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  • ra5cea6b
  • ベストアンサー率19% (18/94)

No.2です。 はっきりいって間違ってると思うんであまり信用しないで下さい。


  • 日本語にお願いします‼

    I am good, busy as always.  I am in NY for a couple of weeks and the weather is very nice also. Cherry trees are also almost blooming here too. Unfortunately I won't see them in Japan because I won't be back until May. Hope work is going well with you and the rest of the team ! 途中わからないとことかから文章がおかしくなってしまったので、日本語にお願いします‼

  • 次の文は、同格thatの省略と考えられますか?

    次の問題は正解はBなのですが、Aであるとも考えられないでしょうか。 they are also known as~部分が、同格thatの省略という解釈もできると思います。 それとも、やはりB. also known as 以外に考えられないですか? そうであれば、理由(同格thatの省略とは考えられない)もお願いします。 The Soux, ( ) the Dakota, comprise one of the largest Native American tribes in North America. A. they are also known as B. also knwon as C. knowing also as D. who knwon also as

  • well knownとpopularの使い分けはありますか?

    Manic Street Preachers are well known,also Matt is a big fan so I confirmed with him. 後半をare popular in the UK/US とか、all over the worldということもできますか?(alsoの前までの部分で) お願いします

  • 日本語にして下さい!!よろしくお願いします。

    My Dear Mika,As I told you, I wanted to write you an email, so here it is! ^o^ The reason is, of course, because today is our... meetingversary! XD I know it sounds stupid, but I like remembering these things! As I think this is really important. Well, it is for me, at least!It is important because, on august 23, I met you :D And I am so happy of this! You said you noticed my messages on worldfriends as I sent many! Well, it was a mistake since I didn’t know how to use the site XDD I only wanted to send one! XDD But I am happy I made that mistake, because you then contacted me back! Therefore, I hope you didn’t feel too disturbed that time! ^^’ Thank you so much!I am happy I have met you, Mika! I really think you are special! Because you are calm and shy...! ^-^ We might be living on different lands, but we always share the same sky! ... sounds like a videogame sentence... it probably is XDDDDDD But well XDI really, really hope we can meet someday, so that I can make you laugh with my stupid jokes all day XD I like it when you start laughing and can’t stop! :DDDDD think that….over time, I am getting somehow attached to you, you know? XD I would truly feel sad if we couldn’t talk anymore all of a sudden!And thank you again for your lovely letter. I keep it as a treasure. I read it every day before going to sleep! Thank you for writing it in Japanese and English, I am learning a lot from it! Well, I don’t want to bore you too much with my email XD so! I’ll stop here.

  • 後半のsuggestions 以下です。

    NPR's stylebook specifies the "formerly" formula. But when I asked Ted Clark, the deputy supervisory senior foreign editor, what was correct, he wrote back: "The foreign desk always advises that the wording should be 'Myanmar, ALSO known as Burma.' Myanmar first, because we generally accept the name that a country/government chooses for itself, and then 'also known as Burma' because it is still known as Burma to many people there and around the world." This is not to embarrass Clark. The NPR stylebook often seems only to be suggestions honored in the breach, a chronic internal weakness. None of the naming formulas, moreover, are totally wrong. But I think that some are more right than others.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 Known for skiing, the area also has a busy summer festival season that draws tourists as well a seasonal ranch work.  「as well a seasonal ranch work. 」のあたりが文法的にわからないので解説お願いいたします。

  • 12/9(火)米国防長官に「何を言っているか分からない」賞

    ラムズフェルド氏が以下の文で「何を言っているか分からない」賞を受けたそうです。 「我々が知っている、と我々が知っていることがある。知らない、と知られていることがあることも知っている。つまり、知らないことがあることを我々は知っている。知らない、ということを知らないこともある」 'Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we don't know we don't know.' 何が動詞か、名詞か、過去分詞かがさっぱり分からないのですが、文法的に解説して頂けませんか?例えば known は辞書では過去分詞ですが、knowns は名詞として使われていますか?沢山の (un)known が出てきますが、どの語を修飾しているのか、また修飾されている語は何なのか、見分けがつきません。省略されている語や節(thatやwhat)もあるように思いますが、それも教えて下さい。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳お願いします!

    本当に困っています!以下の文章は長いので、読んでもチンプンカンプンです。助けてください。。。国際法の国際組織についてです。 And that leaves still unmentioned a more abstract form of interest: not only has the outvoted minority a right to be protested against the majority, and not only may third parties warrant some form of protection, but it is also often thought that the interests of the world community at large ought to be taken into account: and the interests of the world community then entail the proposition that, generally speaking, international organizations perform worthwhile functions and should, in principle, be free to pursue their activities with as little interference as possible, as well as (sometimes opposing, sometimes coinciding with the previous point) a general interest in seeing that the rule of law is upheld, which then translates into an interest in organizations acting strictly in conformity with their constituent documents.

  • 日本語に訳しほしいです。

    B,C,D は、下の語句から選んで当てはめてほしいです。 alertness、 independence、 industrialization 、privacy The difference in attitude also reflects the way different cultures view sleep in general. Mayans treat sleep as a social activity and think sleeping alone is a hardship, whereas Americans treat sleep as a time of B; sharing a bed is considered a sacrifice. Americans make a clear distinction between daytime nighttime and the kinds of activities that can take place during each time of day, while the San think nothing of waking up in the middle of the night and spending a few hours around the campfire talking. There is no insomnia in their because no one is expected to sleep through the night. In fact, cross-cultural sleep research has shown that night waking is actually much less frequent in Western cultures than in others. And yet Western parents view those comparatively few periods of C during the night as much more problematic than parents in societies where babies' sleep is much lighter. But it is not just D ,or modernity, that has fostered nights of uninterrupted solitary sleep. Japanese children sleep with their parents until they are teens. Even when other rooms and other beds are available, Japanese babies and young children are placed on futons in the parents' room. The Japanese the child as a separate biological organism needs to be drawn into an interdependent relationship parents and society, especially with the mother Japanese prefer not to sleep alone; they do not expect, and probably imagine being interested sleeping alone. For the Japanese the concept of family sharing the night, family tends to orient toward mother and children, with the father on the outside, rather than the American version of the ideal nuclear family with mother and father first and foremost as partners, and children subordinate to that primary relationship.

  • 英文の日本語訳の添削おねがいします!

    The terms “a priori” and “a posteriori” are used primarily to denote the foundations upon which a proposition is known. A given proposition is knowable a priori if it can be known independent of any experience other than the experience of learning the language in which the proposition is expressed, whereas a proposition that is knowable a posteriori is known on the basis of experience. For example, the proposition that all bachelors are unmarried is a priori, and the proposition that it is raining outside now is a posteriori. プリオリやポステリオリという用語は命題を知るための基礎をしるすために主に使われる もし命題が表される言語を学習をする経験よりも、命題がある経験の独立性を認識されることができるならば、与えられた命題はプリオリだと認識できる。 それに対しポステオリだと認識できる命題は経験に基づいていると認識される。たとえば、すべての独身者たちは未婚者であるという命題は、プリオリである。 そして、今、そとで雨が降っているという命題はポステリオリである。