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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本語に翻訳してください!)

Mother Teresa's Love for Children


  • ベストアンサー
  • ydna
  • ベストアンサー率63% (179/281)

ーーー 直訳 ーーー Teresa は子ども達をとても愛していた。数人のシスターによって彼女のところに連れてこられた一人の幼い少年について話すのが好きだった。彼は重い腹痛で苦しんでいた。 「だから、私は、その子どもを座らせ、最後に何かを食べたのはいつかを尋ねました。今朝? なにも。昨晩? なにも。昨日? なにも。その腹痛は空腹が原因でした。」 Teresa は、貧困の子ども達のために一所懸命働いた。たとえば、子ども達を教育するためのプログラムを支援することによって、子ども達を援助する国際基金を始めた。 ーーー 意訳 ーーー Teresa は子ども達をとても慈しんでいた。シスター数人が彼女のもとに連れてきた一人の幼い男の子のことを好んで語った。その子は重い腹痛で苦しんでいた。 「だから、私はその子を座らせ、最後に物を食べたのはいつかって尋ねたの。今朝かな? なんにも。ゆうべかな? なんにも。昨日なの? なんにも。彼の腹痛は空腹だったからなの。」 Teresa は貧しい子ども達のために一生懸命働いた。たとえば、子ども達の教育プログラムを支援し、彼らを援助する国際基金を創設した。 以上、少しでもお役に立てたでしょうか? ★ydna★



直訳だけではなく意訳もしていただいて感謝しています。 内容がよく理解出来ました。とても役に立ちました!! ありがとうございました。


  • 日本語に翻訳お願いします

    In general, wine is made from grapes. Pass me the salt,please. He will be an Edison. I don't mind eating fast food three times a day. A human being is the only animal that is gifted with speech. He said that necessity is the mother of invention. This is the house where Shakespeare was born. Even if the sun were to rise in the west, I would never change my mind. The rescue worker grabbed the man by the hand. The knowledge of first aid is of great use. He was at a loss as to what to do. Mother went to see the school festival by train.

  • 日本語に翻訳してください!!

    In 1931,she made up her mind to become a nun and took the name Teresa. Her life began to change when she was thirty-six years old. という文章です。一応、私も翻訳してみたのですが文章がおかしくなってしまって…。 お願いします!!

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    日本語に訳していただきたいです。よろしくお願いします。 Years ago, I participated in the rescue of a child from bondage. Destiny (not her real name) was 13. She had been repeatedly raped by a pair of predators to "educate" her. Then, along with several other young girls, she was forced to sell herself to strangers. Each day, she woke to the threat of disfiguring brutality if she failed to bring in sufficient money that night. Later, it was reported that "pimps" had been arrested, and "a number of child prostitutes were taken into custody." What was wrong with calling Destiny a "child prostitute"? After all, she was a child, and she was engaged in prostitution. First, the word itself implies a judgment of character. Don't we call people who sell out their moral convictions in exchange for personal gain "whores"? More important, prostitution implies a willing exchange. Ultimately, the term "child prostitution" implies that little children are "seductive," that they "volunteer" to have sex with adults in exchange for cash (which, of course, the children never see).

  • 日本語訳を! 4-(7)

    お願いします。  The first real breakthrough came from an Englishman named Thomas Young. By the time Young was 2, he was reading. By the time he was 7, he was fluent in 3 languages. By the time he was 14, he was fluent in 12 languages. Young was sure he would be the first to crack the code. He discovered that the hieroglyphs for the 13-year-old Pharaoh Ptolemy's name were repeated six times inside little ovals that the French called cartouches, because they looked like the paper rolls, or cartouches, that the French stored their gunpowder in for their muskets. Young worked on the demotic lines and was able to figure out many words, but the hieroglyphs stumped him. It took another young genius, building on Young's work―a man named Jean Francois Champollion―to finally translate the entire Rosetta Stone.  A simple thank-you note written by grateful priests turned out to be the key that opened the Egyptian past for modern scholars. No longer would scholars have to settle for the Greek, Roman, or Hebrew version of Egypt's history. Egypt's own stories could now come to life. Maybe there is magic in the written word after all. To be on the safe side, let's not write the word for that hairy, scary thing that rhymes with "feast.

