Please read this carefully - many potential questions are answered below.
Every day, we pick 10 items to offer to you at a special discount price. You may view these products one at a time, and choose to either accept our special offer, or pass and view the next item. You may view your special offers once per day. From the time that you begin viewing your offers, you will have 60 minutes to choose one.
The fine print:
Only one daily deal offer may be redeemed per customer per day.
Quantities are limited, offers good while supplies last.
All daily deal offers expire 60 minutes after you view your first offer, individual offers expire when you pass on the offer, or 60 minutes after you viewed your first offer, whichever is earlier.
Daily deal offers are only good for the products featured.
Daily deal offers may not be applied to previous orders.
Daily deal offers that have been accepted are excluded from any further coupon discounts.
Daily deals are not excluded from taxes or our normal shipping costs.
Accepted daily deal offers must remain in the shopping cart on the web site, they may not be saved for later purchase.
When accepting a daily deal offer, it must be added to the shopping cart through the page displaying the offer by selecting "Buy now!"
Orders must be completed through our online store.