・Do u like japanese fashion ?
Of course, I’m interested in Japanese fashion since 6 years
・What type of japanese fashion do u like ?
I follow a lot of different trends like harajuku style, hime gyaru, onee gyaru, ora-ora, rokku, agejo …
I love the mix between casual clothes and something more extravagant. I’m a gaijin gyaru who can wear a rokku outfit one day and something more hime the next day. I’m a fashion addict and I find a lot of inspirations in Japanese magazines like egg, ranzuki, vivi, jelly, soul sister, ageha …
・Can u buy those clothes in ur country ?
Unfortunately not really, but there is a store wich sell japanese brands but more for Lolita I think th name of this shop is Harajuku.
・What japanese magazine do u read ?
I’m inspired a lot by Ageha and Soul Sister, but I read egg, popteen, ranzuki, vivi and jelly too.
・What is ur favorite japanese fashion brand?
My favorite brand are propably Glad news and TutuHA because these brands are really rock and girly too, but I love Golds infinity and Duras it’s more feminine and sophisticated.
If I could do a list of all my favorite brands I prefer : D.I.A, Duras, Ank Rouge, One Spo, Egoist, Emoda, Lip service, Glad news, Egoist, Ghost of harlem, L.D.S, Liz Lisa, Ma*rs, TutuHA, Skinny lip.
・please introduce me the shop u visit very often !
The shop I visit the most is Rakuten global because it’s the only site where I can buy gyaru’s brands from Japan and I don’t need to buy my clothes by an intermediate.
I don’t by a lot in France because we don’t have a store for gyaru’s brands unfortunately.