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Memorable Rat Hunts: A Shocking Pastime in the Back Streets


  • ベストアンサー
  • ydna
  • ベストアンサー率63% (179/281)

ーーー拙訳ーーー マイク:君の記憶おかしいよ。僕たち、裏通りで一緒によくハンティングした頃のこと忘れてしまったのかい? ダチ:車庫のレンガ瓦屋根の上へ昇っていた頃、ドブネズミ共が出てきて捕まえようとしたことを言ってるのか? マイク:そうだよ。そうやって、冒険たっぷりの夜をいくつも過ごしたよね。 ダチ:だけど、あんなのはハンティングなんて言えねえな。 マイク:どうして? だって僕たちの恥だよ、あの子らを食料として取ったり、あの子らの皮を服にしようとして取った訳でもない。僕たちは、自分たちが楽しむためだけにあんなことやったんだ。思い出してみると、君は鋭い目と頑丈な腕を使って、とてもうまくやってたよ。 ダチ:でも、あいつらただのドブネズミだぜ。誰だって知ってるだろう、ドブネズミは良くねえ。だから、誰かに腹を立てると、そいつのことを汚え(きたねえ)ドブネズミ野郎と呼ぶのさ。汚えアヒルとか汚えウサギさんなんて呼ばねえだろう。 マイク:確かに、ドブネズミは歯でカリカリする動物さ。だけど、ウサギだって他のかわいい小動物だってそうだろ? だから、ミッキーマウスのどころか、バッグス•バニーの44番目のいとこを君が殺した可能性だってあるんだよ。 ダチ:そうかもね。でもさ、あいつら、汚えドブネズミ共を殺したことでわびを入れるつもりはねえよ。 マイク : なんて冷たいんだ! ママネズミを愛していたり、パパネズミを心配していたりしていた子もいたかもしれない。考えてやってよ。これまでに君が孤児にしてしまったネズミの子どもたちがどれだけいたかを、それに、その子たちが受けた子ども時代のトラウマのことを。 ダチ : おまえ、リンゴとオレンジを(全くの別物を)ごちゃ混ぜにするっていう古びた手口を使おうっていうのか。(だったら)俺は毛皮のコートの話をするぜ。 ====================== --- keys --- Your memory isn't working. = 直訳「あなたの記憶は機能していない。」 You mean … ? = Do you mean … ? We used to 不定詞= 「以前していた」(過去の定期的/長期的習慣) we'd get them = we would get them = 「それらを取ろうとした」 many a sporting evening = many sporting evenings say something like that was hunting = say / (that) something like that / was / hunting. = 直訳「あのような何かがハンティングであると言う」 Why not? = Why can't you/we say something like that was hunting? That's why + 節 = 直訳「それがなぜ……するかということである。/それが……する理由である。」「そういう訳で……する。」= That's the reason that…. when… somebody = 挿入節(時/条件を表わす副詞節)。 True, a rat is a rodent, = It's true that a rat is a rodent, a rodent = 直訳「齧歯類(げっしるい)の動物」(ネズミ、ウサギ、リスなど)。 so are the rabbit … = the rabbit 以下が主語。主語が長いので倒置している。SVC -> CVS So it is = So は接続詞。 it is possible that… = it は、形式主語(仮主語)、that 以下が真主語。 バッグス•バニー http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/バッグス・バニー http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bugs_Bunny them, the dirty rats = them と the dirty rats は、同格、つまり、言い換え。 may have been loving = 現在から見た過去の推量「していたかもしれない」 Think of how…. = how 以下は、of [前置詞]の目的語。名詞節。 to mix apples and oranges = to mix two totally different things = 本文では、これの動名詞句を使用。   It's apples and oranges =「全く別物だよ。」 You're using…. I'm talking…. = you と I が対照されていて、人称代名詞でありながら、you と I は、おそらく強勢ストレスが置かれている。 以上、少しでもお役に立てたでしょうか? ★ydna★


