• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語から日本語に訳してください!!)


  • 私はあなたを魅力的だと思いますが、本当に目を引くのはあなたの優しさです。
  • あなたの目に宿る光は自信と思いやりを伝えており、まるで私の魂を見つめているかのようでした。
  • 私は友情を祈っていましたが、それ以上の関係を望むとは思いもしませんでした。


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

(1)君ってホント悩ましいくらい素敵だよ。でも子猫のように僕の懐に飛び込んできた時、その目に宿る暖かさをはっきりと感じたよ。   (2)君の目の輝きは信頼と溢れる思いやりを物語っていたね。君が僕の心に突き刺さった時そう感じたんだ。 (3)君が決して僕らの友情を現実離れしたものと誤解しないよう祈りを込めたんだ。



早速の回答ありがとうございます<(_ _)> 彼の想いが分かって嬉しいです。



  • 英語を日本語へ翻訳して貰えますか?

    日本語の勉強をしている外国人のメル友からきたメールです。 いつも日本語でやりとりしているので、英語だとほとんど理解できません。 お恥ずかしいですが、日本語へ訳してください。 i am happy that you recover and list a little . i always will be sweet and kind to you ... and went your feel sad i be there making you feel happy ..well for now i be in the digital world ,so went you feel sad only email me .. i will warm your heart and make you feel happy i know that we still met you yet in person .but i feel that you are a sweet and kind person i always will to my best to make you happy went you feel sad i big Chu... for the best person in the world ... that is you Hanako.

  • この英語を日本語へ翻訳お願いします。

    なんとなくは分かるのですが、知らない単語があり的確に訳せません...。 お力添えお願いします。 don't think that way .... i understand your situation . i know how it feet to be in that type of situation . here is something to make you feel better . don't worry i still think that you are a wonderful person and thank you! for be in honest .... i respect you ... now think about this " ( That me think that you are the best person in the world and is happy for the way you are! ) " and only think about it all day so you feel better

  • 日本語訳をお願いします!

    長いですが日本語に訳をお願いします! aspect→アスペクト past life→過去世 His eighth house conjuncts your eleventh house in Cancer. Theeighth house is about death and reincarnation and past lives.The eleventh house is friendship and hope. This shows that in a past life you knew each other, you lived in the same area, possible the same building or close neighbourhood in early life and grew up as friends. The part of the past incarnation spentwith him was a period of life that felt secure and happy, and safe. A feeling that you would like to return to in this life. I cannot tell how long you knew each other in the past incarnation, but you had a friendship that was deep enough to want to carry it through to other lives. Or to want to return to.This aspect is only one of friendship, it doesn’t show what else happened in the past life, you’d need the other aspects to know that, and this is a synastry not a karmic synastry. But its was not an ordinary friendship. You spent time together in homely places and with creative people. There may have been long gaps in the friendship. One of you may have had to wait for the other to return home, to continue the friendship. You were also both with your family’s and local community Which suggest it happened at a young age, in that life., The friendship between you is never destroyed with this sign. You would have both wished to meet in another incarnation and you have, and will do so in many future incarnations.

  • 日本語に訳してください。

    I was born to fall in love. You know,we`re all alone. Hold your dreams it never ends. Naked eyes in the sky. 少し長いんですけど、日本語にしてください!

  • 英語を日本語に訳して頂けますか??

    自分では所々理解できず困っています...。 よろしくお願いします。 i will go to japan this summer always want to .... i will try to go there in my birthday so you can say happy birthday to me in person ... i be so happy really happy for you to be the first one to say it ...... :) and i be so glad for you to show me around..... and remember this,your emails and you are special to me ..... so please dont ever think that you are bother me ... I love you emails and love you! i am glad that you are special for me and hoping to see you soon .... You are so beautiful and sweet.

  • 英語のメールを日本語にしてください。

    What a bad friend .try to give you a force kiss . here is a nice chu.! to heal you back to happiness.. i am going to check my PO box tomorrow . it was a busy day.. work .. work........... i need a vacation .. i want you to know that you are a wonderful person and i am so happy for your emails it make me feel, not so lonely . ... i know that the only thing you see is text in a email .but i want you to feel that i Gare about you .. you make me happy i wish this tush your heart .. こちらの英語を日本語に訳して頂きたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語にしてください( ^_^)

    same if I don't see you clearly, you feel to be really beautiful and I love your eyes. お願いします!

  • 英語を日本語に訳してください

    英文を日本語に訳してください。お願いします。 I also have some that I found that I would like to get your opinion on. I'll send them to you when I check yours out.

  • 英語を日本語に訳してほしい

    ある男の子が歌っていたんですが英語で分かりません 。よかったら日本語に訳してほしいです。お願いします Suitcase packed with allhis things Car pulls up,the doorbell rings He don't want to go He thought he' d found his home But with Circumstances he can't change Waves goodbye as they pull away From the life he's known For the last seven months or so She said we found the man who looks like you Who cried and said he never knew About the boy in pictures that we showed him A ramble in his younger days He knew he made a few mistakes But he swore he would have been there Had he known it Son we think we found your dad in Oklahoma Amillion thoughts raced through his mind What's his name what's he like and will he be Anything like the man in his dreams She could see the questions in his eyes Whispered "don't be scared my child I'll let you know, What we know About the man we found, he looks like you And cried and said he never knew About the boy in pictures that we showed him A rambler in his younger days He knew he' d made a few mistakes But he swore he would' ve been there Had he known it You always said that this was something that you wanted Son it's time to meet you Dad in Oklahoma One last turn he held his breath 'Til they reached the fifth ho use on the left And as they pulled into the drive A man was waiting there outside Who wiped the worry from his eyes Smiled and took his hand And he said I'm the man who looks like you who cried because I never knew About that boy in pictuves that they showed me A rambler in my younger days I knew I made a few mistakes But I swear I would have been there had I known it Never again will you ever bealone Son welcome to your home in Oklahoma

  • 英語を日本語に訳して欲しいです。

    下記の文なのですが、 直訳で無くニュアンスで訳して頂けますか? スペイン語が母国語の方から頂いたので、 もしかしたら文法などが変かもしれませんが…。 ヨロシクお願いします。 i really wish that you are my destined soul mate ........ the only thing that will make me happy .is to make a sweet girl like you happy.. and for me that is the best feeling in the world ..... i want in life is happiness and i want you to feel the same way ... went you happy all the Bad things gos away . and that is what i want in life ..a happy wife and a happy Family....

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  • 富士通のサポートからのアドバイスに従って、設定を元に戻すことで受信されなかったメールが届くようになりました。しかし、outlookを開くと、受信フォルダに必要なメールが残っておらず、送信済みフォルダとアドレス帳も空っぽです。
  • 消滅以前の状態に戻すためには、どのような手順が必要でしょうか?また、消滅以降の送受信も復活させる方法を教えてください。