Stone Temple Pilots guitarist Dean DeLeo discusses new EP
Stone Temple Pilots guitarist Dean DeLeo recently discussed the band's new EP in an interview with
Despite time constraints and scheduling conflicts, the band managed to track four new songs in one night.
The EP is expected to be released in October, and will include the single 'Out of Time'.
Stone Temple Pilots guitarist Dean DeLeo discussed STP's new EP in an interview with, “We just finished up the EP. I really do wish we were able to have the time to contribute an LP. For those kids out there, LP means “Long Play” [Laughs]. With everybody's schedules and Chester having a huge responsibility to Linkin Park, we finished tracking everything on this one night. It was one of those dreaded last days in the studio where we were putting the finishing touches on something at about four in the morning and Chester had to leave at about 4:30am-quarter-to-5am in order to pack for Asia that day with Linkin Park. He's still over there now. He's been them for two-and-a-half weeks. He gets home, and we have rehearsals on the 29th. Then, we're off on September 3 for a one-month run. Time was of the essence for this. We did manage to eek out four new songs, and we will include “Out of Time” on the EP. We'll have a little five-song EP here, hopefully showing up in October.”