• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語長文ですが宜しくお願いします。)

The Importance of Seeing the Whole Person in a Relationship

  • In a relationship, looks should not be the sole focus.
  • It's important to consider other aspects of a person
  • Having someone who has qualities in all important areas is preferable.


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

 それで、基本的には、あなたは、人間関係に外見を知らせるだけのタイプの人にはなりたくないはずです、と言うのは、全体的な人物を見ると言う段になると、外見は、非常に小さな部分だからです。 私は、時間をかけてこのことを学ばなければなりませんでした。 たとえば、外見は、10点満点だが、欠点があり、あなたにとって重要な他の全てにおいて、得点が、とても低い男性を得たいと思いますか、あるいは、あなたが、重要だと考える、全てのカテゴリーにおいて、何かを与えるべきものを持った人と共にいたいと思いますか?私の母は、よく私に言ったものです、「たいてい、何かがあり過ぎることは、よくないのよ。」人生において、私は、このことが、正に真実であることが分かりました。  私は、とにかく、私の見解について少しあなたに表現することによって、言っておく必要を感じています。私は、あなたが、外見がすべてだと考えているとは、言いませんでした、しかし、あなたが、口に出すことによって、外見があなたにとって、どれほど重要かを示すことが、時々あります、でも、私は、このことを理解します、と言うのは、それが、あなたが、これまで育ってきた世界だからです。あなたが、悪いわけではありません。しかし、常に、あなたの周囲の世界を理解し、その世界にあなたを支配させ、あなたの人となりを作らせてはいけません。私は、あなたにそのことを、あなたの味方として、そして、あなたの友人として伝えておきます。 ☆特に、第2段落の文法構造がよくわかりませんでした。正しく訳出出来ていないかもしれません。





その他の回答 (1)

  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

 基本的に、あなたは人間関係において外見だけを重視するような人間でありたいとは思わないでしょう。人を全体として見ようとすれば、外見は非常に小さな要素でしかないのですからね。 私がこのことを学ぶには時間がかかりました。 たとえば、外見は申し分がないけれど無能な者、外見だけは申し分ないものの、あなたにとって重要なことについては満足のいく評価を与えるわけにはいかない者、あるいは、あなたが重要とみなす分野のあれこれで十分な能力を有しない者、そういう人を好ましく思うでしょうか?   私の母は私に「過ぎたるは及ばざるがごとしだよ」 と言ってました。人生においてこれはまことに真実だと思います。 こんなことを申すのも、私の見方について少し示してみる必要を感じたからです。 あなたは外見がすべてだと考えている、というつもりはないですが、あなたの言葉から時々、あなたが外見を重視していることがうかがえます。しかし、それはあなたがそういう価値観の世界で育ってきたからだろうと思うのです。 あなたが悪いわけではありません。 しかし自分がどういう社会に住んでいるのかということは意識しておくべきで、それにコントロールされて、その鋳型にはめられてしまうようではだめです。 あなたと私とは親しい間柄だからこそ言うのですよ。






  • これを和訳すると何て書いてありますか?

    Let This Go I think I'm need, of a quiet walk home And as we step forward we would rather be alone So, make some noise while you got time Take this poison for your mind Who knows, you could be gone by this time tomorrow And, I don't know where we're going But I take pride in not knowing And you say I will be the one to let this go So, make some noise while you got time Take this poison for your mind Who knows, you could be gone by this time tomorrow And, I don't know where we're going But I take pride in not knowing And you say I will be the one to let this go

  • 英語を日本語に訳して頂けますか??

    自分では所々理解できず困っています...。 よろしくお願いします。 i will go to japan this summer always want to .... i will try to go there in my birthday so you can say happy birthday to me in person ... i be so happy really happy for you to be the first one to say it ...... :) and i be so glad for you to show me around..... and remember this,your emails and you are special to me ..... so please dont ever think that you are bother me ... I love you emails and love you! i am glad that you are special for me and hoping to see you soon .... You are so beautiful and sweet.

  • 英語で告白したのですが。。。

    はじめまして。 オーストラリア人に告白をしました。 私は英語が苦手なのでうまく伝えられたかわからないのですが、送った内容と返信内容です。 私はこう送りました。 I am fun to be with you. I care very much about you. I want to go steady you. Would you be my boyfriend? But,I can't say english well. そしたらこのように返信が来ました。 I really like spending time with you too. I think you are so sweet. I take a relationship very seriously. as i'm still establishing myself here in tokyo i don't think i have the time to give you in a relationship. that would not be fair to you. i still really want to be your friend as i really like who you are i really do like spending time with you but i don't think i could be the boyfriend you deserve 内容はふられたとは思うのですが、全く脈なしってことですかね。 ご判断をお願いします。

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    I have alot of stress because of school. And because of my ex. And because of my family who thinks I am the one who needs to be solving all their problems. And then I stress because of you because you say how communicating is so important but I don't want to/don't have time to be here writing to you about how shit my life is.

