• 締切済み

scoop the dollar


  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"Because this thing on the other side of the Euro ... you might have heard as the dollar? ... and it's a pretty nasty world out there." 「なぜってユーロの向こうべりにあるのは何ですか? ドルっていう名の通貨、聞いたことありません? で、向こう側では大変なことが起きていますから。」 少し皮肉(Sarcasm)を込めて喋っています。





  • Money-どう言ったら分かってもらえますか。

    ヨーロッパの人に、1円はいくらかきかれ、0.0072ユーロだと言ったら円があまりにも弱い、とびっくりされました。 普通は1円で聞かれたので1円でのレートを答えたのですが、外替では普通は100円で表記しますよね。ドルやユーロにはcentがあるから2桁ずらして考えないといけないと説明したいのですがどういえばいいでしょう。 一応次のように英作してみました。 You can’t compare dollar or euro with the yen as such, because the yen doesn’t have unit beneath like “cent” which dollar and euro have. So add two zeros to the yen, and you can see 100 yen are not only comparable to a dollar or an euro but also fairly comparable with them. 「下位単位」にあたる単語はなんと言えばいいのでしょう。 100 yen は単数扱いなのか複数扱いなのかもよくわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • この文の意味教えてください

    A sculpture of Einstein sitting on a bench is more human and approachable than a sculpture in a museum. If you are walking along the street and see this Einstein, what do you do? You might put your arm around his shoulder pr ask someone to take a photo of the two of you. Perhaps you think about how Einstein changed the world and how you might change the world. Or what it might have been like to be the friends with Einstein. 最後のOr what it might have been like to be the friends with Einstein.ってどういう意味ですか? どなたか教えてください

  • 文と文のつなげかたについて質問です。

    主語を省いて文と文をつなげる英文がありますが、そのことについて質問です。 英文:He needs to be ○○, have ○○, think ○○ and feel ○○. (訳:彼は○○になり、○○を持ち、○○を思い、○○を感じる必要がある) 【質問】 (1)needs toを繰り返さないためにカンマで区切って、上の英文のように動詞だけ持ってくるというやり方は文法的に間違っ ていませんか? (2)また、最後のandの前にカンマは必要ですか? このように→「,and feel ○○.」

  • 翻訳お願いします

    I know this is completely off topic, but I was given an old porcelain cup and saucer and wanted to do some research and see what I could find out about it. There is some writing on the bottom of both pieces and I am wondering if someone can please assist with a translation? After some research, I think its Japanese, but could be Chinese. I think the first (top left) symbol is "Zhou". The top right symbol might be "white". The 3rd symbol (2nd row, left) might mean "worrier". Thank you!

  • よろしくお願いします

    Before we begin, Sparkler, I'd like you to do a little thought experiment with me, because I think it might be helpful. Ready? Here we go: I want you to imagine that one day, you wake up and discover that your bathroom sink is clogged. Like, super clogged, with six inches of black, smelly water in the basin, floating in which are several unidentifiable hairs and at least one very large dead bug. And you try to plunge the sink, but it doesn't work. So you call your boyfriend and ask if he'll help, which he will, of course, because even if he doesn't know jack squat about plumbing, he loves you and he wants to be there for you. But try as he might, he can't fix the problem. The best he can do is get it working well enough to get you through the next several days. plunge the sinkとtry as he mightの意味を教えてください。try as he mightは決まった覚え方があるのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    I have alot of stress because of school. And because of my ex. And because of my family who thinks I am the one who needs to be solving all their problems. And then I stress because of you because you say how communicating is so important but I don't want to/don't have time to be here writing to you about how shit my life is.

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    I have alot of stress because of school. And because of my ex. And because of my family who thinks I am the one who needs to be solving all their problems. And then I stress because of you because you say how communicating is so important but I don't want to/don't have time to be here writing to you about how shit my life is.

  • 通貨の読み方について

    次は、Economist の一文です。 この中の通貨の読み方について教えてください。 $1.22 は、 one dollar twenty-two cents one point twenty-two dollar one point twenty-two dollars one point two two dollar one point two two dollars one point twenty-two one point two two その他 €2.92 は、 two euros ninety-two ?? two euros ninety-two two euros nine two その他 などなど、正しい読み方、慣用的な読み方を教えてください。 --------------- Our annual Big Mac index (see table) suggests they have a case: the euro is overvalued by 17% against the dollar. How come? The euro is worth about $1.22 on the foreign-exchange markets. A Big Mac costs €2.92, on average, in the euro zone and $3.06 in the United States. The rate needed to equalise the burger's price in the two regions is just $1.05. To patrons of McDonald's, at least, the single currency is overpriced. ※€ は、ユーロ通貨マークの文字化けです。

  • 英語が正しいかどうか教えてください。

    Many people want to be success. Many people have dreams and become happy. I also want to be success. And I have a dream. It is not easy to success. And many people have felt sad because they can’t success. I don’t think people can’t succeed that it is because of hard work. I suppose that luck is very important for succeed. I argue about exam and I was read a book. この文の英語に間違いなどあれば教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    どうしても分からず教えて頂けたら助かります。 Who knows, it might even be our religion from which the world and all people learn good, and for that reason and that reason only do we have to suffer now. という文章なんですが、よろしくお願いします。