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Making a tape template of the head which can be seen through and drawn upon is an ideal way to show us the exact contours of your head. の訳を教えてください。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


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  • sporespore
  • ベストアンサー率30% (430/1408)

たぶん鬘か何かに関する文章ですかね。 透明で書き込める頭部用のテープ状の型は頭部の正確な輪郭を表すには最適な方法である。




その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。  直訳     向こうが透けて見えるテープで頭の枠組を作り、その上に描き込むのがの頭の正確な凸凹を我々に見せる理想の方法である。 2。  あまり自信の無い意訳     あなたが使っているヘッドの様子が一番よく分かるのは、透明テープのヘッド用テンプレートを作り、それに描き込むことだ。     どんなところに使ってあるのか分かりませんので、これで意味が通じればいいんですが。



大丈夫です。 ありがとうございます。


  • 英文の翻訳を御願い致します。

    海外のサイトでネットショッピングをした主人が、 入院してしまい、英文が解らない私には理解出来ません。 355 USD included shipping cost to your door, we accept paypal as the paymen way, just tell us your paypal email address then we can send a invoice to you from paypal after that you can making the payment online,also if you want to pay other way just tell us, regards,

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    We venture to think that the world at large will continue to consider the account in the first chapter of Genesis to be a cosmogony. But as it is here admitted that it does not describe physical realities, but only outward appearances, that is, gives a description false in fact, and one which can teach us no scientific truth whatever, it seems to matter little what we call it. If its description of the events of the six days which it comprises be merely one of appearances and not of realities, it can teach us nothing regarding them. Dissatisfied with the scheme of conciliation which has been discussed, other geologists have proposed to give an entirely mythical or enigmatical sense to the Mosaic narrative, and to consider the creative days described as vast periods of time. This plan was long ago suggested, but it has of late enjoyed a high degree of popularity, through the advocacy of the Scotch geologist Hugh Miller, an extract from whose work has been already quoted. Dr. Buckland gives the following account of the first form in which this theory was propounded, and of the grounds upon which he rejected it in favour of that of Chalmers:

  • 英英訳

    (1) An action, an object or a system by which a result is achieved. (2) The act of making parts of something, groups of people, etc., work together in an efficient and organized way. これらそれぞれの文の表す単語って何ですか? わかる人いますか?

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致します

    It is probable that we have all at some time or other had the experience of chancing upon a passage puoted without indication of authorship , and exclaiming ―“ So-and-so must have written that.” In such a case, it is often not the thought that strikes us as familiar so much as the way in which the thought is expressed. 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです。

  • この英文の意味を教えてください

    この英文の意味を教えてください "Some of the reasons are simple. To show that we can watch a horror movies, that are not afraid, that we can ride this roller coaster. Which is not to say that a really good horror movie may not surprise a scream out of us at some point, the way we may scream when the roller coaster twists through a complete 360 or plows through a lake at the bottom of the drop."

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    this was the route of the famed arlberg orient express which ran from greece through Belgrade and points north from the 1930s until the 1960s. of course, he was not piloting a grinstening Pacific 231 steam locomotive towing elegant mahogany and brass dining cars,suites sleepers, where passengers floated upon vapours of luxury and anticipation .

  • 英文和訳 大学入試

    the line between wasting a child's potential trough underexpectancy and destroying self-confidence through overexpectancy is a fine distinction indeed, one which can be drawn only by a teacher highly sensitive to the performance and confidence levels of the children in his classroom. , one which can be drawn only by a teacher highly sensitive to the performance and confidence levels of the children in his classroom. この部分はdistinctionの具体的な言い換えでしょうか?

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    The Hebrew race, their works, and their books, are great facts in the history of man; the influence of the mind of this people upon the rest of mankind has been immense and peculiar, and there can be no difficulty in recognising therein the hand of a directing Providence. But we may not make ourselves wiser than God, nor attribute to Him methods of procedure which are not His. If, then, it is plain that He has not thought it needful to communicate to the writer of the Cosmogony that knowledge which modern researches have revealed, why do we not acknowledge this, except that it conflicts with a human theory which presumes to point out how God ought to have instructed man? The treatment to which the Mosaic narrative is subjected by the theological geologists is anything but respectful. The writers of this school, as we have seen, agree in representing it as a series of elaborate equivocations -- a story which palters with us in a double sense.' But if we regard it as the speculation of some Hebrew Descartes or Newton, promulgated in all good faith as the best and most probable account that could be then given of God's universe, it resumes the dignity and value of which the writers in question have done their utmost to deprive it. It has been sometimes felt as a difficulty to taking this view of the case, that the writer asserts so solemnly and unhesitatingly that for which he must have known that he had no authority. But this arises only from our modern habits of thought, and from the modesty of assertion which the spirit of true science has taught us. Mankind has learnt caution through repeated slips in the process of tracing out the truth.

  • 英訳についての御指導をよろしくお願いします。

    A reporting unit can be all or part of a subsidiary company, joint venture, investment, facility, plant, office or organisation location depending on what works best for your company given the way in which it is organised and managed. という文で、 what works best for your company given the way in which it is organised and managed. の訳があまりうまくいきません。 あなたの会社(it)が組織化され、管理される観点(given the way)について、どんな仕事が最良かということ。 という訳でいけますでしょうか。 the way の処理と、 what works best for your company given the way を、 「どの仕事があなたの会社の所与の観点にとって最良なのか」 と訳していいのかが、(強引すぎる気がします)よくわかりません。 どなたか、教えていただけますと嬉しいです。 どうかよろしくお願いします。

  • わからない英文があります!

    "I can save you the indignity of groveling by telling you right now, no way are you gonna get that tape." save you the indignity of grovelingの意味がイマイチよくわかりません!