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    Mike: Your memory isn't working. Have you forgotten when we used to hunt together in the back streets? Friend: You mean when we used to get up on the garage roof with some bricks and when the rats came out , we'd get them? Mike: Yes , we used to spend many a sporting evening that way. Friend: But you can't say something like that was hunting. Mike: Why not? And to our shame , we didn't even take them for food or their skins for clothes. We only did it to enjoy ourselves. As I remember , with your keen eye and strong arm , you were very successful. Friend: But they were only rats. And everybody knows that rats are no good. That's why when you're mad at somebody , you call him a dirty rat. You don't call him a dirty duck or a dirty bunny. Mike: True , a rat is a rodent , but so are the rabbit and many other cute little animals. So it is possible that you killed a 44th cousin of Mickey Mouse or even Bugs Bunny. Friend: Maybe so , but I'm not going to apologize for killing them , the dirty rats. Mike: How heartless! Some of them may have been loving mama rats , or caring daddy rats. Think of how many of their little ones you have made orphans and the childhood trauma they suffered. Friend: You're using the old trick of mixing apples and oranges. I'm talking about fur coats.

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    you know you're attached to someone when you've gotten so used to talking to them on a daily basis and they've become a part of your happiness. but when you guys don't talk it's like a part of you is gone and you just started to miss them uncontrollably. 様々な訳し方があるように思いますので、いろんな方の解釈をお聞きしたいです。 よろしくお願いします!

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    Mike: Wait a minute , if my memory is correct , your wife used to wear a fur coat. Friend: I don't remember. Mike: Of course you do. It was large , like a tent. Friend: OK , you're right , she used to. But she doesn't any more. Mike: Has she , too , become an animal rights supporter? Friend: No, she stopped wearing it because I said that the last time I saw anything that looked like her in that coat , it was sniffing around a lamppost. So now she only wears it when she clears snow in front of the house. So I'm off the hook. Mike: But the worm isn't. Barbaric worm killer! Friend: Heartless meat eater!

  • 翻訳してください。

    Mike: Wait a minute , if my memory is correct , your wife used to wear a fur coat. Friend: I don't remember. Mike: Of course you do. It was large , like a tent. Friend: OK , you're right , she used to. But she doesn't any more. Mike: Has she , too , become an animal rights supporter? Friend: No, she stopped wearing it because I said that the last time I saw anything that looked like her in that coat , it was sniffing around a lamppost. So now she only wears it when she clears snow in front of the house. So I'm off the hook. Mike: But the worm isn't. Barbaric worm killer! Friend: Heartless meat eater!

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    Mike: I've agreed my wife wears a fur and , therefore , is barbaric. But what about you. I've seen your teeth tearing at a steak , a piece of lamb , and a slice of ham. How do you explain that , especially the ham? Did you know pigs are just about as smart as dolphins? Have you got no feelings for Porky Pig? Friend: I've got you there! I gave up meat a few years ago , but you didn't. Mike: Only because your doctor said that you had too much cholesterol in your blood. But you still go fishing. Friend: That's different. When I catch a big fish , I'm saving the lives of all the weak little fish the big fish would eat. I'm on the side of the little guy. Mike: What do you use for bait? Friend: Worms. Mike: The lowest living things , and you put them on a hook for sport. Shame , shame! Friend: See , you're ducking the matter of fur coats again.

  • 翻訳してください。

    Mike: I've agreed my wife wears a fur and , therefore , is barbaric. But what about you. I've seen your teeth tearing at a steak , a piece of lamb , and a slice of ham. How do you explain that , especially the ham? Did you know pigs are just about as smart as dolphins? Have you got no feelings for Porky Pig? Friend: I've got you there! I gave up meat a few years ago , but you didn't. Mike: Only because your doctor said that you had too much cholesterol in your blood. But you still go fishing. Friend: That's different. When I catch a big fish , I'm saving the lives of all the weak little fish the big fish would eat. I'm on the side of the little guy. Mike: What do you use for bait? Friend: Worms. Mike: The lowest living things , and you put them on a hook for sport. Shame , shame! Friend: See , you're ducking the matter of fur coats again.