  • 英語から日本語へ翻訳のお願いです。

    さっぱり意味がわかりません。 翻訳できる方、よろしくお願いします。 Affection. Another surprise was that men crave affection—but not necessarily sex—more than women. “It’s counterintuitive,” says Orbuch, “but men crave feeling special and being noticed by their wives.” She adds that men who report not getting enough nonsexual affection were twice as likely to ask for a divorce, but the reverse was not true for women. “Women are fortunate. We get this kind of affirmation from more people in our lives, our mothers, children, our best friends”—so women tend to need less from husbands. She recommends carving out time for regular cuddling, kissing, hand holding, and saying “I love you.”

  • 高校英語で3つ質問

    1.以下の2文を同じ意味にする問題です。 He was so foolish that he missed the point. He was too foolish () () miss the point. 2.「君はそこでただ待っていればいい。」は、どちらが正しいですか。 There is nothing but to do wait for you. There is nothing but for you to do wait. 3.I went to the new shop to buy a sweater, but they had so many to choose from that I was completely at a loss. でなぜtheyという複数形になるんですかね。 この3つをどうか教えてください。

  • 翻訳してください。

    翻訳してください。 (1)Mother Teresa began her work for children in Kolkata in 1948. (2)In some parts of the city,the people were very poor and they had no schools for children. (3)Mother Teresa gathered together some children and taught the alphabet to them. (4)It was not easy because they had no pens and no notebooks.

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    翻訳をお願いします。 特にマザーの言葉にこだわってお願いします。 (1)Over the next few years, some Sisters joined Mother Teresa. (2)Many of them were her former students. (3)Mother Teresa and these Sisters worked very hard. (4)They saved the lives of many homeless children. (5)They cared for sick people and old people too. (6)She said, "Always have a cheerful smile. Don`t only give your care, but give your heart as well."

  • 英語を日本語に訳して貰えますか?

    友人から来たメールの文章ですが、なんとなくしか理解出来ません…。英語が堪能な方に訳して頂きたいです…。 Me if i think to marry my EX-boyfriend...in one point i did . but thank god i did not ..he really was not a good boy.he was a evil boss like character..so what he say or nothing! .....he try to control me always ......... and he never care if i need it to finish a project .. so that how she was... ) but now i am by my self and is good but i feel lonely.. and that how i feel now !

  • 次の英文を日本語に翻訳して下さい。

    Shortly after, McCay was informed that if he wanted the 6th Battalion to hold its position, it must be reinforced. So McCay sent his last reserves, a company of the 1st Battalion, and ordered the 8th to leave one company on the ridge and advance on the right of the 6th Battalion. The scattered formations managed to hold their positions for the remainder of the afternoon, then at 17:00 saw large numbers of Turkish troops coming over the southern section of Gun Ridge.[136]Around 10:00 Kemal and the 1st Battalion, 57th Infantry were the first to arrive in the area between Scrubby Knoll and Chunuk Bair. From the knoll Kemal was able to observe the landings. He ordered the artillery battery to set up on the knoll, and the 1st Battalion to attack Baby 700 and Mortar Ridge from the North-East, while the 2nd Battalion would simultaneously circle around and attack Baby 700 from the West. The 3rd Battalion would for the moment be held in reserve. At 10:30 Kemal informed II Corps he was attacking. At 11:30 Sefik told Kemal that the ANZACs had a beachhead of around 2,200 yards (2,000 m), and that he would attack towards Ari Burnu, in conjunction with the 19th Division. Around midday Kemal was appraised that the 9th Division was fully involved with the British landings at Cape Helles, and could not support his attack, so at 12:30 he ordered two battalions of the 77th Infantry Regiment (the third battalion was guarding Suvla Bay) to move forward between the 57th and 27th Infantry Regiments. At the same time he ordered his reserve 72nd Infantry Regiment to move further west. Within the next half-hour the 27th and 57th Infantry Regiments started the counter-attack, supported by three batteries of artillery. At 13:00 Kemal met with his corps commander Esat Pasha and convinced him of the need to react in strength to the ANZAC landings. Esat agreed and released the 72nd and 27th Infantry Regiments to Kemal's command. Kemal deployed the four regiments from north to south; 72nd, 57th, 27th and 77th. In total, Turkish strength opposing the landing numbered between ten thousand and twelve thousand men. At 15:15 Lalor left the defence of The Nek to a platoon that had arrived as reinforcements, and moved his company to Baby 700. There he joined a group from the 2nd Battalion, commanded by Lieutenant Leslie Morshead. Lalor was killed soon afterwards. The left flank of Baby 700 was now held by sixty men, the remnants of several units, commanded by a corporal. They had survived five charges by the Turks between 07:30 and 15:00; after the last charge the Australians were ordered to withdraw through The Nek.