• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)




ありがとうございます! またお願いしますm(__)m


  • 和訳よろしくお願いします。

    英女優さん(KRISTEN BELL)へのインタビューです。 Q: What was it like having Jamie Lee Curtis and working with Sigourney weaver? A: They are both hilarious and brilliant. I clicked into high-school mode really quickly and I was like:"OK, I need to make everybody like me. I will bring you coffee and compliment you". But very soon i realised they haven't worked for decades because they have bad personalities. They're really cool women and they're really good at being in movies. They welcomed me with open arms as a peer, which was the ultimate form of flattery. この人は、ジェミーリーカーチスとシガニーウイバーのことを褒めてるんでしょうか。それとも、悪口言ってますか?

  • mottoの和訳をお願いします

    小説の中の "We shall dominate the skies and soar above all." という文の和訳がうまくできません。 これは○○財閥のmottoだそうで、設定としては and they were a high-class samurai family for many years in the story, they're now a zaibatsu they descended from samurai not as rich as fujiwara or toyotomi ... but still lots of money very wealthy で、このmottoのイメージとしては it's a fancy word for fly well, it's much more substantial than the word 'fly' it's like, 'you're on top of the world' you're above everything you're free you're superior it's not just flying, it's SOARING だそうです。私が「君臨する」という言葉を使おうとしたら 「そこまで威張っていない、ただselfishなだけだ」とのことでした。 どなたかおわかりになる方、宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳 お願いします><!

    The mid-life crisis One of the more popular ideas in recent years is that of the mid-life crisis. In many societies, adults simply work from the time that they are grown (or in some cases before) until they become too old. But in modern Western societies, it is no longer the case that we stay doing the same job throughout our woking lives. Temporary work, redundancies, adult re-training schemes and a greater emphasis on job satisfaction mean that many people hit a period in their 40s or 50s when they being to re-evaluate their lives, and decide that they want to do something which is more personally meaningful for them. Sometimes, this crisis simply takes the form of the person looking for different job. But in the modern world, such decisions usually mean re-training, and some people go back into full-time education to achieve this. Universities have growing numbers of numbers of adult students, as do colleges and training schemes, and even people who left school feeling that they were too 'thick' to gain qualifications find that this is not so, and that they can learn as effectively as anyone else.

  • 下記の英文をどなたか訳してください(>_<)

    下記の英文をどなたか訳してください(>_<) “Well many years ago the bad guy says to him ‘Bring us the riches of your church ’and Lorenzo ,he brings to them the beggars and the sick people and he says ‘These are our riches’.”

  • 和訳をおねがいします

    長文の途中ですが、訳のとりかたがわからなかったので、 和訳をお願いします(><) The starting point for a better life is discovering that we have choices. Sadly, many people never make that discovery. They live in a country that offers a lot of freedom of choice, yet they live like prisoners, trapped by circumstances. I'm always amazed at some of the excuses people come up with for not taking advantage of life's opportunities to make new choices: not enough money, no time, wrong conditions, poor luck, lousy weather, too tired, bad mood, and the list gose on. But the truth is that they just don't see their choices. It's like being locked up somewhere and having a key in your pocket that'll set you free, but never using it simply because you don't know it's there. You have more choices than you ever dreamed possible. The key is knowing that they're there―every day of your life. We live by choice, not by chance. It isn't what happens that's most important. It's how we deal with what happens. It's what we choose to think and we choose to do that are most important.

  • 和訳してください

    Ogi-chan, Mi-chan, Today we sent your package. I did not have your correct address when I was in the US so I was not able to send yo u the package with the clothing gifts and my luggage was full when I arrived a few days ago so I could not bring clo thing gifts with me. But now that I do have the correct ad dress my sister can send the big package directly from he r job. They have commercial shipping so it can be better sent that way. So the package we sent today is just a small package with a few small gifts, but they are special as well and I hope f amily will enjoy them. There is also a present for Ichiro. When the big package is sent from my sisters work there will be presents for all Michitoshi and Ichiro families. The re is one clothing present in the package we sent today th o. It is VERY special. It is from a Seattle rap group that I used to work with closely. The leader of the group is Nih onjin from America and he is my brother. These shirts ha ve all been gone for years now, but I found this one. It is very rare. I know Ogi -chan & Mi-chan can share clothes i n style and size, so this shirt is for both of you. Eli お願いします(;o;)

  • 英文の解釈について (will など)

