• 締切済み




文脈が分かりませんが、直訳すると次のような感じでしょうか。 大阪でも京都でも、午前1時以降、ダンスは禁止! やってくれるよね、ニッポン。 時計の針を戻して社会から楽しみを奪うなんて。 減少し続けている人口の問題が解決するといいね。 これが素晴らしい対処法だと確信しているよ。 要するに、この方はもっと騒いでいたかったのに、クラブが 1時で閉店したとか、そういう理由でできなかったんですね。 だから、日本は時代遅れで楽しみが少ないと言っているんだと 思います。最後の部分は、日本人は早く家に帰るから子作りが できるだろう、という意味だと思います。


  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    I go into Altesa early the next morning and call Max. The sky has cleared from the rainstorm, but the valley is still steeped in moisture that the sun hasn't yet parched away. Down beyond the clustered houses, wave-crests dance brightly in the shallow bay, but further out, the deeper waters of the Mediterranean glower green and brown, still sullen from the force of the wind and rain. "It's Alex," I say. "Alex. How's Italy?" His voice sounds very far away; a bad connection, perhaps. "It's fine." ****************************************** 前回投稿させていただいた「the Dandelion clock」の2章の冒頭部分なのですが (前回の質問部分よりもちょっと前の個所です) the deeper waters of the Mediterranean glower green and brown, still sullen from the force of the wind and rain.のところがわかりません。 glowerは「にらむ」という意味だと思うのですが、ここではthe deeper waters of the Mediterraneanが主語なので、にらむというとどういう感じになるのでしょうか? またsullenは形容詞だと思うのですが、「陰鬱な」という意味で、still being sullenというのが本来の形なのでしょうか?(なおいっそう陰鬱である、と読むのでしょうか) 教えてください。 お願いします。

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    自由英作文の添削をお願いします。 少子高齢化が生じる原因と問題点、そしてあなたが考える解決策を書きなさい。 I think that what is causing an aging society with a low birthrate is that the average life expectancy has been rising, and fewer babies have been born. One of the problems of this is that Japanese economy will get to recession. This is because the working-age population in Japan is decreasing. To solve this problem, we should make more positive use of women and older people. If we create the environment in which they can work easily, I believe Japan will overcome this difficult problem. ※自分は大学受験生です。周りに添削してくれる人がいなくて困っています。どんな些細なことでもご指摘いただけたらありがたいです。 毎回ご丁寧な添削ありがとうございます。回答者の皆様にはご負担をおかけしてしまっていると思いますが、皆さんに添削していただくごとに合格へ一歩ならず、何歩も近づけていると感じます。これからも、ご迷惑かもしれませんが、よろしくお願いします。

  • UNICORN 英語II Lesson7 (イースター島についての英文の訳での質問) (2)

    Cutting down the trees also badly affected the soil. Without the trees, the good soil washed away during heavy rains. This made it more difficult to grow food. With less food available, it became impossible to support 7,000 people and the population fell. After 1600, the once complex society on Easter Island became more and more primitive. Without canoes, the islanders were trapped in their remote home because of the environmental damage they had caused. Wars started between the clans over the remaining food. Eventually people began to eat each other この英文を次のように訳しました。 『木を切り倒すことはまた土にもひどく影響した。木がないと激しい雨で良い土は押し流された。このことは食物を栽培するのをさらに困難にした。より食物が得られなくなると7000人の人々を養うのが不可能になって人口は減少した。 1600年後、イースター島でのかつての複雑な社会はますます原始的になった。カヌーがないと島民は彼らがもたらした環境損害のためにへんぴな郷里に閉じ込められた。 戦争は残っている食物をめぐって氏族の間で始まった。ついに人々はお互いに食べ始めた。』 誤訳があれば指摘し正しい訳を教えてください。面倒だと思いますがよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の添削をお願いします。 A society

    I’d say the government should deduct income tax and residential taxes from households that have two children in order to Put effective breaks on the birthrate problem. If it dose , they will be given more opportunities to have babies than before with less financial problem .And as to the second problem, we have to change the current situation in which the elderly are seen as a social burden in Japan and make the best use of them with respect and care as a precious grope of society. Personally I suggest a practical idea that we ask them to take care of children on the waiting list in their free times,which I think could bring about a social benefit to Japan. I ‘m sure the idea proposed among our communities will more or less make a meaningful difference on the issue.

  • 英文翻訳頼みます!

