多様性 アメリカ 典型的なアメリカの家族がどういうものか定義できない。
the close-knit-extended family(よくわかりませんでした)の保護になっている。伝統的な役割と宗教は核家族に(大きな影響を与えた)
アメリカの家族 分離、離婚が増加
結果 single parent families, 再婚、communal lifestyles
この変化(離婚や再婚がくりかえされること)=breakdown 価値の低下、道徳心の低下
タイトル Changes in the American Family structure
It is almost impossible to describe a"typical American family"because the United States is such a heterogeneous country.Although members of ethnic, racial, or economic groups may assimilate into the educational and employment of the establishment, the often( .....21)within the home. Many families have strong religions or ethnic backgrounds which continue to contribute to the preservation of the close-knit extended family. At one time, traditional roles and religion had (.....22) on the nuclear family. Now economic conditions, societal attitudes, and job mobility in the United States compete with traditional influences.
Changes in the American family structure are evidenced by increases of separation and divorce. In certain areas of the country these trends have resulted in a growing number of "single-parent" families, remarried parents, and communal lifestyles. (......23), however, that the institution of marriage is crumbling. It is estimated that four out of five divorced couples eventually remarry other people. These shifts in family relationships may be interpreted as a breakdown or, alternatively as an adaptation fo the American family to changing roles, attitudes, and values. The changes according to the more traditional viewpoint,represent a breakdown in the family structure, a disintegration of values, and a decline in morality. Others, who believe it it necessary to adapt to a rapidly changing society, believe thsese shifts in family structure are inevitable and positive.
(21),1 behave in an irrational way 2 maintain their cultural heritage 3 give up their position 4 still experience conflict
(22)1 a much stronger influence 2 a very bad effect
3 a strong relationship 4 little if no connection
(23) 1 This does not indicate 2 it may be ralated to the fact
3 this shows clearly 4 it is not always the case
ありがとうございます。 >核家族、大家族、女系家族、などいろいろあると言うことでしょう。 なるほど、そういう意味だったんですね。