• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の問題分からない問題教えてください)



  • ベストアンサー
  • MXT500
  • ベストアンサー率67% (101/149)

( ) の数が合わなくなるのですが、 and two or more liters in hot weather. (1) We have been living here (for) many years. 正解です。 (2) We cannot live (without) water. 正解です。 (3) We lose water from the surface of the skin (through) sweat. 「汗を通って」 (4) He left (for) France (on) the morning of the tenth. left for France フランスに向かって出発した。left France はフランスを去った、の意味 in the morning of.. ..でも間違いとは言い切れないようです。 http://www.linkage-club.co.jp/Q&A/Grammar&Usage/G&U6.html (5) My father died (of) cancer. 「癌が原因で死ぬ」熟語表現 (6) The road is (under) construction. 「工事中」 地下工事という意味ではありません。 under ~ ~している最中 under repair 「修繕中」


  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします Have you ever wondered why the Earth looks so blue from space? This is because about three quarters of the Earth's surface is covererd by water. This may sound like we have a lot of water to drink. But in reality, only 3 percent of the Earth's water is fresh, and most of it exists as ice. Half of the water which exists as fresh water is found deep under the ground. In all, only about 0.05 percent of the Earth's water is fresh and drinkable. All living things carry water inside their bodies.For example,more than 60 percent of the human body is water.We need about 40 liters of water inside our bodies all the time but we lose some water every day. The water our bodies lose each day is about 2.5 liters. So we constantly need to put back the water we lose. We get water from drinks and the food we eat, such as fruit and vegetables. We need fresh water for our survival, but it is scarce and sometimes difficult to get.

  • 英語で分からない問題があります。教えてください><

    分からない問題は4問あります。 まず、次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適後を入れなさい。というものです。 (1)a. As the number of these persons increased, fewer people were infected. b. ( ) greater the number of these persons became, ( ) fewer were the people who were infected. (2)a, Nobody can tell when she will come back here. b. It is ( ) to tell when she will come back here. 次に次の各文の( )にdoを適当な形にして入れなさい。というものです。 (3)Young people begin to work by ( ) the simple jobs. (4)I didn't know you had ( ) your homework.. 1つでも分かる方がいらっしゃればどうか回答よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の和訳

    Generally speaking, countries with a high standard of living consume more water than those with a low standard of living. The United States consumes by far the greatest amount of water: an average that amounts to 7200 liters per American each day. In comparison, total daily consumption of water per person amounts to 4800 liters in Canada, 1400 liters in Britain, and 1200 in China. In Japan, total water consumption amounts to 2600 liters per person per day: an amount that corresponds to filling up a bathtub thirteen times.  Water on our planet is not an unlimited resource. If we keep using water at the present rate, we will suffer from constant shortage in the near future. This could lead to nations fighting over scarce water supplies, just as they have fought to get gold and petroleum in the past. 和訳をしていて、途中から良く分からなくなりました。 水資源についての英文です。和訳例をお願い致します。

  • 数字の読み方

    英語で、1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 liters of water はどの様に読んだらよいでしょうか。大きな数字で、読み方が日本語でもわかりません。ちなみに、地球に存在する水の総量だそうです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 受動態の問題を教えてください><

    受動態の問題を教えてください>< 高1です。 ↓の問題が分かりません。 教えてください..! よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m <未来・助動詞のある受動態> 次の各文を受動態に書きかえるとき( )に適切な語を入れよ。 (1)We can see many kinds of flowers in this garden. Many kinds of flowers( )( ). (2)They must finish the work by noon. The work ( )( )( )by noon. (3)I had to clean my room. My room had ( ) ( ) ( )by me. <SVO+to-不定詞,that節の受動態> 次の各文を受動態に書きかえるとき( )に適切な語を入れよ。 (1)They believe that she in traveling abroad. (1)It ( ) ( ) that she is traveling abroad. (2)She ( ) ( ) ( )be traveling abroad.

