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Metallica to Headline Outside Lands Festival in San Francisco


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  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15296/33015)

    フィルモア劇場内での愛と、いい雰囲気が、屋外に出ても変わらず、私達の故郷であるサンフランシスコで、8月10日から12日まで、美しいゴールデンゲイト公園で開かれる Outside Lands 祭典の目玉として招待されたことを誇りに思います。今回は第5回目の Outside Lands 祭典になり、あの公園で遂に上演する機会を得たことを我々は光栄に思います。今年の配役は大物ーばかりで、祭典の三日間に、一部の出演者だけを挙げても the Foo Fighters, Jack White, Beck, Neil Young and Crazy Horse, Stevie Wonder, The Kills, Justice, Skrillex など、と同じ舞台に立つことは、われわれ一同これ以上の興奮は無いと思っています。     3日間のパス、ならびに優待券の前売りは4月19日、木曜日、太平洋時間(PDT)の午後12時に www.sfoutsidelands.com/tickets で開始されます。詳細のお尋ねは www.sfoutsidelands.com まで、どうぞ。





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    Pearl Jam and Nine Inch Nails will headline the Voodoo Festival in New Orleans on November 1-3, 2013. How To Destroy Angels are also set to perform. Pearl Jam are expected to announce a fall North American tour soon. Mike McCready told Billboard.com, “New Orleans is one of the most musically and culturally rich cities in the world,” says Mike McCready of Pearl Jam. “We've played some of our most memorable shows there and can't wait to return this November.” ※ 『Pearl Jam』『Nine Inch Nails』『How To Destroy Angels』はバンド名です。

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    Stone Temple Pilots guitarist Dean DeLeo discussed STP's new EP in an interview with ArtistDirect.com, “We just finished up the EP. I really do wish we were able to have the time to contribute an LP. For those kids out there, LP means “Long Play” [Laughs]. With everybody's schedules and Chester having a huge responsibility to Linkin Park, we finished tracking everything on this one night. It was one of those dreaded last days in the studio where we were putting the finishing touches on something at about four in the morning and Chester had to leave at about 4:30am-quarter-to-5am in order to pack for Asia that day with Linkin Park. He's still over there now. He's been them for two-and-a-half weeks. He gets home, and we have rehearsals on the 29th. Then, we're off on September 3 for a one-month run. Time was of the essence for this. We did manage to eek out four new songs, and we will include “Out of Time” on the EP. We'll have a little five-song EP here, hopefully showing up in October.”

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    Robert was also full of praise for his new bandmate, telling Pop-Break.com, "Chester is an amazing human being. "Coming in, we knew we wanted to do this right and sing our songs the way they were supposed to be sung and move forward as a band. "LINKIN PARK will always be his first priority and we respect that. "The guys in LINKIN PARK have been amazing with all this. "Everyone likes to be surrounded by amazing people. We have a great management team, everyone's excited and working hard. We've got a lot of work to do. "There's people out there that really don't like the fact Scott isn't in the band. We have to go out there and prove ourselves. Our goal is to play the best set of songs we can play and really make that count."

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    In regards to this match we are awaiting the official confirmation as this was abandoned in the 73rd minute, therefore we aim to settle inline with our sports rules which states; An unplayed or postponed match will be treated as a non-runner for settling purposes unless it is played within 5 days of the original scheduled match time. In which case the bet will stand unless cancelled by mutual consent.

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    以下の内容を詳しく翻訳の程よろしくお願いいたします。 Thank you for your order (*********). Amazon has forwarded your order to us and we will process it as fast as possible. Your order number is: +++++++ Please always state this number when you contact us so we can answer your questions quickly and without delay. Please take note of the estimated time of shipping, which is also stated on the product link. Please note that our shipments are dispatched from Switzerland, Europe. Please note that weekend and public holidays are not working days. Feel free to contact us for further questions. You can do so by replying to this mail (not the one from Amazon). Please always send the message history along. This will ensure fast processing. Below you will find your shipping address. If this is incorrect please contact us as soon as possible, so it can be changed before dispatch: All our products are delivered in exactly the same state in which we receive them from the manufacturer. Items that are not shrinkwrapped are still new and this does not affect the quality of the product. Please note that items that are delivered from the manufacturer that are not sealed will not be resealed by us due to environmental reasons. Please also note that shrinkwrap is simply part of the packaging and not part of the product. If you are satisfied with our service we would be grateful if you would leave positive feedback at Amazon.

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    すいませんが、翻訳お願いします。 thank you for your cooperation and we have submitted them to our Product Department. We will keep you informed as soon as we have any news, all right? Please allow us some time handling this for you, okay? Your understanding and cooperation will be highly appreciated. Any further questions or needs, please feel free to contact us. We are always here to help you.

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    Future Energy where will we get our energy? It's a bright sunny day. I put the last solar panel on my roof, I switch it on , and I have electricity. I'm free! Now, I won't have to worry about electric bills or oil prices, and I won't feel guilty about pollution. But what's this? A cloud passes in front of the aun and my lights go out! I'm going to have to start my generator and burn some more gasoline. This isn't going to be easy after all. We are going to have a big energy problem in the future. Today, the world uses 320 billion kilowatt-hours of energy a day. That's equal to about 22 light bulbs burning nonstop for every person on the planet. By 2100 we will use three times as much energy. How will we get the energy? At the moment, we get most of our energy from fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas. But fossil fuels are dirty and they will not last forever. It the long term, we will have to find alternatives. We will need renewable energy. SOLAR POWER On a cloudy day near the city of Leipzig in the former East Germany, I walked across a field with 33,500 solar panels. It produces enough energy for 1800 homes. One problem with solar power is that it is expensive, but the cost of solar will fall as technology improves. "Thirty years ago it was cost- effective on satellites," says Daniel Shugar, president of Powerlight Corporation. "Today it can be cost-effective for powering houses and businesses." He tells us that in the future most houses will have solar panels. There are other problems with solar power. It needs a lot of space and, of course, it doesn't work at night. WIND POWER One afternoon I stood in a field in Denmark under a dark, cloudy sky. And My solar panels Produce very little energy in this weather. But above me a wind turbine was producing clean, renewable electricity. At the moment, wind power is the best of all the alternative energy sources. But again, there are problems. First, they are ugly; people don't like to see wind turbines in fields. And of course the wind doesn't blow all the time. so, will our grandchildren get their energy from the sun, wind, or some other source? "We're going to need everything we can get from solar, everything we can get from wind," says Michael Pacheco, director or the National Bioenergy Center, part of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. "And still the question is-can we get enough?" 自分で調べながらやっていたのですが、へんな文章になったりします。 どうか皆さんの力をおかしください

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    下記の文章を訳してください!お願いします! Unfortunately the 16th or 17th does not work for us and technically does not hit the 10 day window we are allowed to sell to you 40% off at. In the future, I’m fairly certain that this credit card will work, but until I try it, I cannot know. Hope this information is helpful! Do you have a business partner that can be here on or after the 18th?