    よろしくお願いします。 いつもお世話になっています。 (1)Many peole believe that if a black cat crosses in front of them, it will mean bad luck for the day. (2)In England, many people belive that if a black cat walks toward a person, it means good luck for the day. (3)The English often keep black cats in order to bring them good luck. 上記の文章について質問させて頂きます。 a. 1 では it の後に will がありますが、2 ではありません。 これは、なぜでしょうか? b. 1 では、crosses in front of といっているのを、2 では、walks toward といっています。 もし、和訳するとなると、それぞれをどのように訳せば良いでしょうか? 以上、どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。

  • 和訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m

    インタビュー記事になります。 ご協力お願い致します。 ●What up-and-coming young talent is exciting you right now? I’m the biggest believer in young talent, I think it’s time for the industry to be owned by fresh minds, to bring back the glamour, the sex, the lifestyle you crave, everything it should be seen as. My best friend is set designer Luke Abby (also at Jed Root) who is incredible, he designs the most incredible headpieces and sets. He’s just 18 years old with no experience, no training, no assistants running around for him. What he can create is out of this world, I find him special. ●Where do you see yourself in five years time? I never aim. I take it as it comes and enjoy every second of it. ●Who is the most beautiful person you have ever shot? My mum. ●How does it feel to see your work published in a magazine? It’s just so surreal, the paper, the credits, everything! Amongst some of the greatest. I feel incredibly lucky and grateful. ●Who would you shoot and who would you select to style your dream editorial? Wow, so much choice, I can’t even decide! (haha) I am in love with Eliza Cummings & Frederik Tolke. Anna Trevelyan is also, genius! ●Whats next for you? Wait and See!

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    "I talked about having more – though I've been playing with these guys for five years or so – more just rock out on stage and have your own personalities," Scott Weiland says of his current bandmates, The Wildabouts. When discussing them, he in no way makes them seem inferior, less traveled or simply his backing band. Although their set lists consist mainly of either solo material or work from Weiland's past, they're definitely making an attempt to incorporate the material they've developed as a unit.

  • like so many

    NHK実践ビジネス英語2006年10月Lesson 1(3)のBellさんの台詞で、 The company doesn’t want expats sitting in the same place for 15 or 20 years like so many middle-aged execs in the older workforce. とあります。 テキスト訳:「会社としては海外駐在員を、古い世代の多くの中高年役員のように同じ場所に15年も20年もとどめておきたくないのです。」 Bell: Five years max. Then they rotate me back here to headquarters for a year or two before I get reassigned. Next time could be Amsterdam or Buenos Aires. The company doesn’t want expats sitting in the same place for 15 or 20 years like so many middle-aged execs in the older workforce.@ 2006年10月L1(3) 読んだときは、何も気に留めずにいたのですが、「上級英語への道」ブログに載っていた山崎貞「新々英文解釈研究」という参考書復刻版の紹介で 2009/3/1 山崎貞「新々英文解釈研究」が復刻 [辞書・学習参考書] https://eigo-kobako.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-03-01#more 「またあるページでは They worked hard like so many ants. という例文をあげて so many は同数を表すことを説明している。先日取り上げた本「さよなら英文法!」が提唱するような、辞書も参考書も捨ててひたすら多読だけ、という方法だと、many を「多い」ととらえたままで読み流してしまう人もいるのではないだろうか。」 という一文があり、NHK実践ビジネス英語のテキストにもあるか調べて見ました。 随分、古い用例を引っ張り出してきて済みません。この一例だけでした。 [質問] 通常思い出すのは、 “so many as”や “so much as”として使われる用法と思いますが、これらと同じように “like so many”という使い方もあるという程度の話でしょうか? 以下、Web検索してみました。 like so many(英辞郎 on the WEB) あたかも同数の~のように ・Stars are shining like so many diamonds. : 星が、ダイヤのように輝いている。 like so manyとは 2015年12月14日 by EWG(English Without Generations) https://masakuraya.com/englishblog/2015/12/like-so-any%E3%81%A8%E3%81%AF/ like so manyとは「まるで~のよう」という意味で、so manyで「それと同数の」という意味合いになる。 例えば、 They follow their leader like so many bees. (彼らはまるでハチのようにリーダーに従っている) The houses look like so many stones. (その家々はまるで石のように見える) like so manyの後は必ず複数名詞、なぜならso manyと言っているのに単数だとおかしい。 ちなみにas so manyも同様の意味。 例えば、 They follow their leader as so many bees. (彼らはまるでハチのようにリーダーに従っている) アリさんもハチさんも黙々と働いているという昭和ノスタルジーでしょうか?