Dear Friend,
Thanks for your mail,i am glad to read from you and i thank you very much for your kind responds and your understandings to me over these dealings.
I got your mail and i understand your points.
I will like you to quick with your search and make try all your possible best to get me the items.
I need 10 sets and i shall be going out for an Additional payment of the sum of $25,000.00USD to your Previous cash for the Wrist Watch and your total money will be the sum of $26,700.00USD.
I hope you understand my Points and i will be glad if you can get me the cameras these week or next.
長文ですが、どなたか宜しくお願いしますm(_ _)m
お礼が遅くなってしまい、申し訳ないです。 文の間違い方からそんなことが分かるのですね! 驚きました! イギリス出身の方だと伺っていたので、それを聞いて少々不安に感じます…。 丁寧な和訳本当に感謝します! ありがとうございました!♪