    There are also cat-eating cultures. I heard that there were several cat restaurants in Hanoi, Vietnam, so I went to investigate. They do exist, but barely; the government has banned them. The government said it issued this ban on eating cats because the decrease in the cat population has led to an increase in the rat population. This situation is a threat to community health. It was literally a case of, "When the cat's away, the mice will play." Anyway, that's how popular cat meat is. The government's policy is to enforce the ban until the cat population returns to its original size and can control the rat population. The reason for eating cats in China is explained with typical Chinese logic. Dragons and tigers are venerated as symbols of strength. Thus, if you can eat one, no power on Earth will be capable of resisting you. The trouble is, drgons are imaginary animals, and cannot be eaten. Tigers were once abundant, but can hardly be found now. So in place of dragons, the Chinese eat snakes, and in place of tigers, they eat cats. This is especially true of the culinary culture in South China. To return to the news from Melbourne: Australia, a Western society, was flabbergasted by the news that the men had eaten dogs. After all, this is a nation descended from the passionate dog and cat lovers of Britain! At the same time, other Boat People were also astonished. In Vietnam, dogs kept as pets are considered tasteless, and no one would eat them. The dogs the arrested men ate must have been strays. Looked at in that way, you can understand that they felt themselves innocent of any crime. No one knows what became of the two arrested men afterward. Anyway, it's important to understand that the problem lies in differences of cultures and values. It's the difference between two cultures: one that eats dogs and one that doesn't. But no one can say one side is definitely right and the other is wrong. The problem is not so easy.

  • インタビュー記事のわからない部分を教えてください

    女優のミア・ファローの息子のインタビュー記事の中の文章で、以下の部分がよくわかりません。一部でも結構ですので、ご教授ください。 1. Whenever anyone asks Farrow about his family, he braces himself for what he thinks is coming next. " for what he thinks is coming next."の部分がわかりません。どういう意味ですか? 2. "We were every minority in the town." "every"がよくわかりません。We (彼の家族) "全員が個々に"少数派だったと言いたいのでしょうか?(ちなみに、彼の兄弟は養子で、いろいろな国から来ている) 3. "When we do a story," he said, "I want to make sure you walk away with the freshman-college knowledge, the cocktail-party take on it, something that when you go to recount it to your friends, you know the basics and also you know what the future is, and, if you happen to care about the issue, what you can do with that." 全体の訳を教えてください。"the cocktail-party take on it," とか、途中のところどころがよくわかりません。 よろしくお願いします! なお、原文はこちらです。 http://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2014/feb/02/ronan-farrow-young-blue-eyes

  • わからない個所を教えてください。

    She had said it was like the night sky when the sun has died, but the real night hasn’t yet come. I can see her reaching up to paint in the last details: careful, always accurate, until at last the ceiling is set with glittering silver against an expanse of blue-black that pulls your eye in and in for ever.(前回の終わりの部分です)                 *  *  * There is the sound of running water from the shower; the faint sound of traffic from the main street, a long way away; the occasional agitated burring of a Vespa in the little side-street over which the window opens. Florence is warm and easy and the spring air fills the room. I am lying on my bed, shoes off, staring at the plaster on the wall opposite, listening to the sounds. On the floor beside me are my things: a case with clothes, another with sketch pads and boards, inks, pens and pencils, charcoal, Conté, tubes of acrylic and watercolour and oils, brushes, linseed oil and turpentine and white spirit, rags and nibs and craft knives. More than I’ll need, I am sure, but I find it difficult to decide what not to take: some part of me hates the decision, and I always end up carrying too much. ****************************************** 「The Dandelion clock」からの英文です。 主人公のAlexはartistで、展示会に備えるために、幼い頃過ごしたイタリアに戻ってきています。 the occasional agitated burring of a Vespa in the little side-street over which the window opens. の the occasional agitated burring of a Vespa の意味がわかりません。 the occasional・・時たまの、agitate・・揺り動かす burring of a Vespa・・ヴェスパのイガ?? More than I’ll need, I am sure, but I find it difficult to decide what not to take: some part of me hates the decision, and I always end up carrying too much.についてですが、 More than I’ll need・・私が必要とするよりもっと?(More than I’ll needが文頭にきているところが文の構造としてわかりにくいです) I am sure・・私はわかっている(このわかっている、というのは次のbut I find~のことですか?) I find it difficult to decide what not to take・・何をとるべきではないということを決定することが難しいとわかる some part of me hates the decision・・私の一部は決定を嫌う I always end up carrying too much・・私は結局多く抱えてしまう(muchは副詞ですか?形容詞?) 教えてください。お願いします。

