• ベストアンサー



  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

    登録にかかる時間を考慮にお入れになる必要はありません。     私どもがお支払いを承認すれば、即座にクレジットカードで PayPal がお使えになれます。     近く PayPal を通じてインボイスの支払い請求をお送りします。     





  • イーベイ 和訳お願いします。

    いつもこちらでお世話になっております。 イーベイでペイパルのクレジット払いができるか質問しました。 質問:Could you accept creditcard via Paypal? 回答:We don't accept credit cards. But we accept PayPal for buyers outside the United States. Perhaps, you may arrange for a credit card payment through PayPal. これはクレジットカードでの支払いは受け付けていないけど、ペイパルでクレジットカードを通した支払いはOKという意味でよいのでしょうか? 最後の、Perhaps, you may arrange for a credit card payment through PayPal.という一文がうまく訳せませんでした。 英語に詳しい方、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳

    Many thanks for the order you have placed via our website, however we have just tried to take the payment from your credit/debit card but unfortunately this has been declined by your bank. Please could you advise if you have another card which you can use to make this payment? if so we would recommend that you place a new order with the new card details through the website, we will then cancel the current order and use the new details instead. Alternatively I can send you a Pro Forma invoice for this order so you can make a payment by bank transfer. Please let me know by return how you would like to proceed. どなたか和訳をお願いします。

  • 英文の翻訳を御願い致します。

    海外のサイトでネットショッピングをした主人が、 入院してしまい、英文が解らない私には理解出来ません。 355 USD included shipping cost to your door, we accept paypal as the paymen way, just tell us your paypal email address then we can send a invoice to you from paypal after that you can making the payment online,also if you want to pay other way just tell us, regards,

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    海外のサイトで支払う際にPaypalという決済システムを利用しました。 支払い上限金額に達したため、請求書をふたつのアカウントに送ってくださいといいました。 そしたら、以下の回答が来ました。 I understand. I will amend the x2 Invoices as soon as i can. Alternatively you could send both payments to 0000hotmail.co.uk. この訳はどういう意味でしょうか。 インボイス送る、もしくは、支払いをこのアドレスに送れという意味でしょうか。

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    You do not need a size 8 anymore like we previously discussed? Keep in mind the rings can not be sized once ordered. I just want to make sure you indeed need a size 4.25 and have had your finger sized. :) To proceed with the special order- I can either send you a paypal invoice for the half deposit on the rings or you can send me a copy of the front and back of your credit card as this is an international order.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Thank you for your reply. Please find the quotation as below. After your confirmation we will send you the proforma invoice. For the payment we can accept 100% T/T in advance (wire transfer).

  • 和訳お願いします。 paypal関連です。

    先日、ebayで買い物をしたのですが、支払ページで料金を支払おうとしたのですが、 One or more of the items below cannot be purchased because the seller has not specified shipping costs to the location selected. Change your address or remove the items to continue. You may also contact the seller for an exception. と表示されていて、支払不可能だったので、私から出品者に次のようなメールを送りました。 I have one problem. I try to pay on ebay, but I can not pay when I change my address. I want you to ship Japan. so, is it possible to estimate shipping cost to Japan? and, is it possible send me the invoice again? Thank you. そうすると、出品者から以下のような返事がきました。 It is possible that it is Paypal that won't let you pay. Rather than changing your address as you pay the invoice, go to your Paypal account and I think you can add a shipping address that can be different. Your payment address much match your credit card address - if you change that, the system won't let you pay. It would help me if you could make this change of address, then when I print the shipping label, your address is automatically filled in. Because of my teaching schedule this week, I won't be able to mail this until Thursday or Friday. I will send you another invoice for shipment to Japan. Thank you, とのことなのですが、 It is possible that it is Paypal that won't let you pay. Rather than changing your address as you pay the invoice, go to your Paypal account and I think you can add a shipping address that can be different. Your payment address much match your credit card address - if you change that, the system won't let you pay. のところの意味があやふやで不安です。 このまま、木曜日か金曜日までまってればいいとのことでしょうか? 質問ばかりですみませんが、英語に詳しい方よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳助けてください

    中途採用で貿易会社に入社したのですが 英文メールで困っています。 ろくに勉強してこなかったので・・・辞書を開きながら 悪戦苦闘してます、漠然とはわかるのですが仕事が からんでいるので間違いは許されません。以下の文です。 Dear thank you for your enquiry with Edward Green, I am afraid we do not have a Cadogan 7.5E 202 last Dark Oak in stock at the moment but there are some in production as this is a style we always have in stock we have just sold out of your size at the moment. If you would like to reserve the next available pair this option is available to you and then the next pair which are delivered to us will be sent straight out to you? If you wish to place an order please provide your credit card details (long number, expiry date and 3 digit security code), address and telephone details,but please note we do not accept Diners. Alternatively if you prefer we can send you a payment request through Paypal.com, if you choose this option then please let us have the email address that you use with your Paypal account. Please note you may be liable for Import Duties if you reside outside of the EU.   よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Hello Friend, Good day to you over there... i want you to know that am buying the Car for my dad birthday gift okay. 1.Let me know the present condition of this car 2.How much do you wish to sell this car. 3.I will pay you via bank to bank transfer (online transfer) or PayPal,because this is the only method i can use due to my present location. 4.I want you to send me your bank information or your PayPal details so that i can able to quickly make the payment for this car,i have a pick up agent in (Malaysia) that will come and pick the car up after i have made the payments. 5.I want you to know that my shipping agent will handle the registration of the car and filling of all necessary document regarding changing of ownership and test-driving on his arrival for pick-up. I hope you understand and await your reply soon.

  • 英語の和訳おねがいします。

    以下の文章を出切る限り自然翻訳していただけませんでしょうか? 海外製品を購入した所塗装ムラがあり、その対応としてメーカーから送られてきた文です。 I am wondering will you send back them for exchange?or you accept our partial refund for the uneven paint? Pleae clearfy so that we can help you out soon.