  • この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。

    この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。 与えられた語で始まる単位を表わす名詞一字語を( )内に入れなさい。(必要に応じて複数形にすること) 1,They finished two (b ) of wine at the dinner party. 2, You need a ( p ) of butter to bake this kind of cake. 3,Put a ( s ) of salt in the boiling water. 4,would you bring me a few (p ) of yellow chalk? 各文の必要な語を所有格にしなさい。 1,Kenji found Alice towel in the school gym. 2,Those girls are looking for men watches. 3,Mr.Tani wasn't in the teachers room. ( )内に入る最も適当な語句をa~dから選びなさい。 1,How ( ) do you have in your apartment? a,many furnitures b,many piece of furniture c,much furniture d,much furnitures 2,Let me give you ( ). a,an advice b,a few advice c,a piece of advice d,a piece of 3,I bought ( ) red books last sunday. a, a couple of b, a few of c, a pair of d,a piece of 4,She took ( ) trip to Canada with her parents. a,ten-days b,ten-day c,a ten-days d,a tenth day 5,I think it is ( ) to watch television during meals. a,a bad manner b, a bad manners c,bad manner d,bad manners 各文の誤りを抜き出して訂正しなさい。 1,How many sheet of parers do you need? 2,This Karen's handbag was made in Italy. 3,You should collect and carefully examine informations before making a final decision. 各文を日本語にしなさい。 1,They met many difficulties in making this project a success. 2,he gave a lecture on japan's economy at a women's college.

  • この英語の問題を教えてください。

    次の各文がほぼ同じ意味なるように()に適切な語を入れなさい。 1、I don’t know that student. That student is a ( ) to me. 2、May I ask a favor? May I ask a favor ( ) ( )? 3、We can be happy by singing. Singing ( ) ( ) happy. 4、The teacher made us a good exercise book The teacher made a good exercise book ( ) us. 5、My library ( ) a lot of English books. ( ) are a lot of English books in my library. 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • ちょっと長い文章問題 問題英語です

    A city's water consumption between the hours of 6 pm to 8 pm is periodic with a period determined by the 15 tv minute advert breaks. The consumption peaked at 6.07pm at 45,000L/minute and had a minimum of 27,000L/minute at 6:14.5 pm. a)Form an equaton based on minutes since 6pm to model the water consumption b)Find the water consumption at 8 pm. c) many minutes between 6pm and 8pm is the water consumption under 30 000 litres? 答え a)w=consumption in 000L/min, w=9sin [2π/15(t-3.25) ] + 36 b)w = 27200 liters / minute c)time = 8x4 = 32 minutes 質問   a)私はまずグラフを書きました。グラフを見ながらこの手の問題を解くformula(公式?)があるのでそれのお陰で解けました。 b) 9sin [2π/15(120-3.25) ] + 36 =27.19667159 この考え方で合っているでしょうか? c) これがよくわかりません。9sin [2π/15(t-3.25) ] + 36 =3000 で時間を割り出し計算したりしましたが32にはなりません。 答えの8x4という式も理解出来ません。 お時間あれば宜しくお願い致します。

  • 中学校の英語の問題

    Q1.次の( )に「c」から始まる単語を入れなさい。 A ( ) is a child of one’s uncle or aunt. Q2.次の英文((1)と(2))がほぼ同じ意味の文になるように( )に適当な語を入れなさい。 (1)She didn’t say anything to me. (2)She said ( ) to me. Q3.次のような場合、相手に英語でどのように言えばいいですか? グリーン先生(Mr.Green)が廊下で困っているとき。 Q4.次の各文の各組の英文((1)と(2))がほぼ同じ意味になるように、( )に適当な語を入れなさい。 (1)Remember to close the window. (2)( )( ) to close the window. (1)How about going for a walk? (2)( ) go for a walk. (1)If you go at once,you will catch the bus. (2)( ) at once,( ) you will catch the bus. (1)If you don’t take a taxi,you will be late for the meeting. (2)( ) a taxi,( ) you will be late for the meeting. Q5.次の英文が正しい文になるように、( )内の語を並べ替えなさい。 (we/what/of/see/can/movie/kind) at Theater Z? お願いします。

  • 英語の問題なのですが多分理科がわかりません。

    こんばんは。 いつもありがとうございます。 これは、英語の問題集の中の文なのですが、多分理科のせいで理解できないような感じなのでこちらで質問させていただきました。 Different materials conduct heat differently. A frying pan with an iron handle soon gets too hot to be touched. This is because iron allows heat to pass through it very quickly. We prefer our frying pans to have wooden handles since wood is a poor heat conductor. このあと位から特にわからないので教えていただけますか? Similarly,air does not conduct heat as well as water. We would find a room of 22℃ quite comfortable even if we wore just a swimsuit,while bath water of the same temperature is unpleasantly cool. これで本文はおわりです。 問題はHere,conduct means(to allow something to travel along through oneself). でかっこのなかにいれるものは一応正解は選べたのですがあんまりよくわかりませんでした。 一番わからないのは本文の後半でつぎは問題文のかっこのなかです。 よかったら教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。