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    NURSE'S RESPONSE TO CRABBIT OLD WOMAN Author Unknown What do we see, you ask, what do we see? Yes, we are thinking when looking at thee! We may seem to be hard when we hurry and fuss, But there's many of you, and too few of us. We would like far more time to sit by you and talk, To bath you and feed you and help you to walk. To hear of your lives and the things you have done; Your childhood, your husband, your daughter, and your son. But time is against us, there's too much to do - Patients too many, and nurses too few. We grieve when we see you so sad and alone, With nobody near you, no friends of your own. We feel all your pain, and know of your fear That nobody cares now your end is so near. But nurses are people with feelings as well, And when we're together you'll often hear tell Of the dearest old Gran in the very end bed, And the lovely old Dad, and the things that he said, We speak with compassion and love, and feel sad When we think of your lives and the joy that you've had. When the time has arrived for you to depart, You leave us behind with an ache in our heart. When you sleep the long sleep, no more worry or care, There are other old people, and we must be there. So please understand if we hurry and fuss - There are many of you, and too few of us.

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    Friend:Does your wife wear a real fur coat? Mike:Yes. Why do you ask? Friend:I just wondered if you ever feel guilty. Mike:Why should I feel guilty? We didn't steal it. Friend:You know what I mean. I'm talking about all those cute little animals that had to die so your wife can have a nice coat. Then she throws it across the back of the chair while she's having lunch in some fine restaurant with a lot of high society women and their fur coats. Mike:She eats ham sandwiches at home. And she wears the coat because it's warm. Friend:Come on , the animal rights people wouldn't buy that. If your wife wants to be warm , she can wear long underwear. So don't you feel a little guilty? Mike:Actually , the animals which make up her coat are said to be dangerous. If you put your hand near them , they'd bite of your fingers. Friend:That's no excuse. Don't you ever think about how barbaric it is for someone who's supposed to be civilized to be wearing the skins of little animals? Mike:Yes , I suppose you could say my wife barbaric. But since I don't wear furs , I'm not. Friend:Yes , but you agree with her doing it. Mike:That's because I'm on record as being a strong supporter of feminist rights. I believe a woman can do with her body as she likes , and if she wishes to cover her body in furs , that is up to her.

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    Friend:What about the animals. Don't you care about their rights. Mike:You know that I have always loved animals. I've even learned to like cats , which hasn't been easy. Friend:Well , anybody can say they love animals. But I haven't seen you come out dead against fur coats. How would you like it if your foot was caught in a trap by some hunter in Minnesota , and he came along and skinned you? Mike:That's why I stay out of Minnesota. Anyway , who are you to talk? Friend:Well , my wife doesn't have a fur cote. Mike:That's because you're cheap. But I know for a fact that you have hunted. Friend:My hunt? You're crazy. I grew up watching Bambi and Donald Duck and Bugs Bunny at the movies. There was no way L could shoot Bambi. Why , when I was a little boy , my old man and Uncle Frank came home with some dead rabbits and threw them on the kitchen table. I went out to a pay phone and called the police and told them that my old man and uncle had killed Bugs Bunny and all his family. So don't say I ever went hunting. I'd enjoy hunting if they had open season on people who double-park , but the laws are too liberal.

  • 英文の翻訳お願いします。

    先日、頼んでないブーツがアメリカよりとどきました。その事についてのメールだと思います。 大変でも翻訳おねがいします。 No.1 It came to our attention about a month ago that we shipped a pair of Redwing boots that were not supposed to go to you. Here is where they were sent: No.2 I emailed Yosinori about this on 2/25 and have not heard back from him. At that time I was not aware that they were your orders. Please let me know if you or he has those boots, if you would like to keep them we will give you a good deal on them. Or we can send you a return label to get them back. Here are the specs of the boot: