• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

(ア)This dress is cheap enough to buy it. ⇒どこが誤っているのでしょうか。 意味としては This dress is so cheap that I can buy it. と云う事ですね。これを書き換えると This dress is cheap enough for me to buy. となります。 for meが必要なのと、buy itのitは不要です。 (イ)This radio is had by Tom. ⇒hadが違うのかな? 文章全体がおかしいです。 所有していると云う意味でのhaveは、受身、進行形、命令形は取らないのです。 Tom has this radio. とするか、This radioから始めるなら This radio belongs to Tom. とするのが良いでしょう。 (ウ)Let's wait before the rain stops. ⇒beforeがtillになるようですが、untilはダメ? tillでもuntilでもいいと思います。 (エ)She seems surprising at the news. ⇒驚かされている、だからsurprisedになるでいいのかな surprised[驚いた]と云う形容詞ですね。 surprising[驚くべき]と云う意味ですから、 ここは驚いた状態である事を示すsurprisedが入ります。 (オ)The castle is standing on a beautiful hill. ⇒standsになるようですがなぜ?? ここでは副詞句on a beautiful hill[美しい丘の上に]を伴って stand[位置する]と云う意味を取ります。 この意味でのstandは進行形では用いません。 The castle stands on a beautiful hill.となります。 (カ)Dick bought this radio at a cheap price. ⇒cheapがlowになるようですが、その違いは何? cheap = at a low priceの意味です。 Dick bought this radio cheap.または Dick bought this radio at a low price.となります。 (キ)My another hobby is stamp collecting. ⇒Another hobby of mineになるようですがなぜ?? これはanotherの性質です。 another[もう一つの]という単語は、冠詞(a,the)や 所有格を示す(my his)及び(this,that)は付けられません。 my anotherとかけないために、my[私の]という意味は後ろにつけて Another hobby of mine...となるのです。 (ク)My grandfather has died for five years. ⇒has been deadになる。なぜdiedじゃいけないのでしょうか。deadとdieの使い方がわかりません My grandfather has died..とすると死んだという動作が完了したと云う意味になると思います。 My grandfather has been dead... とすると「死んでいる状態」が5年間続いている、と云う意味になります。 My grandfather died five years ago.[祖父は5年前に死んだ] My grandfather has been dead for five years. はほぼ同じ意味になりますね。



anotherの使い方など始めてしりました。 詳しい説明ありがとうございました^^


  • 問題といてください

    できたら和訳もお願いします!! 1 (1)We arrived at the cinema at 10:00, but the movie (starts/has started/would start/had started) at 9:30. (2)I (went/was going/have gone/have been) to Tokyo Disneyland three times so far. (3)We stayed inside while it (rains/is raining/was raining/has rained). (4)When (are you clean/did you clean/have you cleaned/are you cleaning) your room? (5)Please call me when he (comes/came/has come/will come) back tomorrow. (6)We don't know when the earthquake (happens/will happen/will be happening/have happened). (7)A friend of mine (arrive/arrived/is arriving/have arrived) in Narita next week. (8)Jack (watches/is watching/was watching/has been watching) TV since he came home. (9)If I go to hokkaido once more, I (visit/visited/have visited/will have visited) it three times. (10)We learned that Columbus (discovered/was discovered/has discovered/had discovered) American in 1492. (11)We will go on a picnic if it (is/was/will be/has been) fine tomorrow. (12)I recognized him at once, because I (saw/would see/have seen/had seen) him before. 2 日本文の意味になるように空所に適切な語を入れなさい。 私のおじいさんが死んで5年になる。 (1)My grandfather ( ) five years ago. (2)My grandfather has been ( ) for five years. (3)It has been five years ( ) my grandfather died. (4)Five years have ( ) since my grandfather died. 3 2文が同じ意味になるように、空所に適切な語を入れなさい。 (1)This is the most wonderful scenery I have ever seen. =I have ( ) ( ) such wonderful scenery as this. (2)Beth began to play the piano three hours ago, and is still playing. =Beth ( ) ( ) ( ) the piano for three hours. (3)I lost the key to my room and I don't have it now. =I ( ) ( ) the key to my room. (4)He went to China and he isn't here now. =He ( ) ( ) to China. (5)I brought a mobile phone yesterday, but lost it this morning. =This morning, I lost the mobile phone which I ( ) ( ) the day before. お願いします!!

