• 締切済み


a public event where you show something so that people can go to see it の訳を教えて下さい。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)






  • 英訳について パート2

    英訳について パート2 こちらが後の方の英文メールです。 長文申し訳ありません、宜しくお願いします‥!! Congratulations because of your tv appearance. Hey I had a date with the TV - star!!! Hahaha ...see, I'm not the only one who thinks you're very pretty! I would love to see it. Will it be on the internet? It would be my pleasure to show the world to you. I think it's not the nice food that makes a diner nice or it's not the nice scenery that makes something a great holiday. But it's also the person you go with and to see that that person is enjoying it. When we had diner it gave me so much pleasure to see that you were enjoying it and to see a smile on that pretty face of yours. We should make plans to do something together ...I'm going to stop mailing, because then I can still go to gym ... and you told me to take care of myself ... I almost feel forced to go to gym ... hahaha 以上です。 読んで下さり、ありがとうございます。

  • 英語合ってますか?

    英語合ってますか? I never got a notification that you ever texted back, I'm so sorry. Well the video is all done now ! I uploaded it to YouTube this morning, if you would like to see it i can show it to you!に 『よかったー(>_<) あなたからもうLINE来ないんだなって思って悲しかったの。 本当にー?♪ 見せて☆』と言いたいです。 I'm so glad! I was sad to think that I had no mail from you anymore. Really? Show me! ↑合ってますか?

  • ニュアンスがわからず、

    ニュアンスがわからず、 なんとなく、フワフワとしかわかりません。 翻訳していただけないでしょうか? 宜しくお願い致しますm(_ _)m I never got a notification that you ever texted back, I'm so sorry. Well the video is all done now ! I uploaded it to YouTube this morning, if you would like to see it i can show it to you!

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします What time is it? There are many ways you can find out the time. You may have a wristwatch on your arm. You can look at an arm clock beside your bed. People tell the time on the radio or TV. You can call a number on the telephone and get the time. It has not always been easy to know the time. A long time ago people looked at the sun to tell the time. The sun was their clock. They could tell the time of day by the place of the sun in the sky:morning,noon,or afternoon. After many years people began to see something else about the sun. When the sun shone on something,it made a dark shadow behind it. This was the place that did not get sunlight. As the sun moved across the sky,the shadow moved too. People could tell time better by the shadows that by the sun. They made something long and pointed so that the shadow was easier to see.

  • 次の英文の構造が分かりません

    You were gone so long when you left before that she took off to go look for you. 状況解説としては、 「トムはどこに行ったの?」 と訊ねるボブに対し、 「トムなら君を探しに出て行ったよ。だって君、ずいぶん長い間どこかへ行っていたものだから」 と言う場面の台詞です。 You were gone so longは「随分長い間いなくなっていた」 A before that Bで「Bよりも時間的に先にAである」 She took off to go look for you「貴方を探しに向かった」 まとめると 「トムが貴方を探しに向かうよりも先に、貴方が立ち去ったとき、貴方は長い間いなくなっていた」 となってしまいます なぜ 「You were gone so long (so) that she took off to go look for you」 と普通に言わないのでしょうか?

  • 昨日、一昨日のNHKラジオ『ビジネス英会話』の書き取りで

    一昨日(10/10)、昨日(10/11)のNHKラジオの『ビジネス英会話』の書き取りをしました。 番組の最初に一週間のヴィニエットを全て聞いた後に続く“Word Watching” というパートの比較的最初の部分で、アメリカ人のアシスタントが“just around the corner”という成句について解説をした後、次のようにコメントが続きます。 There's a similar phrase, "in the offing." But that tends to mean visible, and has very strong visible meaning. "Offing" is the part of the ocean between where ships dock and the farthest point you can see from land. So something that's nearby or coming soon, as long as you can see it, you can say is in the offing. 上の最後の文: So something that's nearby or coming soon, as long as you can see it, you can say is in the offing.  ((1)とします) について、お尋ねいたします。 話し言葉ですので、アシスタントによるこの最終文ははたして文法的に完璧なものかどうかはよくわかりませんが、自分としては、聞き間違った(もしくは聞き逃した)語(句)はないと思っています。が、ディクテーションですので句読点には必ずしも自信はありません。 《質問です》 私自身は、この(1)が句読点の上でも正しいのではないかと思うのですが、もう1つ句読点を1箇所加えたヴァージョン(2)も作ってみました。 (1) So something that's nearby or coming soon, as long as you can see it, you can say is in the offing. (2) So something that's nearby or coming soon, as long as you can see it, you can say, is in the offing. ● このどちらが正しい句読点の打ち方なのでしょうか。  あるいはこの2つとも正しいものではないとすれば、正しい句読点の打ち方、もしくは正しく聞き取っていないと思われる語(句)がありそうでしたらそれも予想していただけませんでしょうか。 音がなくて申し訳ありませんが、ご教示ください。よろしくお願いいたします。なお、この部分はテキストにスクリプトはありません。

  • 英語を日本語に訳して頂けますか??

    自分では所々理解できず困っています...。 よろしくお願いします。 i will go to japan this summer always want to .... i will try to go there in my birthday so you can say happy birthday to me in person ... i be so happy really happy for you to be the first one to say it ...... :) and i be so glad for you to show me around..... and remember this,your emails and you are special to me ..... so please dont ever think that you are bother me ... I love you emails and love you! i am glad that you are special for me and hoping to see you soon .... You are so beautiful and sweet.

  • この文でのasの用法

    So it comes as something of a shock to be told by the experts that human beings have takun life about as far as it can go. 上の文で用いられているit comes asのasはどのような用法でつかわれており、どのように訳したらいいのでしょうか。

  • どんな内容でしょうか?

    Lillian would like to figure out how to get implants maybe in Japan so she can eat. I can organize having dentures made here but she would like four implants on the bottom and four implants on the top, where you mount dentures and they act like natural teeth. They are expensive but less expensive then a whole mouth of implants. Its horrible that she cannot eat! If she were to go to Japan to visit do you have a place for her to go?

  • 英訳お願いします。

    Lillian would like to figure out how to get implants maybe in Japan so she can eat. I can organize having dentures made here but she would like four implants on the bottom and four implants on the top, where you mount dentures and they act like natural teeth. They are expensive but less expensive then a whole mouth of implants. Its horrible that she cannot eat! If she were to go to Japan to visit do you have a place for her to go?