• ベストアンサー

Thank you letterなのですが、

男性の友人からとても美しい箱に入った紅茶をフランスのお土産としてただいたのですが、 Just a note to thank you for the beautiful box in the tea! That was very delicious tea. We realy enjyoud this morning. Mom and sister were surprise to find the nice box. Mom said "I will cherish this beautiful box as jewel box for good" Oh..She is thinking the box is her own...! 美しい箱に入った紅茶をありがとう! とても美味しい紅茶を私達は楽しくいただきました。 ママと妹はすてきな箱を見つけてビックリしていました。"ママはこの箱をいつまでも宝石箱として大切にするわ”と言ったのです。えーっ、彼女は自分の箱だと思っているなんて! 最後のOh..She is thinking ~なんですが今一つ自信がありません。 ご教授お願い致します。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー

こんばんわ。 nekonekogoo再びです。 今日たまたまアメリカ人に会う機会があって、cherishについて、状況説明とともに聞いてみました。やはり、まぁ、言えないことはないけれど、ちょっと大げさかも、ということでした。cherishというのは、愛情とか、美しい思い出とか、ものよりは人、子供とか、そういうのを大切にする、という意味合いが強いのです。chuchukuさんが、どなたか外国の方ににきれいな箱のお菓子をプレゼントして「ありがとうございます。いつまでも慈しみます」といわれたら、意味は分かるけれどそうは言わないよね。。。と思いますよね。そう言う響きの言葉だと思います。 それで、どう言えばいいかというと She loved it and she said she would have it for the years to come. だそうです。 ビジネスではないので、固く考える必要もなく、早くお礼した方がいいですね。お返事遅くなりすみませんでした。



わざわざ聞いていただいたのですね。すみません。 物より人の愛情の意味合いに使われるのですね。う~ん、 ちょっと愛情があるので!?(笑)でもloveが一番無難なんですね。よく解かりました。ありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (2)


>Just a note to thank you for the beautiful box in the tea! Just a note to thank you for the tea in the beautiful box you sent me. >That was very delicious tea. We realy enjyoud this morning. The tea was really delicious! We enjoyed it this morning.Thank you! >Mom and sister were surprise to find the nice box. My mom and sister were surprised to find the nice box. >Mom said "I will cherish this beautiful box as jewel box for good" Mom said,"I will cherish and use this beautiful box regularly as my jewelry box for good." 愛用する、と云う事で、 use it regularlyと付けてみました。 >Oh..She is thinking the box is her own...! Oh..She is thinking ~なんですが今一つ自信がありません。 Mom said,".."と朝言ったのですから、時制を合わせて Oh....She was thinking that the box was her own. Oh....She was thinking that she should keep the box! Oh....She said as if it were her own box! 等でいかがでしょう。



そうです。朝言ったので、she wasですね。あーーーこういう事をすぐ忘れてしまいます。 sheed keepもとってもいいですね。ありがとうございました。


Just a note to thank you for the beautiful box in the tea! the tea in the beautiful box. にしないと、紅茶の中に箱が入っていることに。。。 That was very delicious tea. The tea was very delicious. の方が自然に聞こえます。 We realy enjyoud this morning. We really enjoyed the breakfast with you this morning. とか、今朝の何を楽しんだか言わないと、今朝を楽しんだことになって意味は分かるけれど少し変かもしれません。 We had a lot of fun having breakfast with you. とか。 Mom and sister were surprise to find the nice box. もし、面識があるのであれば、 Toshiko and Mieko were really delighted to find the nice gift from you. などと、名前を書いた方が自然だと思います。 surpriseが間違いではないのですが、喜んだ、と言った方がいいかな、という気がします。surpriseを使う場合は、surprisedです。 Mom said "I will cherish this beautiful box as jewel box for good" Toshiko said she really liked the box and wanted to use it for her jewelry. cherishというのは、箱ごとき(すみません)に使うのはちょっと大げさなので、liked(気に入った)でいいのではないでしょうか。宝石全体を指す言葉はjewelry です。 Oh..She is thinking the box is her own...! Can you believe, the box is hers now. She seems to think the box is hers. などではいかがでしょうか。 美しい箱なんですね!見てみたい!



nokonekogooちゃん、なんか可愛いお名前ですね。 cherishなんですが、、大切にするわって言いますよね。物によって使い分けした方がよいのでしょうか?もしご覧になっていたらお教えください。前から気になっていた単語の一つです。


  • I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

    この表現を使って会話文を作りました。 このような状況でも使えるのでしょうか? 会話文の、より自然な表現もあわせてご指導ください。 Kyle: Mom, I'm home! What's for dinner?... Oh, smells good... Is Dad coming late tonight? ... Mom? Mom: Kyle... I've been waiting for you. I wanna talk to you. Take a seat. Kyle: Oh, Mom... Is that something you have to talk to me right now? How about having dinner first? I'm starving... Or give me at least for a little while, so I can grab a bite. Mom: ... Kyle, I want you to know this is very important for you. Just sit down and listen to me. Kyle: ... Okay... okay... So what is it? Mom: Kyle, when I was talking with a friend of mine over the phone about an hour ago... Kyle: Must be Megan. I know it's your routine. Mom: Oh, come on! Just hear me out, okay? She said, she saw you reading comics at a convenience store while she was shopping there this afternoon. Kyle: ... Um... Mom...I don't think... it was me... Mom: Okay, in that case, where were you for the last couple of hours? Kyle: Well... Um... I was... Um... Mom: Kyle, didn't you tell me you were gonna hit the books for the coming final exam at your friend's house? Kyle: Yeah, yeah. I was... I was studying with Nick... at his place and... Mom: And what? Kyle: ... and... Mom: All right, then, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt this time, okay? Kyle, I want you to figure out your next move all by yourself. Oh, your dad's coming late tonight, so let's have a seat and enjoy dinner together. お時間ありましたら、お願いいたします。

