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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳)

The Unique Golf Club in London


  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

和訳を英訳を打ち間違えたものと思いますので、和訳(意訳)です。 ロンドンにあるシティゴルフクラブは、ゴルフコースもゴルフボールもティーグラウンドもキャディもゴルフバックも必要ない施設の中でもユニークであるといえます。フリート通りの路地にある敷地内には、ゴルフに関連するたった一枚の写真さえもありません。「かつては打ちっぱなしのゴルフ練習場があったんですよ」「でも何年も前にやめてしまいました。」と案内係は言いました。現在のところ会員としての権利はもっぱら(クラブ内での)飲食に当てられている。その意味でここは「もっとも成功してないゴルフクラブ」と言われている。 このような内容です。



和訳のまちがいでした。 有難うございました。


  • 英訳をお願いします

    よろしくお願いいたします。 Language is an instrument of power (those who know a language are empowered in a way that those who do not are not). 特に括弧の中のin a way that をどう訳すのか悩んでいます。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和文英訳お願いします。

    Rational actor theories suggest that individuals, organizations, and nation-states are motivated by a desire to maximize their material interests. Based on this type of theory, we might hypothesize that voters select candidates that further their own economic interest. です。ちょっと手に負えません(-_-;)よろしくお願いします!!

  • 英訳をお願いしますf^_^;)

    ・For me there is just not the communication that a like to have in a relationship. よろしくお願いします❗️

  • 英訳を教えてください~_~;

    ・For me there is just not the communication that a like to have in a relationship. よろしくお願いします❗️

  • 英訳してください

    Fresh meats and vegetables are not supposed to be carried across borders by ordinary passengers. In the case of Karen Turner, she almost entered the United States from Mexico carrying 60 kilograms of popular chorizo sausage. Alert officials noticed, however, that she had too many used baby diapers in her car. “My little boyhas diarrhea!” she explained to the officials. Inside of the many diapers, however, they discovered the sausages. Strangely, the meat did not look so different from what a person usually finds in a used diaper. Alert Al Wheeler noticed that a van was moving rather slowly in the line for inspection at the Mexican border. The border official asked the driver to step out, and then discovered the reason the car was so heavy: The driver was carrying nearly 1,600 kilograms of Mexican white cheese. The man confessed that he wanted to sell the cheese, which was valued at about ¥900,000. At an airport in Germany, an angry passenger refused to give up his liter bottle of pepper vodka. He insisted that he was bringing it home as a present for a friend; airport officials firmly explained to him that liquids could not be brought onto the airplane. Rather than give up his bottle, the 64-year-old man opened it and in just a couple of minutes, drank everything. Five minutes later, he returned from the plane and was rushed to a hospital for alcohol poisoning. All of us tend to over-pack for trips. Often we find attractive food items in other countries and want to bring them back. Finally, we see a nice bottle of liquor or wine, and want to give it to a friend. It is important to pack carefully when we go abroad. Officials are watching more closely than ever.

  • 英訳をお願いします。

    以下の分の英訳をお願いします。 I have bought a lot of times items from China.. but it never took so much time. The shipping cannot takes more than 5 weeks. It's really strange and the problem it is also that in april I cannot give you a feedback, because in ebay if you don't give a feedback in 2months and a half, the item is took away from the account. So I will give you a feedback at the beginning of March. And if the item will arrive it will be ok, if not we will discuss for the refund. I hope you understand.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    The problem is not so much that we can't hear as that we don't listen attentively to what we can hear. 犬の嗅覚に関するエッセイなのですが、The problem is~から先、not so much A as B構文なのか、単純にso~that…構文なのか、はたまた違うアプローチで意味を取るべきなのか解りません。よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語 英訳

    受け身の文に直して下さい。 お願いいたします。 1Tuner painted this picture. 2The Curies discovered radium in 1898. 3We can not see the stars in the daytime. 4People play soccer all over the world. 5People will soon forget it.

  • 英訳をお願いします

    Could you fill in the amount of shipping cost in auction otherwise I can not do buying? There is a message that says "Contact seller"

  • That節の中にbutが入る文

    The best point of Internet shopping is that we do not have to go to stores in reality,but we can buy things easily. But以下はこのようで、いいのでしょうか。thatに続いているのがわかりますか?