  • 英文の和訳についてアドバイスを下さい。

    英文の和訳についてアドバイスを下さい。 "The real criminals are in the United States and they're not Mexicans. They’re not cartels, the DEA, and the FBI and all the security agencies in the United States should do something about it. And if they cannot control the traffic of drugs in the United States, then legalize it, it’s that's easy. It’s the answer to the problem and then everything would change. So in Mexico, that's why we must proceed to legalize it, to take it away from criminals. And two, so we can take away from them this beautiful plant. This great plant, that’s not the one to blame, because of the violence and the homicides happening in Mexico. It is a plant, we need to take it away from them and put in the hands of the government,” said Fox. Fox also hopes that President Trump's plan for a wall will fail but if it doesn't make one thing sure... 私の和訳と言うと。。。泣 『本当の犯罪者はアメリカにいて、しかもその犯罪者はメキシコ人ではない。更に彼らはカルテルでさえない。一般人が違法な大麻の取引を行っているのです。DEA、FBI、そして米国のすべての保安機関は然るべき対応をするべきです。 アメリカが国内での違法な大麻取引を規制できないのであれば合法化するべきだ。これこそがこの問題の解決策であります。だからメキシコでは合法化し国民を犯罪者から遠ざける必要があるのです。 そして二つ目はこの美しい植物を犯罪者から取り上げる事です。メキシコで起きている暴力や殺人事件を、この偉大な植物の責任にするのは間違っています。大麻は素晴らしい植物であり、我々はこの素晴らしい植物を犯罪者から取り上げ、政府によって管理する必要があるのです。」 とフォックスは言った。 フォックス氏はまた、【トランプ大統領がメキシコとの国境に壁を建設しようとしている計画が失敗することを望んでいますが、もしそれが一つのことを確実にしなければ...。】』 という感じです。。。。 全体的に飛躍し過ぎていて、かつ、【トランプ大統領がメキシコとの国境に壁を建設しようとしている計画が失敗することを望んでいますが、もしそれが一つのことを確実にしなければ...。】の箇所にあたってはもう日本語になっていません。。。。。汗 文章の前後は... The 55th president of Mexico says legalization here will have an impact financially and it will also affect the country's biggest problem, the cartels. "The real criminals are in the United States and they're not Mexicans. They’re not cartels, the DEA, and the FBI and all the security agencies in the United States should do something about it. And if they cannot control the traffic of drugs in the United States, then legalize it, it’s that's easy. It’s the answer to the problem and then everything would change. So in Mexico, that's why we must proceed to legalize it, to take it away from criminals. And two, so we can take away from them this beautiful plant. This great plant, that’s not the one to blame, because of the violence and the homicides happening in Mexico. It is a plant, we need to take it away from them and put in the hands of the government,” said Fox. Fox also hopes that President Trump's plan for a wall will fail but if it doesn't make one thing sure... "It's nonsense. Walls do not work. They have not worked throughout history. They have not worked anywhere, that is not the answer to the migration issue. Walls are very very costly and what will never happen is that a Mexican will never pay for that 'f---ing' wall. Please try and understand we will never pay for that. If you want to waste that type of money in the United States, $35 billion to do it, it's your decision, but be sure that we're not paying for that, your taxpayers are going to be paying for it," said Fox. という内容でして、前メキシコ大統領のフォックスさんがメキシコでの大麻合法化に大賛成で、大麻を合法化することによって麻薬カルテルの収入源を断つ事も税収のアップもみこめる。。。etc という内容です。 語学に堪能な方からの和訳、そして翻訳方にアドバイスを頂けましたら幸いです。 何卒、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文の和訳にアドバイスをお願い致します。