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    I have alot of stress because of school. And because of my ex. And because of my family who thinks I am the one who needs to be solving all their problems. And then I stress because of you because you say how communicating is so important but I don't want to/don't have time to be here writing to you about how shit my life is.

  • 和訳お願いいたします!

    和訳お願いいたします! How are you this morning? I guess you're quite happy ... maybe you don't need to work today. Listen ... I've been thinking about your trip ... and I feel a little bit bad. When I was in Japan, you traveled all the way to Osaka, only be there a couple of hours and then go back. Now you're going to come all the way to Belgium and stay here a 2,5 days. I feel this is wrong I should be the one making all this effort. But since it might be interesting for you to come to Europe ... hmmm ... I guess it's ok for you to come. And I will be very happy to be your guide in Belgium :) But the least that I can do is to arrange your ticket. Please consider giving me your passport details and when you would like to return. I'll propose a few options and I'll book the one you want. Last time you payed for the shinkansen to come to Osaka please let me arrange your travel to Belgium. Now smile and be a good girl, don't be stubborn and say ... "hai" ... Now that I have this of my chest ... I can go bed and sleep with a clear conscience :)

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    I didn't run for a very long time because of the cold weather ... so it was very tough, but I'm so happy I ran 10km. Hahaha ... I'm glad your father likes the chocolates. And your mother? Maybe she likes the pancakes more? 1 week ago we had to say goodbye ... it was a very sad moment and made me realize that you mean so much for me. And in house everywhere I look I need to think back when you were here. But in 2 weeks we will be together again and this time for longer time. It will be so nice to see your beautiful smile again ... your beautiful eyes ... it will be so nice to be with you. Thank you for suggesting such a good location. I didn't realize it was so convenient for me. Are you sure it's not too far for you? 1 hour seems to be a long time. I feel a little bit guilty because you will be working and I will be on holiday. I wish I could help you ...

  • 英語 並び替え問題  +α

    日本語の意味になるように並べ替えてください。 1 明日、どのように連絡できましょうか。   How can (get/you/to/I/in/touch with) tomorrow? 2 中西先生はみんなに大変評判が良い。   Everybody (of/is/Mr. Nakanishi/very/highly/speaks). 3 寝坊するといけないから目覚ましをかけておきなさい。   (in/the alarm/you/don`t/case/set) overleep. 4 最初、犯人と思っていた男は実は刑事だった。   The man (the criminal at first/turned out/who I believed/to be/he/was) a detective. 5 われわれは二人ともパンクに気がつかなかった。   (was/both/of/neither/aware/of/us) the flat tire. あと、下の文の和訳もお願いします。 He meant that names are important,but to most parents,their baby`s name is very important ― not only what the name is,but also who picks the name and when.

  • 英語から日本語へ

    長文で申し訳ありません。どなたか英語が得意な方、翻訳して頂きたいです。 どうかよろしくお願い致します。 I was being immature and ambitious about starting my trip. Now that I have gone though, the realization of leaving you has left a large wound in my heart. I will not be able to function as a normal human being for the foreseeable future. Sadness and regret has overtaken me entirely. You were NEVER just a convenience for me. It was convenient having you as a girlfriend yes, bet you were never only that. You were a highly cherished, valued and loved partner to me. I understand after all of this if you are upset or angry with me and if your view of me as a person has changed. The fact remains though that I do love you, and I will not be able to forget you for a very long time. Like I said at the train station, I went in to this relationship with a very cold, and well guarded heart from previous situations. You re-opened my heart 名前, and filled with nothing but love, affection, and good long lasting memories. You are a wonderful person, who deserves nothing but the absolute best in life. In the end, I would not have been able to provide that for you. I still have a long way to go to get where I want to be in life.

  • 長文ですが英語を訳していただきたいです

    No, I'd pass www Your hair it isn't really short, at least for me, it is in good size :3 How much do you will be going to cut? By the way, may I ask, what is a bob? w Thanks! No, I'm pretty the opposite, I'm kinda unpopular ww orz I'm glad that I've convinced you more :3 Yeah, most of the beaches on Rio de Janeiro and in the state of Sao Paulo are indeed great. Specially the sea! You will like it! Also, you will really need an umbrella before you go to Sao Paulo Unless if you want to swim here in the rainy days too www Interesting to know that the city is known for it's spas I think I know someone who will like that fact wwww After seeing more photos, I agree with you. Oita isn't really too much urbanized, it looks more calm than most of the cities that I heard :3 It'll be nice to know these natural resources. Funny and great the fact that we are at the opposite sides of the earth each other :3 But... > I can hardly imagine! I didn't understood well this line, sorry (>.<)

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