• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語 動名詞)



  • ベストアンサー
  • sphenis
  • ベストアンサー率50% (50/100)

次の2つだけ間違っていると思います。 ・彼が暗い部屋でメールするのを両親は好ましく思わない、目に悪いので。  His () in a dark room doesn't please his parents, for it is not good for his eyes.→being mail…× ・君が今夜電話してくれるものと確信している  I am sure that you will give me a call tonight. =I am sure of ()() me a call tonight. →your being…× この2つの問題ですが、"one's doing"が主語・述語の関係を表す事に気を付けてください。 I am glad to hear of your having succeeded in your business. この文を見てみましょう。 of以下の部分で、"your"、つまり"you"が主語、"having succeeded"が述語だという事は分かりますか? "You have succeeded in your business." ↑この様な関係を表しています。 では、問題文にdcharakaraさんの回答を入れてみます。 His being mail in a dark room ~. I am sure of your being me a call tonight. 先ほどの例と同じ様に、主語述語の関係を見てみると、 He is mail in a dark room. You are me a call tonight. それぞれこうなりますね。 どうでしょう? どちらも、英語の文章として成り立ちませんよね。 以上をヒントにして、もう一度解いてみてください。 ・()に入れる問題です 1 「私がそのように扱われることに反対です。」「決まりは決まりだ。」  "I object ()()() like that." "Rules are rules." 空欄に入るのは、「扱われることに」の部分ですね。 さっきの例では、~ingの主語は直前についていました。 これは、そこまでの間に~ingの主語が出てきていなかったからです。 I am glad to hear of your having succeeded in your business. "having succeeded"の主語は"you"でなければいけませんが、of より前には"I"しかいません。 なので、"having"の主語を明確に示すために直前に"your"を入れたのです。 しかし、この問題の文章ではその必要はありません。 「扱われる」のは"I"であり、文の一番最初に登場しているからです。 そして、「~に反対する」は"object against ~"、「<人>を扱う」は"treat"。 以上より、正解は I object against being treated like that. だと思います。 "I am treated like that." 私がそのように扱われる、ですね。 ・間違った部分を選んで直す 1Three (1of) his (2favorite) pastimes are fishing, (3working out) in the gym, and (4he likes to read) novels. 彼の趣味の内3つは、釣り、ジムでトレーニングすること、小説を読むことだ。 →"and"が繋ぐのは『同じ形のもの』です。繋ぐものは"fishing"、"working"と…? 正解は4→reading 2I miss (1to work) in the (2advertising) industry.Maybe I (3can) get my old job (4back). (すみません、この訳はちょっと自信がないので書かないでおきます。) →"miss"を辞書で調べてみてください。 正解は1→working …だと思います。 ・並び替え 1 I'm sincerely sorry for(written/for such/not having/you/to/a long)time. 長い間あなたに手紙を書かなかったことを心から申し訳なく思います。 →動名詞を否定するときには、直前にnotをぶっこめばOKです。 "write (人)"→「(人)に手紙を書く」 正解は、 I'm sincerely sorry for not having written you for such a long time. 2 It(able/being/enjoys/he/seems/that/to communicate)with people all over the world in English. 彼は世界中の人と交流できることを楽しむようである。 →これは普通に動名詞ですね。 正解は、 It seems that he enjoys being able to communicate with people ~. 長くなってしまってすみませんでした。





  • 動名詞

    1 I need to repair my car =My car needs ( ) 2 Would you mind if I smoke? =Would you mind ( ) ( ) 3 Whenever I visit him, I find him absent =I never visit him( ) finding him absent 4 He insisted that I should pay for it =He insisted on ( )( )for it 5 She is proud that she got high scores =She is proud of ( ) ( )high scores 6 Lee couldn't go to the concert because of a cold =A cold prevented Lee ( )( )to the concert 7 Needless to say, you have to do your best =It goes ( )( )that you have to do your best 8 It is impossible to tell what will happen in the future =There is ( ) ( )what will happen in the future という問題なんですが、よくわかりません。 答えと訳を教えて頂けたらありがたいです お願いします!!!」

  • 動名詞

    1The boy left without () good-bye to us  a.say b.saying c.to say d.said 2 I enjoy() a chat on the computer a.having b.to having c.to have d.having had 3 Remember() my umbrella back a.bring b.brought c.bringing d.to bring 4 I remember () Okinawa when I was ten years old a.visiting b.to visit c.being visit d.to visiting 5 The doctor advised me to step () too much a.drink b.drinking c.to drink d.to drinking 6 I'm looking forward () my host family next week a.seeing b.to see c.to saw d.to seeing 7 I am ashamed of () a lie at that time a.tell b.having told c.to tell d.to have told 8 I don't like () like a child a.treating b.to treat c.to treating d.being treating 9 The movie is woeth () twice a.watch b.watching c.to watch d.to watching 10 Did you succeed () a good job? a.getting b.to get c.in getting d.on getting 11 Many Americans are accustomed () sushi a.eat b.eating c.to eat d.to eating 12 I can't () feeling sorry for your failure a.help b.but c.to d.have 自分の回答と答え合わせしたいので答えと訳を教えて頂けたら ありがたいです おねがいします