    英文の和訳についてアドバイスを下さい。 "The real criminals are in the United States and they're not Mexicans. They’re not cartels, the DEA, and the FBI and all the security agencies in the United States should do something about it. And if they cannot control the traffic of drugs in the United States, then legalize it, it’s that's easy. It’s the answer to the problem and then everything would change. So in Mexico, that's why we must proceed to legalize it, to take it away from criminals. And two, so we can take away from them this beautiful plant. This great plant, that’s not the one to blame, because of the violence and the homicides happening in Mexico. It is a plant, we need to take it away from them and put in the hands of the government,” said Fox. Fox also hopes that President Trump's plan for a wall will fail but if it doesn't make one thing sure... 私の和訳と言うと。。。泣 『本当の犯罪者はアメリカにいて、しかもその犯罪者はメキシコ人ではない。更に彼らはカルテルでさえない。一般人が違法な大麻の取引を行っているのです。DEA、FBI、そして米国のすべての保安機関は然るべき対応をするべきです。 アメリカが国内での違法な大麻取引を規制できないのであれば合法化するべきだ。これこそがこの問題の解決策であります。だからメキシコでは合法化し国民を犯罪者から遠ざける必要があるのです。 そして二つ目はこの美しい植物を犯罪者から取り上げる事です。メキシコで起きている暴力や殺人事件を、この偉大な植物の責任にするのは間違っています。大麻は素晴らしい植物であり、我々はこの素晴らしい植物を犯罪者から取り上げ、政府によって管理する必要があるのです。」 とフォックスは言った。 フォックス氏はまた、【トランプ大統領がメキシコとの国境に壁を建設しようとしている計画が失敗することを望んでいますが、もしそれが一つのことを確実にしなければ...。】』 という感じです。。。。 全体的に飛躍し過ぎていて、かつ、【トランプ大統領がメキシコとの国境に壁を建設しようとしている計画が失敗することを望んでいますが、もしそれが一つのことを確実にしなければ...。】の箇所にあたってはもう日本語になっていません。。。。。汗 文章の前後は... The 55th president of Mexico says legalization here will have an impact financially and it will also affect the country's biggest problem, the cartels. "The real criminals are in the United States and they're not Mexicans. They’re not cartels, the DEA, and the FBI and all the security agencies in the United States should do something about it. And if they cannot control the traffic of drugs in the United States, then legalize it, it’s that's easy. It’s the answer to the problem and then everything would change. So in Mexico, that's why we must proceed to legalize it, to take it away from criminals. And two, so we can take away from them this beautiful plant. This great plant, that’s not the one to blame, because of the violence and the homicides happening in Mexico. It is a plant, we need to take it away from them and put in the hands of the government,” said Fox. Fox also hopes that President Trump's plan for a wall will fail but if it doesn't make one thing sure... "It's nonsense. Walls do not work. They have not worked throughout history. They have not worked anywhere, that is not the answer to the migration issue. Walls are very very costly and what will never happen is that a Mexican will never pay for that 'f---ing' wall. Please try and understand we will never pay for that. If you want to waste that type of money in the United States, $35 billion to do it, it's your decision, but be sure that we're not paying for that, your taxpayers are going to be paying for it," said Fox. という内容でして、前メキシコ大統領のフォックスさんがメキシコでの大麻合法化に大賛成で、大麻を合法化することによって麻薬カルテルの収入源を断つ事も税収のアップもみこめる。。。etc という内容です。 語学に堪能な方からの和訳、そして翻訳方にアドバイスを頂けましたら幸いです。 何卒、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 添削お願いしますm(_ _)m

     添削お願いしますm(_ _)m  お陰様でますます怖いくらいちゃんと通じているようで、次はこうレスをしたいと思います。  どうか大きく間違っているところがあったら御教示くださいm(_ _)m  確かに心斎橋は賑やかな街です。  そこを行き交う人々はファッショナブルな人々が多いです。  大阪の人々は心斎橋を散歩することを"Shin-Bura"と言います。  例、「きょうはちょっと"Shin-Bura"をしてきた」  ちなみに、"Shin"は"Shinsaibashi"の省略形です。  "Bura"は"Bura-Bura"の省略形です。  "Bura-Bura"とは「特に目的はなく、ランチを食べたりウィンドー・ショッピングや、あるいはただの散歩をして歩く」という意味です。  お茶は、緑色の抹茶入りソフトクリームもおいしいです。  ぼくは、アレックスがいつか日本に移住したいという夢が叶うように願っています。  その際は、都会の真夏の暑さに気を付けてください。  大阪、京都、名古屋の夏はとても暑いです。  東京は日本でも北のほうにあるので夏の暑さは少しましです。  ぼくのペットの猫の"Fujie-san"は15歳でとても年寄りなので、とても友だちに預けて長い旅行に行くことはできません。  いまごろ"Fujie-san"はどうしているかと思うと、長い旅行は楽しくないのです。  ぼくの母は数年前に病気で亡くなりました。毎朝そうしているように、母の日も母の写真に向かってお祈りします。 To be sure, "Shinsaibashi" is a busy town.(←ショッピング・モール?) There are many fashionable people among people who go that back and forth. People of Osaka say taking a walk in "Shinsaibashi" as "Shin-Bura". For example "I go to Shin-Bura several hours" Incidentally, "Shin" is the abbreviation of "Shinsaibashi". "Bura" is the abbreviation of "Bura-Bura". "Bura-Bura" meaning window shopping or free walk without purpose. Tea.. The powdered green tea soft ice cream is delicious,too. I wish Alex'dream realize that emigrate to Japan. Please take care about the heat of urban midsummer in that case. It is very hot in the summer of Osaka, Kyoto, and Nagoya. Tokyo is located north even in Japan, the heat of summer is somewhat better. "Fujie-san" of the my pet's cat is very an old at the age of 15, it cannot be deposited at my friend and cannot go long to travel.(「やっぱり」「どうしても」と言うニュアンスを付けたいです) A long travel is not pleasant for me, if it I think anytime why "Fujie-san" is at the now time.(?いまごろ何をしているかと思うと?) Several years ago, my mother was sick and passed away. Every morning, also Mother's Day I pray toward a mother's photograph.