  • 中学英語で質問

    Good evening, Mr.Sasaski. No one was home but Mom left a message for me. It says that I have to give you this box of tissues. Actually, they are for you. You are going yo cry! この英文は,お別れのsurprise partyでの一場面です。 文中の they are for youのtheyは、this box of tissuesを受けてるんだと思うんですけど、 そこで、this box of tissuesは、単数であるから they are for youは、 this is for youになるんじゃないの?・・・・・何か勘違いしてるのかな? すみませんが教えて下さい。

  • 前置詞を伴う関係代名詞の英文

    ( )内の正しい方に○をつける、という問題です。 (1)This is the plan (which Mr Brown talked / which Mr Brown talked about). (2)The box (which you made / which you made in) is useful. (3)What color is the cat (that she is looking / that she is looking for)? (4)Is this the letter (which she wrote / which she wrote with)? (5)This is the pen (which I wrote the letter with / which I wrote the letter). (6)This is the club (to that I belong / to which I belong) (1)右、(2)左、のように答えて頂けると嬉しいです。 回答よろしくお願いいたします。

  • power of attorney

    My soon-to-be ex-wife and I live on the West Coast, while my 92-year-old mother lives in a senior facility in New York. She is happy there. She is still mentally sharp, but her body is starting to become frail. My wife has become the primary caregiver for Mom. She visits a few times a year and pampers Mom with pedicures, foot massages, etc. She also has Mom's power of attorney for her financial affairs, and hence the dilemma. power of attorney for her financial affairsとは簡単に言うとどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 「angry」について教えてください

    Dad is going to be angry with Mom. 「パパはママに怒ります」 Dad is going to smile at Mom. 「パパはママに微笑むつもりです」 smileは動詞ですがanglyは違います。 動詞かそれ以外か見分けるよい方法はありますか。 また、"whit Mon" "at Mon"はどちらでも構わないのでしょうか。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My sister-in-law says she is very allergic to cats. She lives six hours away from my Mom. My sister and I have cats and bring them with us when we visit our mom. My sister-in-law asked us if we could put the cats behind a gate or upstairs when she and my brother visit. We believe that our cats are our family members. We refuse to put our cats away just because someone wants us to. Because of this, our sister-in-law stopped visiting. Now she has a baby and this is the first grandchild in the family. She again asked if we would put the cats away while she visits so my mom can visit with her granddaughter. Again, we have refused to do this because our cats are just as important family members as her baby. We told her that she should drop off the baby with my mom, sister and me and that she can relax at the hotel while we visit. She has refused to do this, and now just doesn't visit. She tells my brother to visit whenever he wants, but that she and her baby will stay home. My mom cannot drive to their house, and now my mom has not seen her granddaughter at all. She is very upset. How do we fix this for our mom's sake, without giving up our principles? giving up our principlesとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 【英語ネイティブの方】和訳をお願いします!

    I thinking of you more than ever. It is difficult for us to see each other. この文章の意味と どのような感覚で言っているのかが いまいち解らないので教えて頂ければと思います(>_<)

  • 簡単な英文ですが、文法、前置詞など確認お願いします

    動物、自然をテーマにした絵に付け加える英文です。 簡単な内容ですが、文法、前置詞、自然な英語の言回し等 わかる方に確認をお願いします。 1. The first sunrise of the new year. 2. You make me so happy being around all the time. 3. Gently, a mother holds her child's young heart. 4. This is a precious moment. 5. Save this planet for our children. 6. I just want you next to me. 7. Swim toward the light of hope. 8. Can you hear the heartbeat of this planet? 9. What is there over the horizon? 10. Mom, your arms are so warm. 11. Thanks mom, for always thinking about me. 12. A gift from the moon to children. 以上12文です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • すみませんが誰か此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか?

    すみませんが誰か此方の英文章を翻訳していただけませんか? ちゃんとした文章で読みたいので、英語の得意な方、宜しく御願い致します。 4/4 Thanks for listening to me; I'm very glad to have a chat with good kemonos like you again... see you! Ru:Oh this is very sad...! Omega really is pure evil!

  • 英語の問題

    ( )の中には何が入りますか? 1.彼女は残りの人生を少女たちに料理を教えることで過ごした。 She ( ) the rest of her life ( )( ) to girls. 2.この箱は何のためのものですか。 ( ) is this box ( )? 3.彼女は起こって、さようならも言わずに出ていった。 She ( )( ) and left ( )( ) good bye. 4.結局自分で朝食を作ることになった。 I ( )( )( ) my own breakfast. 5.彼は友だち付き合いがいい。それで彼は人気がある。 He is very friendly. That's ( ) he is so popular. よろしくお願いします><