new ALT came to class for the first time and told us adout his life in the United States. He said he lived in a house with a big swimming pool, which was amazing to me. Such big house, when we are told about them or when we happend to see them, sometimes make us wonder what kind of people live in them. (2)These days it is not so unusual to see may Japanese baseball players playing in the Major Leagues. However, thd fact that many Japanese baseball players, especially those who have good baseball skills, hope to play in thd Major Leagues shows that Japanese baseball leagues are becoming less popular not only for fans but also for players in Japan. (3) Admitting that our opinions are wrong is sometimes hard for us, especially when we are so confident.Then, without asking for opinions from others, we keep believing that we are right. (1)、(2)、(3)の主語と述語動詞を抜き出してください! お願いします!

  • この文がよくわかりません。

    It is not that they are impolite so much as that they are oblivious to sensitive feelings. so much as that...の意味のとり方がよくわかりません。 It is not that...はthat以下全部を否定しているのですか。 解説お願いします。

  • 構造分析お願いします

    The belief that we are not responsible for our emotions or our behavior when we are under their control permits us to behave awfully and to say we are not to blame,at least not completely. This belief is so pervasive that it is even recognized as valid by law courts:people found guilty of "crimes of passion "are punished less severely. これの訳と構造分析お願いします