  • 【超大至急!】動名詞の問題 高校英語 【添削】

    ★単文に書き換えよ。 (1)Satoru is afraid that she will be called on by his teacher →Satoru is afraid of her being called on by his teacher. (2)Every time I drink coffee,I can't sleep at night. →I can't drink coffee without (being able to sleep) at night. ★動名詞を用いて英訳せよ (3)彼はもっと早くに手紙を書かなかったことを申し訳なく思った →He was sorry for not having written a letter (earlier). (4)君は早起きに慣れるべきだ →You should (be) used to getting up early. (5)彼はリラックスするために音楽を聴いた。 →He listened to music for the purpose of relaxing. ★複文に書き換えよ (6)She didn't know the time for reveal the fact. →She didn't know the time when she (would reveal) the fact. ★動名詞を用いて書き換えよ (7)He worked hard for his family to live in comfort. →He worked hard with a view to be able to live his family in comfort. 過去にこちらで質問した問題もありますが、間違えているそうなので再度質問させていただきます。 空欄補充式問題ではありません。( )の中は間違いだと指摘された箇所または自分は不安に思っているところです。 どなたか回答お願いします・゜・(つД`)・゜・

  • 英語 動名詞の問題です!

    ()内のどれか一つ間違っているものを指摘し、正しい形に直してください! They often enjoy (1)(to play) tennis (2)(because) they believe that it (3)(may) be good (4)(for) their health. 空所に適当な語句を入れてください! Doesn't Betty's nother complain about () every night? (1)your calling her up (2)you call hher up (3)that you call her up (4)for your calling her up You aren't allowed to take photographs, so () a camera. (1)it's no point to take (2)there's no point to take (3)there's no point to taking (4)it's no point in taking 語句を並べ替えて正しい英文を作ってください! 宿題をやらなかったためせんせいに怒られたのを覚えている。 I (being scolded/ having done/ remember/ not/ by the teacher/ for) my homework 以上の4問です! おねがいします!.

  • 高校英語 動名詞の書き換え・和訳

    ★複文に書き換えよ。 (1)He forgot his daughter's being the fastest runner in her class. →He forgot that his daughter was the fastest runner in her class.(wasのところが違うらしい) (2)I have never heard that this has happened before. →??? (3)I am afraid that the situation may get worse. →I am afraid of the situation getting worse. ★動名詞を用いて英訳しなさい。 (4)彼はもっと早くに手紙を書かなかったことを申し訳なく思った →He was sorry for not having written the letter (もっと早く). (6)君は早起きに慣れるべきだ →You should be used to getting up early. 動名詞の問題です。 添削をお願いします!

  • 動名詞を教えてください。

    日本文にあうようにかっこに適語を入れてください。 (1)彼女は私の目を見るのことを避けた。 She ( ) ( ) into my eyes. 次のかっこ内の語を並びかえてください。 (2)Why don't you (going/ stop/ to/ work)? (3)I(being/ have/ never/ regretted)a salesman. (4)(do/ what/ to/ you/ say)our taking a walk this afternoon? かっこ内の動詞を動名詞か不定詞にしてださい。 America, a man whom I had believed from his books(be) filled with sadness. この問題を解いてみると、 (1)avoided looking (2)Why don't you stop going to work? (3)I have never regretted being a salesman. (4)What do you say to our taking a walk this afternoon? (5)being になりました。 間違っているところがあったら教えていただけませんか。 できれば、間違っているところを訂正していただけると助かります。

  • 動名詞(構文)を使った書き換えが全くわかりません

    下の文を動名詞(構文)を使って書き換えたらどうなるか教えてください She insisted that her husband should cook lunch yesterday The man denied that he had failed in business As soon as I finish my homework, I will go to see the movie It is impossible to tell when he wil get better It is of no use to tell him so I am proud that my son won the speech contest I am sure that your daughter will be nurse She was proud that she was healthy I could`t but cry alound for help I was surprised that the mountain was covered with a lot of snow The train didon`t arrive at the station on time on account of the earthquake He complains that his room is too small My parents object bthat I go abroad

  • 動名詞(構文)を使った書き換えが全くわかりません

    動名詞(構文)を使った書き換えが全くわかりません 下の文を動名詞(構文)を使って書き換えたらどうなるか教えてください She insisted that her husband should cook lunch yesterday The man denied that he had failed in business As soon as I finish my homework, I will go to see the movie It is impossible to tell when he wil get better It is of no use to tell him so I am proud that my son won the speech contest I am sure that your daughter will be nurse She was proud that she was healthy I could`t but cry alound for help I was surprised that the mountain was covered with a lot of snow The train didon`t arrive at the station on time on account of the earthquake He complains that his room is too small My parents object bthat I go abroad

  • 動名詞について1

    I don't like ( ) asked to make a speach. という問題で答えはbeingですが、どうしてただのbeではなく動名詞のbeingになるんでしょうか?

  • 英語の和訳

    1:Not having finished his work,the clerk couldn't go to the party. 2:Left to himself, John might have been at a loss what to do. 3:There being no bus service, I had to walk home. 4:I don't like being told what to do. 和訳をお願いします