  • [英語]()に入るものを教えて下さい><

    1. Two years () since George came to Japan. (1) pass (2) are passed (3) have passed (4) are passing 2. I have no idea when she () next time. (1) had come (2) has come (3) came (4) will come 3. My grandfather () for three years. (1) was dead (2) has died (3) has been died (4) has been dead 4. I () waiting for him for thirty minutes when he appeared. (1) am (2) was (3) have been (4) had been 5. Don't call me at nine tonight, please. I () at that time. (1) was studying (2) studied (3) had studied (4) will be studying 6. Next time I () to the library, I'll get that book for you. (1) go (2) will go (3) had gone (4) will have gone 7. We'll be leaving as soon as everyone (). (1) had arrived (2) arrived (3) has arrived (4) will have arrived 8. My mother () at the hospital when she was young. (1) worked (2) has worked (3) has been working (4) is working

  • 正誤問題

    文法・語法上、間違った箇所を訂正する問題です。自分が少し迷ったものを挙げます。記号による選択式ではないので難しく感じました。お願いします。 1It has been more than ten years after John won the championship. 2The boy could never remember a word of that the tutor had said. 3Everyone will be greatly surprised if he will pass the exam. 4The each person may leave the house whenever he decides to do so. 5A pipe organ produces sound by making the air vibrates in the pipes. 6The soccer games are having televised all over the world this year. 7We have had scarcely no communication with them since WWII. 8I know you like cold pizza, but as far as I'm concerned, I prefer it is hot. 9Had you come on time, you'd heard of his adventure in the Philippines. 10I am very sorry for any inconvenient this unexpected delay has caused you.

  • 参考書でわからないところがあります。

    1、It has been three years since my mother died. 2,Three years have passed since may mother died. 3.My mother died three years ago. 4,My mother has dead for three years. 1~3は一般に言えるが4はdie-dead の場合のみ成り立つ。 上の文章で「die-dead の場合のみ」とはどういう意味ですか?

  • He has been dead for five years.は正しいですよね。

    He (  ) for five years. (1)is dead (2)has died (3)has been dead (4)died の答えは(3)で、(2)ではないですよね。 学校のテストで(3)にしたら×になり、抗議したら、いや(2) だと・・・ 検討してみるというから月曜日また訂正してもらいに行きますが。 もしいやこの文では・・・ というのがあれば

  • 次の文法問題お願いします

    Please call us if you ( ) read the manual before running this softwere. 選択肢 will not / have not / had not/ are not When ( ) the three types of ray? 選択肢 he discovers/has he discovered /did he discover/ha has discovered The spec says that steel should not contain ( ) 0.1% of the substance. 選択肢 more/more than/less/not lessthan My new computer is ( ) faster than my old one. 選択肢 very / lot/ most/ much He wants to buy a computer that has at ( ) a 12 gigabyte hard-disk. 選択肢 least/mostly/well/all  

  • 英語の正誤問題について

    英語の正誤問題についてです。もし間違っている場合は何がどう変わるのか教えていただきたいです。 1. Seeing the beautiful girlsmile, you'll feel happy. 2. I don't know how to do about this situation. 3. My father makes a rule to take a walk before breakfast. 4. The car salesman tempted me to buy a new model. 5. Everybody believes Tom to an honest man. 6. You should find a house to live before you get married. 7. This box is so heavy for me to lift, so I need your help. 8. This lake is dangerous to swim. 9. I ran fast enough to get to the station in 5 minutes. 自分でも答えだしてみましたが自信ないです・・・ 1.○ 2.× how→what 3. × makes a rule→makes it a rule 4. ○ 5. × to an honest →to be an honest 6. ○ 7. × so heavy→too heavy 8. × to swim→to swim in 9. ○

  • 正誤問題

    文法上正しくない箇所を訂正する問題で、いまいち良く分からなかったものを挙げます。お願いします。 1I have been to China several times on business last year. 2I won't buy such an old-fashioned camera. So will Jack. 3When I told them my plan, they looked at me if I were crazy. 4This dress needs to ironing; it's too much wrinkled to wear. 5There were four times many people as we had expected at the party. 6I said it so many times that she became to believe what I said. 7Our new secretary is enough efficient for any manager to rely on. 8Although I didn't feel tired, I fell asleep while the boring speech. 9If he hasn't slipped on the stairs, he wouldn't have broken his arm. 10He left a note to say which he would not be coming back again.

  • 英訳

    電波が悪い これはmy cellphone has a poor signal. これで大丈夫でしょうか?? 後 今年彼は経験した事がなかった事を経験した。 this year, he has experienced what he had never had before 二つと申し訳ありませんがあってますか教えて下さい

  • 正誤問題

    お願いします。 正しいものを4つ選ぶ問題です。 1.Please tell me how can I get in touch with him. 2.Entering the room, some footmarks were found on the floor. 3."I went to the dance last night." "So did I." 4.Butterflies were flying from a flower to a flower. 5.I'll get him call you back as soon as he comes home. 6.I got caught in the rain the day before yesterday. 7.Of these cars one is belonging to me, the other to my brother. 8.The police is in pursuit of the runaway. 9.I don't smoke or drink. 10.Is John wake or asleep now? 11.I'm going to a concert this evening, which I seldom do. 12.I'll finish my homework till tomorrow afternoon.を選びました。 合っているでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。